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Business & Finance - 7 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

if I am claimed as a dependant on his tax returns would this qualify me to be included on his medical insurance plan through work? We live in the state of West Virginia and since I am living with him and he claims me as a dependant I am not sure if I can get the state medical card--but I also don't know if I can be on his medical insurance since we are not married. We have been together for 16 years. I have always assumed that I could not be on his insurance because we are not married but since he claims me as a dependant would his health insurance treat me as a dependant also?? Or if nothing else since he claims me as a dependant would this hurt my chances of getting a medical card from the state instead of being on his insurance. Sensible answers only please---yes I know we should get married etc blah blah blah but.....I just need practical answers. Please save therapy and self help answers for some other posts! :)

2007-08-07 03:03:12 · 9 answers · asked by iwanln 2 in Insurance

I want to do more with my life than sit behind a desk and veg all day on the internet. Can I do something meaningful for people as well as travel the world to help them? Does anyone know of any careers that lead in that direction?

2007-08-07 03:02:28 · 7 answers · asked by Why not do tommorrow 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-08-07 02:52:23 · 1 answers · asked by Ida H 1 in Corporations

I started out with a Student Visa card, too easy to get, maxed it out when I needed it and paid it back over a period of a few months. The credit card company made money, that's for sure. Since I took a year off school the company changed my plan and it's due to expire. I haven't used it in a long time. I like the security and convienence of having a credit card for those just incase situations, but I live and work overseas, making it not so easy and don't claim an income. Should I go to the trouble of using my card in order to continue being able to have the card when I move back or do credit card companies usually just renew cards even if you don't use it more than once or twice a year and have like no claimable income?

2007-08-07 02:51:08 · 6 answers · asked by skunk pie 5 in Credit

It is a very high paying job and don't want to quit. It would take me a long time to find another job with comparable pay.

2007-08-07 02:49:08 · 19 answers · asked by jareth_2005 2 in Law & Legal

A friend wants to buy an item and they dont have enough funds, but they do have a bank account linked with money in, so will Paypal take the money from the linked bank account to pay for the item?

2007-08-07 02:45:18 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

Which is better having a degree in Criminal justice or Forience Science?
If I want to be an Investigator for the cia, Fbi, or Secret Service?

2007-08-07 02:43:48 · 2 answers · asked by Littlemiss Me 2 in Law & Legal

2007-08-07 02:41:07 · 4 answers · asked by sparkus 1 in United States

I started a new job about three months ago. I really like the new company, but I'm having problems with my boss. I have been working in this industry for over 10 years, and while some of the procedures are a little different at the new company, the work is basically the same as I was doing before. I feel very confident in my abilities, and I've been told that I do my job well. My boss is barely 6 months older than I am, and has just a little more experience. He spends so much time checking up on what I'm doing and reminding me about the things that need to get done (most of which I've already done!) that he often doesn't have time to do his own job! I feel that since I've been here, I've more than proven myself and shown everyone that I am competent. I'm not used to having someone constantly follow up on every little thing that I'm doing. Does anyone have any suggestions for how I can get him to ease up a little bit and just let me do my job? I feel like I'm being suffocated!

2007-08-07 02:41:06 · 6 answers · asked by Allie M 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

I was approved for a credit one bank credit card online. At the end of the application it said after your identity verification your card will be mailed to you. How do they verify my identity and when should I get the card? I tried going back on the website to check the card status and all it said was that your account or application had already been processed. Thanks.

2007-08-07 02:38:29 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

I recently had a really good interview last week Wednesday. My potential employer told me he would personally call the manager I will be working with to make sure she sets up a time to meet with me. It is now Tuesday morning, and I have yet to hear from anyone. Should I give him an email telling him I'm still interested and please let me know if there's anything more information I can give? What is the protocol on following up? (I gave my thank you note via email, in which he responded, thanks, I will keep you posted).

