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Business & Finance - 7 August 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

Hi, I would like you opinion about a Friend of mine and if you think she should bother calling her Homeowners Insurance company. I will try to keep this short and relevant:

She lives in Washington DC, and lives in a 1920's era condo building and owns her place outright. The multi-floor building is operated by a property managment company. A couple of months back, there was a slow leak in the roof and the water filtered down into her unit, causing moderate damage over a period of time to the ceilings in the bath and kitchen, and causing things to fall off the plaster walls and ceilings, like the medicine cabinet fell out off the wall, the light fixture, the window sill in the bath fell apart, paint peeling from the walls and ceiling, large chunks of plaster fell from the ceiling as well as a moldy smell developed.

She alerted the Property Managment company at the first signs of trouble weeks ago, and they began to trace the source of the issue, they said that
Continued below..

2007-08-07 06:55:36 · 8 answers · asked by Middy S 2 in Insurance

Wife and sister diveded 80 acres. Wifes side contains farm house and barn. Sister claims bldgs belongs to both sisters.
Do we need an attorney? How do you not own the bldgs when you own the land under them?

2007-08-07 06:53:42 · 6 answers · asked by AL T 1 in Renting & Real Estate

...from withdrawing money from my checking account? There was this free program i signed up for, and they gave me a 3 year membership without me knowing. i just discovered $40 dissapearing from my account monthly, and when i called them to find out why, they said i signed up for a 3yr membership(which i didn't) and i can't cancel it exept i move to an area where they don't have centers. so if i cancel my checking account and change banks will they stop withdrawing money from my account!!!!!!!!!!

PS. I don't own any credit card, will this hurt my credit history if i don't won a credit card?

2007-08-07 06:51:08 · 11 answers · asked by sunshine 1 in Credit

My brother and sister in law are on the way to the hospital. I will be leaving once I brush my teeth

2007-08-07 06:43:19 · 12 answers · asked by Squirtle 6 in Other - Careers & Employment

I created business cards in Word, however I was wondering if there is a way to do a back side. I am creating discount cards but on the back I want it to have my information on it. Is there a way to do this and how?

2007-08-07 06:39:50 · 3 answers · asked by Manda Panda 1 in Small Business

Like if you wanted to have have someone move in later on.

2007-08-07 06:37:34 · 3 answers · asked by honeygirl17403 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-08-07 06:37:02 · 3 answers · asked by MARY N 1 in Renting & Real Estate

My husband has been paying car loan almost a year with very high rate 20%.
He tried capital one but got denied. may be the credit is still not good..
Is that possible that I can be the co-applicant then he may have better chance to get refinance?
I only have part-time job, but I have very good credit.
Also, which place that we will have better chance to get refinance??

2007-08-07 06:35:23 · 8 answers · asked by Elisa 1 in Credit

Can our landlord change what utilities are included in my lease at any time? What type or how much of a notice is required by PA Law? We moved in on Oct. 15, 2005 and the oil was inlcuded in the rent, which was the main heating source. On May 6, of this year, he wrote a letter stating that he was no longer going to provide oil and that the last time he put oil in was going to be the last (He left us without heat AGAIN for a week in April). PA Law does require him to provide heat from the months Oct. 1st to May 15th. (Keep in mind that he has let the oil run out several times leaving us in the cold). My lawyer says this is a breach of the lease on his part and to not pay the rent for that next month and move out. (We advised him to keep the security deposit and the difference was for expenses we incurred on using space heaters on several occassions to keep from freezing to death.) He is now suing us for rent. Will we win in court?

2007-08-07 06:35:11 · 6 answers · asked by kimbrlyar 2 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-08-07 06:33:07 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

I know that the Federal Truth-In-Lending Act defines credit card accounts as open accounts. However, I have found that if the courts in your state have ruled otherwise, then that ruling takes precedence. I am trying to find a ruling that states that the Alabama courts consider credit card accounts written contracts instead of open accounts. I have heard from an attorney in Alabama who stated that it is indeed a written contract but he did not provide any supporting proof. Can anyone out there provide this information or has anyone been through a court trial regarding collection of a credit card debt that was older than the 3 year Statute of Limitations in Alabama?

2007-08-07 06:33:04 · 3 answers · asked by rich61969 2 in Personal Finance

I have gone through the said site but unable to judge its reliability. Anybody suggest about the same.

