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Business & Finance - 14 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

2007-07-14 06:06:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

My landlord wants to sue me for a months rent even through I moved out before the rent was due and I was there one day after the first of the month.

My lease was never for a specific amount of time, but it does say to give 30 days notice if you plan to move out. It doesn't state that you have to pay anything if you don't give the notice.

My landlord broke the lease first b/c in the lease it says that I rent the front two bedrooms but she moved in another girl and that girls boyfriend (who didn't pay rent. My reason for leaving.) There are other cases in which she broke the lease.
I have proof of all of this.

If she broke the lease first is the lease still vaild?

2007-07-14 06:02:34 · 9 answers · asked by jojo1983 1 in Renting & Real Estate

transferring a deed to another person not on a mortgage contract.

2007-07-14 05:56:55 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

FYI-I'm in my mid 30's no children & want to return to school For something kinda quick that I can make decent money doing in short period of time.
I also have a background issue
(Not convicted,Criminal Mischeif-But Felony Charge in 2000)
PLead no contest took probation-will this hinder me getting licensed? Some Fl schools have said yes I cant be licensed for Ulta sound because of it Even if Im not convicted.
How do I find out what I can now be licensed for?
I want a job doing something in Medical but I can't stomach blood or guts & I'm soso with needles,My Grandmother would like me to be a Nurse,Iwas thinking of a Psyche Nurse or Anesthesia Nurse
I wanted to know how long & how hard are schooling for those? I also was considering, COTA or PTA cause schooling is shorter for these
I'm moving to Charlotte, N.C. next week any advice or Info?
Whats the pay rate for these four diff. jobs?
Any info would be great....

2007-07-14 05:54:51 · 3 answers · asked by "Angel" 4 in Health Care

I've been asked to write a letter summarizing my skills for a position I have applied for. The request should address several topics and is intended to to lay out a foundation as to why I think I would be successful. The position is in the insurance field.
My question is what type of format I should use and how indepth should I go.

2007-07-14 05:52:46 · 2 answers · asked by bbharlow 1 in Marketing & Sales

i'm starting a business that manufactures inflatable jumpers and i cant think of a good name for the business. I need something good. That grabs peoples attentions.

2007-07-14 05:51:40 · 7 answers · asked by gjz 1 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

Ok, so basically the payment was due on the 27/6, theres no other reason on my part for the lateness, apart from that for some reason I thought id already paid (cr*p to do list ticking off perhaps?!).
I got a late payment reminder, which I didnt open (I figured theyd sent my statement out again seen as I wasnt due one and, to my knowledge, had no issues). This told me I had 7 days to pay the 'amount due immediately'. This was dated on the 3/07.

I plan to pay tomorrow, so itll go in on monday I guess, seen as its sunday tomorrow.

I dont have a huge balance, but I have been repaying the minimum as my circumstances have changed and its not a huge amount to worry hugely about interest.

Basically I want to know if this will effect my credit rating?

Im not a happy bunny not knowing either way at the moment, because I need to apply for a career delevelopment loan soon and its reallyyyy important to me that I get it!


2007-07-14 05:50:01 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

If one were to send an e-mail advertising a business to a small group of targeted addresses (20 or less) and include instructions to the recipient on how to be removed from the mailing list if they so desire, would it be considered spam? Is there any acceptable means of contacting potential customers through e-mail?

2007-07-14 05:48:57 · 2 answers · asked by ShannonW 3 in Other - Advertising & Marketing

i was fired from GAP because I confessed to discount abuse. The STUPID LP agent shut me into the office for over an hour, pretty much pressuring you into confessing something, because they say they can find out ANYTHING you've done. Later that day, 3 others fell victim to the same thing. I thought it was so wrong, and did not have to lead to termination. I LOVED that job. But could there have been anything i could have done to save it?

2007-07-14 05:47:09 · 3 answers · asked by regina phalange 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

I have been working on my resume. In the experience section, I have listed my main duties for each job with Bullet points. Now, should I write a description of that particular duty under each bullet point, or just leave it as is? I am so lost when it comes to this stuff :(

2007-07-14 05:45:39 · 7 answers · asked by MentalCaseMaggot 5 in Other - Careers & Employment

this to earn yearly income for me?

2007-07-14 05:43:59 · 8 answers · asked by cmhohioman 1 in Investing

I have seen a few older questions about emails supposedly from Yahoo, instructing buyers/tenants to MoneyGram a deposit to a Yahoo Agent to be held for the seller/landlord. I want to let people know that I've encountered this and though I didn't go through with it I'm almost positive it's a scam. The tip off is that the "Agent" is just an individual name, w/ no info except mailing address. You don't send money to Yahoo, or a bank, or a law office, or anything official or trackable. Another clue: go to the Yahoo Real Estate website (my email was supposedly from them) and you won't find anything about escrow service. Please see the Internet Crime Complaint Center www.ic3.gov/crimeschemes.aspx, as well as www.craigslist.org/about/scams.html
My question is, why doesn't Yahoo post a warning about this scam since people have been asking about it? I asked them through their Contact Us form if the email was legit; they haven't answered. But they know it's a big problem they should address.

2007-07-14 05:42:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

I have previously owned a small business, it was very successful but one of our trucks completely died and the other kept needing repairs that the company we leased the truck through was supposed to fix for us. They never fixed the problems so we gave the truck back. Unfortunately now that is considered a repossession and I declared bankruptcy due to never incorporating my business. I have the opportunity to get started again, and I still have my major contract. I can provide additional information to anyone interested. I just don't know where to look. This is my life dream, if i had even 5,000$ last time I could have fixed my truck and never went bankrupt. I want to do this right, and be successful. I am a hard worker and until the problems with that truck my credit was immaculate.