2007-08-07 02:35:35 · 3 answers · asked by bunka24 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

the bloke over the road bought a simalar property 2bedroom semi for £45000 2years ago under the same scheme.i just think they are trying to swindle me.they told me that i could bring in my own surveyor-and if the estimate is lower,then that would be the new asking price,but if estimated higher then that would be the new asking price..ive been a tennant for 4years here,but would like to purchase it.but think this is such an unreasonable price.

2007-08-07 02:32:23 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

I have a US bank account which is linked to PAYPAL. Both are in the name of my Delaware LLC. Do I hav to file income tax in the US? If so, how do I go about doing this as I dont live in the US.

2007-08-07 02:31:17 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

Please help? I feel that I am not competent for this internship.?

I am working at this place and compared to all the other interns, I do not have as much computer experience as them. I've made a few careless mistakes that I feel terrible about. I spoke to him about it and I am trying to improve. I feel that my boss doesn't want me there. He gives me very easy jobs and doesn't take the time to teach me the more difficult things. When I first worked there, I worked on great things, now he doesn't give me big projects to work on. I feel like shhittte. He is not the kind of guy that would fire someone. I feel like I am taking up space over there. Should I ask him to give me bigger projects to work on? Have you ever had a crappy job experience?

2007-08-07 02:29:45 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

Is it because the franchise absorbs the costs? Do they still have to pay a "rental" fee to the parent company or is it a one-time cost?

2007-08-07 02:20:17 · 2 answers · asked by Bill Spry 4 in Corporations

2007-08-07 02:14:58 · 1 answers · asked by ships 1 in Corporations

the ones that you find in offices with the large water bottles......how do I reach my potential customers and do you think most companies already have them?

2007-08-07 02:14:54 · 5 answers · asked by returnofkarlos 2 in Small Business

2007-08-07 02:08:34 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

Can you capitalize the cost of moving to a new leased office according to GAAP?

2007-08-07 02:03:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Corporations

I'm working as a belt boy in an hotel and I also receive tips

2007-08-07 02:00:22 · 10 answers · asked by aiphstudent 1 in United States

my co worker owns 2 acres and a house that still has a mortgage of 100,000 left. he wants to build another house on his land and then when its finished tear the current home down. how does this work? will he need to pay 2 mortgages and if he still owes what happens to that? also will he get any equity out of it? any info would be great about what happens financially when someone does this!! THANK you

2007-08-07 01:41:39 · 7 answers · asked by toolate 3 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-08-07 01:39:27 · 3 answers · asked by Raj 1 in Other - Business & Finance

Lol....now 190.000 AK-47 is missing. What a show. They sure laugh at us.
How the hell can anyone believe the Iraq's. Every 2nd of the Iraq's is an enemy who only wants to fight us whatever it cost.

2007-08-07 01:28:49 · 4 answers · asked by John T 2 in Other - Business & Finance

I'm new to being a landlord and I've already gotten shady renters who would trash my apartments in just a couple of months, bunk in several other people and hold out on paying their rent. A couple of them didn't even pay me security to pay for the damages.

How can I avoid getting stingy party-animals for tenants? How can I do a credit/background check? Are there any warning signs I should look for? The last tenant 'moved out' when he was arrested for stabbing a woman in the chest.

2007-08-07 01:25:46 · 11 answers · asked by MM 4 in Renting & Real Estate

I have over 50 shirts ,40 pairs of pants, 20 pairs of shorts, 5 pairs of shoes and 4 jackets that I am donating to the Michigan Kidney Foundation. I do not remember the actual value of each item. How do I write this up when I go to do my taxes this year?

2007-08-07 01:24:17 · 7 answers · asked by woodybmi 3 in Other - Taxes

I'm a marketing student and I want to go into my field but there is a lot of prymid companies claiming to be marketing firms.

2007-08-07 01:15:12 · 5 answers · asked by Eric J 1 in Marketing & Sales

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