2007-08-07 06:29:41 · 1 answers · asked by Dr.MS 1 in Personal Finance

A so called friend (ex-friend now) of mine added me as a authorized user to their credit card without telling me in 2004. The ex friend racked up a notable balance on the credit card and stopped making payments on it. The credit card co. sold the debt to a collection agency. Then that collection agency sold the debt to a another collection agency and each time it changes hands they harass me for money, lower my credit rating and so on. Its effen ridiculous and I still have no idea how to undo what this turd has done to my credit score. Anyone know what I should or can do?

2007-08-07 06:28:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

I just recently moved out of an apartment because the landlord failed to make any repairs. One of the issues I had was with the keys used in the front and rear entrance of the apartment. Both used outdated skeleton keys and I was always thought that they were illegal in Chicago. Can anyone confirm this? I am preparing my complaint and would like to indicate this issue.

2007-08-07 06:24:49 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

like harley, honda,kawasaki,yamaha,bmw,triumph. just the amount of street bikes they sold not including the amount of ATV of anything else they sell. I tried looking for phone numbers but i could not find one.

2007-08-07 06:22:49 · 2 answers · asked by gmangough 2 in Other - Business & Finance

Ok yesterday I went for my second interview at a gym for a front desk position and it was a different manager but at the end he told me that he wanted to hire me and said that he just needed to go tell the other guy ( the one who interviewed me the first time ) to hire me. Well he said they would either be calling me last night which they never did.. or today sometime. Do you think he would lie to me and not hire me? He was very nice and said he liked me alot and everything and he wants to hire me.

2007-08-07 06:20:32 · 3 answers · asked by blue_star12111 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

If a person has a condition, say a torn rotator cuff, and they wanted insurance because they didn't have a ridiculous amount of money to repair the problem--after getting insurance (or before) and you were to go get your rotator cuff fixed, but you were denied of grounds of "pre-existing condition", how exactly do they know this information. Say a person had lied, and said on their insurance application, "nope, im perfectly healthy", how does insurance companies know if say, this person did go visit a doctor years ago, or had seen someone for their rotator cuff problem (pre-existing condition)...How do insurance companies find pre-existing conditions since all medical information is private--or is it...

2007-08-07 06:17:39 · 14 answers · asked by Jsun 2 in Insurance

I already have several credit cards. I want to lower the limit on one (which I have used for several years) from 13000 to maybe 3000 or 4000. Also I want to cancel a credit card (2500 limit) which I have never used. Will doing either of these things lower my credit score?

I am planning on doing this because I want to get a different credit card for home improvements (lower interest), and I want to make sure that I wont be denied because I have to much credit for how much I make. Obviously, if my credit score goes down... that wont bode well for this endeavor either.

Thanks in advance (and please only answer if you know what you are talking about)

2007-08-07 06:17:36 · 2 answers · asked by susanb14 2 in Credit

There is a lady I work with and she always missing work at least once a week and she always blames it on her daughter is sick or she is sick and is going to the doctor or she is always leaving early or coming late because a doctor appointment for herself or her daughter. She is a single mother but she just messes too many days. My supervior is aware of how many days she misses and know that the rest of us has to cover for her and do her work. But the main head boss does not do anything about it. This has gone on for a a little over a year now. How can I tell or confront the head boss about this situation? This is rediculous she misses so many days and when she is hear she is rude, not a team player, and complains. I don't know why they put up with this. I know she has some problems at times but who doesn't this going over bored. Should I even say anything or should I just ignore this and just continue doing my job?? I'm not the only one who feels like this in the office.

2007-08-07 06:15:31 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

I want to pierce my ears but I work at a job where im not sure if it would be acceptable....When i first started working at my job i had my lip ring(and still have it) but anyways i had it and my boss said that i was not allowed to wear it... so for a couple weeks i wore a clear ring so that it was less noticable but after a while I just started wearing my regular lip ring and they have not said anything about it since ive started. I have now been working here around 8 months and I am always being rewarded for being a really hard worker... Am i pushing my luck to ask my boss to get peircings in my ears????

2007-08-07 06:12:35 · 5 answers · asked by atreyunowsucks 2 in Other - Business & Finance

please give details, thank you so much.

2007-08-07 06:10:35 · 2 answers · asked by RobertH 1 in Small Business

I am looking to get a mortgage on a home(my first)i know credit scores effect that,my score is 642 which is fair so i have been told,my question is my fiance's score is 545 and i know thats low.He is the only one that works beause i am a stay at home mom,will they go on both our scores or can they just use my score or only his because hes the financial provider.And if we cant get a mortgage will this hinder us on trying to rent a home?

2007-08-07 06:08:48 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

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