2007-07-14 05:31:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Personal Finance

what clothes are meant to be worn when your boss tells you to wear "business casual" outfits?

2007-07-14 05:20:56 · 4 answers · asked by *Amanda* 2 in Small Business

I have had two home inspections, $400 each, and both came back with problems I think should have seen. What should I look for when touring a home I am interested in purchasing?

2007-07-14 05:19:37 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

generally speaking rising prices are bad, inflation and we have the Bank of England raising interest rates. However it seems that housing inflation is good for us.Who really benefits from this since even the benificiaries of this rise need someplace to live?.

2007-07-14 05:15:49 · 10 answers · asked by tonyblair41 2 in Renting & Real Estate

I got offered a full scholarship books,tuition,lab coat for a Nursing program at a Community College.

And I got accepted to a University that I want to attend however,
I have to take out Loans to pay for it..
I think taking the scholarship will allow me to earn an associates in nursing and I could use that and apply for a Degree Completion at the University???

If I take the scholarship I will nor have to worry about how I will pay for my tuition...

I have talk to a few Nurses and a Dr to get some advice and I have been told that a Full Scholarship is just about unheard of and to take it..

And I have been told to follow my heart and go to the University.

I do not want to depend on Loans to get me threw school.
I want advice from other students and Current Practitioners

2007-07-14 05:11:50 · 4 answers · asked by dianah.ross 1 in Health Care

I am in search of ways to make money (legally) from home. Any suggestions? *serious advice only*

2007-07-14 05:10:59 · 9 answers · asked by ~2Pretty4U~ 1 in Personal Finance

I want to open a savings account for about $700 and charge the opening deposit to a credit card. The credit card gets points, which would be good for a gift card if I had about 700 more. I want to close the credit card account, but only after I get enough points, to not waste the points I already have. I'm going to open a savings account anyway, so I figure I might as well get those 700 points from it. In any case, the savings account should pay high interest and should allow transactions between banks online.

2007-07-14 05:04:49 · 6 answers · asked by x4294967296 6 in Personal Finance

I'm a funeral planner and I'm wondering if more people knew of my services if they'd use them. I find most people have a hard time thinking, let alone planning for their funeral. I usually target older clients, but would younger people be interested in having someone do the legwork and put together a full design plan?

2007-07-14 05:02:57 · 3 answers · asked by senoelx1 2 in Small Business

I can only do it in my extra time cause I'm a full time student. ASSETS: I have a desktop comp. with an internet connection (broadband) at home. KNOWLEDGE: I took BS Pharmacy but didn't finish it (06-07, 2 semester), taking up BS Nursing now. Also took Officers trainning, (ROTC), some military knowledge. Also my family owns a pharmacy (retail) so I do have some knowledge on medicines. HOBBIES: Computer games, both local and online games, I read a lot of books (novels, etc). I CAN LEARN TO DO ANYTHING. I do hope someone can help me. I do live near in Manila. I'm doing this to have some experience, and of course, for the cash. Hehehe! ^_^

2007-07-14 05:02:34 · 6 answers · asked by eidelbert s 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

2007-07-14 05:00:51 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

I sell goods online and have a licensed warehouse who will store and ship to my customers. So do I need a license? takes ages for an answer through the goverments

2007-07-14 05:00:13 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

Yesterday i squired about town appling to any store that would allow me.well,first of all you have to know that this would be my first job (so i fear this whole idea).but to get to the point i am broken (my 6 year old sister has millions compared to my tiny stash so i'm bursting with enthusiasm...so when would be be ok to check up on my applications?could i do it today?
-thank you
--and thats the last time i wear heels when hunting for jobs.

2007-07-14 04:56:45 · 7 answers · asked by sam b 1 in Other - Careers & Employment

I live in greater london, I have just finished my exams in college and i will hopefully go to university this september or the next year. I have applied for loads of simple jobs like working in a shop, garden centre and even being a cleaner, but they all just don't reply to me or turn me down. Alot of my freinds have jobs for the summer, I have even tried all the theme parks near me and everyone has taken up those places too. Its so annoying!! It is probably because I have never had a job before apart from a couple of work experiences, but people have to start from somewhere, right? How do i find out about restaurant vacancies or high street shops? Thanks.

2007-07-14 04:53:36 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment


I have 1lakhs Rs. How can invest the money in governament sector. I dont belive private banks.I dont want to take any risk by investing in share / mutual funds. I have 1 year old baby.Can any body sugest the money will get high returns................

2007-07-14 04:52:20 · 2 answers · asked by ganeshgvk 2 in Investing

I'm wondering if you have to give in a two weeks notice even though you've only been working for a month. This is in Canada and I'm wanting to quit. I've been working for ONE MONTH at this retail place, how do i quit? Is a notice required? I'm still on probation and I feel like I must quit because there are so many rules, like being 2 minutes late through traffic is no excuse (3 lates during 3 months = terminated), sell a certain price during your work shift (6 hours = $900)... when theres absolutely no commision... even for my sister's wedding i had asked my boss that i need a day off for it but she schedualed me and told me i have to find someone to "switch shifts" with. Can someone give me feedback and answers... both negative and positive.

BTW, MY PAY IS ONLY $7.25/hr.

2007-07-14 04:49:10 · 6 answers · asked by liyahonfiyah 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

fedest.com, questions and answers