Why are manholes round?; How many people did you ask to proof your most recent resume?; What's the most courageous thing you did in the last year?; Can you give an example of some coaching or advice someone gave you that you hated to accept but turned out to be right?; In 1969 over 250,000 lightbulbs were stolen from the NYC subway system. In 1971 the number was reduced to practically zero. What did they do?; What's the best TV show ever made? Why? ; You're walking down the street and find a $10 bill. On the back of it is an address label and a stamp along with the words "Please mail back if found"....do you?; Should a company fire the bottom 10% of performers each year?; Give three recent examples of poor customer service you've recently received.; Name three things you'd change to improve the world.; If you were president of the world for 1 second (enough to make only one decision) what would that one decision be?; What new habits would you like to add to your life?
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