I am renting a house and subletting some of the rooms. One girl broke her lease after 2 months. She had a move out date but left everything but the clothes in her closet in the room without telling me. I called her on the 1st (because she hadn't told me her stuff was still there) and she agreed on the phone to pay $50 for me to move her stuff into the garage and said she would move it out by the weekend. Weekend passed, her stuff is still in my house. I left her a voicemail informing she had 1 more day to get her stuff before it got sold or could pay an extra $150 on top of what she owed me to hold it longer. She said she would come get her stuff, but can't pay me til Friday, and doesn't want to pay me the full amount she owes me. I don't trust her to pay at all.
If I sell her stuff for the amount she owes me am I okay legally? Do I have to give her an option of paying me even though she left her stuff in the room, is no longer paying rent, and owes me money already?
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Renting & Real Estate