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Cars & Transportation - 27 August 2006

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I have a 2005 Vespa grand toursimo 125L and want bring it home and license it for use - can I and how?

2006-08-27 02:08:05 · 3 answers · asked by walkertj 1 in Motorcycles

And the parts soooooooo dear ? new power stearing pump 300 pounds & stearing rack thats a nother 500 y cant yoyager owners get parts with out having to go the the main dealers

2006-08-27 02:06:09 · 12 answers · asked by hounslow m 2 in Chrysler

is it possible to ride a motorcycle without knowing how to ride a bicycle???some of my frens told me its possible coz the way u balance is quite different...

2006-08-27 01:59:27 · 19 answers · asked by kidpunk83 1 in Motorcycles

2006-08-27 01:57:43 · 9 answers · asked by vjshirodkar 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

for a 1973 mustang convertible,doors don't close smoothly.car is solid.

2006-08-27 01:52:15 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

I am only working on the car for a friend so I dont want the expense of buying something unnecesary and the owner is a pensioner so she can do without the expence

2006-08-27 01:48:24 · 4 answers · asked by studenttrucker 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

2006-08-27 01:48:16 · 6 answers · asked by vjshirodkar 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

I am a UK citizen who recently married a US citizen and we both live in Atlanta, Georgia. I have a work permit and a SSN and am in the process of having my status changed to permanent resident when I will receive my green card. I can't take my Georgia drivers licence test until I have my green card so I am driving on my UK licence, which I can do for 12 months from date of entry into the country. Yesterday, I went into a car dealership and asked to test drive a car. I was told that they couldn't let me do that as I didn't have a Georgia drivers licence and their insurers wouldn't allow it but they took me for a drive around the car park. They then told me that, even if I liked it, that they couldn't sell it to me because I don't have a Georgia drivers licence. They seemed concerned about me getting finance without a green card but I told them that I could pay cash. They still said that they couldn't sell me any car because my drivers licence was needed for them to register it. I told them that my husband could do that and they said that that would be a 'straw purchase' and because they knew that the car would really be for me, that it would be illegal and that they would refuse to sell it to me. I was amazed and I felt like a criminal. My question is: can a UK citizen buy a car in Georgia and get it legally registered with a UK drivers licence? I would greatly appreciate feedback on this as it seems incredible that I cannot buy a car here even though I am legal to drive for another 3-4 months.

2006-08-27 01:40:50 · 5 answers · asked by Lemonice 2 in Buying & Selling

is it good i planning to buy and i buy a scorpio

2006-08-27 01:38:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mahindra & Mahindra

2006-08-27 01:19:53 · 10 answers · asked by Zoombuck 46 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

The French now make the best value for money cars in the world, my preference is the Peugeot 407, which is your favourite modern car and why?

2006-08-27 01:17:33 · 8 answers · asked by tom p 2 in Peugeot

how is first class AIRLAINES?
is there more space a private computer better food CELEBRITIES?

2006-08-27 01:15:47 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Aircraft

I've been thinking about getting a Vespa for a while now. I don't want a big motorcycle, I just want something simple that gets me from Point A to Point B while not burning a ton of gas.

The route I would probably take would be some surface streets (30-40 mph limit) and some highway driving (55-65 mph limit). Do you think a Vespa is "appropriate" for this kind of driving speeds? I am sure I'll hear all kinds of stuff about safety, what are people's opinions on this?

I've read through all their selections on their websites, so I know their specs. I am more interested in hearing people's stories and experiences with their Vespas.

Thanks in advance.

2006-08-27 01:13:38 · 4 answers · asked by The ~Muffin~ Man 6 in Motorcycles

I drive about 400 miles a week, I need to carry large item about 3 times a year and have more then 2 adults in the car about 4 times a year

2006-08-27 01:08:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cars & Transportation

any type

2006-08-27 00:50:37 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Aircraft

have taken out all bolts as described in haynes manuall sump is removed n the next part is seperated apart from whr it meets the bell housin n i cnt get it to move...tried prying it apart n cant c any other bolts to take out...however i can c my conrods n its makin me sick nt bein able to get to thm hehe

2006-08-27 00:47:45 · 3 answers · asked by vekmaster98 2 in Maintenance & Repairs

When I am old enough to drive I will get this same exact model and if I don't find it I will have it customized. I love this car! My family is rich, we have exactly $700,000 and that is just in the wallet right now. Even though this isn't a good-looking car to most people, I love it because it looks cool. Here is the info:

-Chevy Uplander
-Desert Brown Outer Color
-Tan Leather Inside Color
-2 seats in front
-3 seats in back
-Blue Tooth Radio Technology

For more info goto http://www.chevrolet.com/uplander/

2006-08-27 00:36:36 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Chevrolet

In the manual I got from stainless steel brake corp along with my set of 4 new 4 piston calipers ( don't trip, the kit was only 470 bucks) they say a good method for bleeding the brakes is to use a gravity bleeding methode,, that is "leave all caliper bleed screws open with the rear of the car raised to 15" at the rear axel shafts. Observe each bleeder valve untill fluid begins to flow out, shut off valve as as fliud appears at each valve" that's it. they say this is the recomended method. do you think this will work?

Also, the brakes are constant contact type and I am changing the rotors also with a set from fast corvettes,, they say a run out of over .005 in may cause air in tghe lines,, I have no way of measuring the run out,, do you think it will be ok odr should I have it checked. If so, what is a good national brand shop to take the car to to have it checked?

2006-08-27 00:32:07 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

honda 400/4 for sale price dropped to £700 ono and the largest jar of marmite you can find..see ad at Bike-Exchange.com ad no 12090523

2006-08-27 00:22:41 · 4 answers · asked by hondanut 4 in Motorcycles

1997 Dodge Caravan, 194,000 miles. There is a noise that comes
from the drive train when above 40mph. It increases in frequency
as the speed increases. Can't really say which side it's coming from.
No noises when turning sharply (slowly in a parking lot, both directions) , and no boot damage on drive axles.
I think it's the wheel bearing hub but how do I tell for sure without
buying new ones to try replacing. $110 each. I put the van on jack
stands and looked for play in the drive axles, but couldn't detect anything. Suggestions?

2006-08-27 00:16:17 · 5 answers · asked by smile4u 5 in Maintenance & Repairs

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