I am in default of my mortgage and the company will not give me any options other than to pay a payment and a half until I am caught up. Duh, when I can't make one pmt, I can't make 1 1/2. Please don't tell me to pay up or ask to borrow money, that's not my point. What is my point is that the mtg company has called some of my NEIGHBORS to try to get in touch with me because I have not returned calls - what's the point, they aren't interested in HELPING me. They told me neighbor that they "researched possible neighbors" to get in touch with to try to reach me. Now, my business is the whole neighborhood's. Can they legally do this? They also found my work number and have been calling there to the point where if I get many more calls, I will be in danger of losing my job. Again, please don't tell me to pay up ior borrow money - only respond if you can answer the questions I have asked. Thanks
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