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Business & Finance - 7 August 2007

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when i sign up it says address line 1. i put a fake one later on i registered my credit card visa and it said that they'll send me a code but i dont know where they'll send it and how ? i do not live in the US tho

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6 minutes ago
why cant i just call payment center and tell them i made a mistake in my address line. i want to correct it by phone however,the address that i put was so unreal anyway theres no such a place as that place

2007-08-07 00:47:46 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

I own a signed $20 dollar Bill by El Che Guevarra, I am interested in selling.

2007-08-07 00:45:08 · 1 answers · asked by kanoso 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I have a question and needs an answer quickly for the meeting shortly. Let's say I get a rental car from Alamo or any other rental car companies at the airport. I rent the car monthly, let's say GBP600 plus VAT for example. I will get direct reimbursement from the company. Or I can use the company credit card to pay for this directly. Do I have to pay company car tax on it? for 4 months rental? or for 12 months rental? How about fuel benefit tax? Over 95% of the mileage are for business use. However, I understand that even for the commute between office and home, it's still considered as private mileage.

And if I do have to pay company car tax, how do they calculate the tax? Since I'll be switching to different rental cars every few months, how are they going to calculate the value of the cars for the company car tax?

thanks a lot!!

2007-08-07 00:41:18 · 4 answers · asked by Jaris 1 in United Kingdom

Is there any bank out there that does not hold deposited checks? I just got charged a $30 fee and I'm ticked off. My account's balance was over $500. I wrote a check for $475... But apparently I didn't have enough money in my account to pay it because they were holding a portion of the check. They paid it anyway and charged me $30. I am so ticked off because I have the money in the account!

I have yet to find a bank/credit union that doesn't do this sort of stuff! I've liked my credit union for the most part.. it's better than others I've had. But this really made me angry.

Anyone care to share their experiences? Let me know if you have found a bank who doesn't pull this crap.

I know it's for their protection, etc, etc, etc. but geez.. If I rob them of some money, they can always sue me to get it back!

2007-08-07 00:40:31 · 7 answers · asked by <3 Chrissy 4 in Personal Finance

Yahoo could be sometimes traumatizing. LMAO

TREATMENT For people with:

Psyquiatric problems
Psycological problems
ANGER managment
trauma because of account suspended or a violation notice
trauma because of getting blocked

2007-08-07 00:32:34 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance

to use one of those companies that buys the home from you and pay the mortgage off, I will be making some money, the house is being rented now by some family members who decided to forged my husbands signature to get another mortagage on it, they ruined his credit, I am turning the forged signature to the authorities and selling the house, is this the right thing to do? the family members refused to pay us rent so I am selling the house our lives is a living hell because of this.. I have no experience with this type of problems so we decided by a lawyers advice to sell the home, and press charges for forgery I think we are in the right track are we?

2007-08-07 00:21:35 · 4 answers · asked by boricua_2290 5 in Renting & Real Estate

Like i said i got a credit card and its not activated. They have sent me a bill already for the credit card. I was wondering if i can cut it up since its not activated and do nothing about the bill. Any help would be appreciated.

2007-08-07 00:15:18 · 9 answers · asked by Pat B 1 in Credit

when i sign up it says address line 1. i put a fake one later on i registered my credit card visa and it said that they'll send me a code but i dont know where they'll send it and how ? i do not live in the US tho

2007-08-07 00:10:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

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