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Business & Finance - 10 July 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

My fiance and I have been debating about the best way to manage our money/spending. Weve been nit-picking a lot on how to arrange the bills so they're paid evenly and whos turn it is to pay for groceries or gas etc. My fiance seems to think we should we perhaps keep all our money in a single bank account and take it out as we need it for shared and personal expenses? One suggestion Ive come up with is to have seperate accounts and credit cards for our individual/personal expenses, and a joint credit card account for our shared expenses groceries/rent/bills/gas etc. At the end of every month we would just split the joint credit card balance between the two of us and all the bills would be shared equally. It just seems that if couples shared a single account there would be a lot of bickering over why and how much money was being spent on certain things like shoes or motorcycle parts. Any suggestions?

2007-07-10 03:33:32 · 6 answers · asked by wilyum 1 in Personal Finance

I live in Illinois (if that is relavant)

2007-07-10 03:33:00 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renting & Real Estate

I am to the point in my life where i am ready to find the career thats right for me so i will be happy with what i am doing. i have always wanted to work for the goodwill of others (children mainly) and want to be in the social work/ aid field. does anyone know of an aid oraganization such as The Make a wish foundation, save the children, feed the hungry, unicef, or ect..that is hiring or needs help?

2007-07-10 03:32:59 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

Ive called all around & no one seems to pays for these. Ive been living in my apt. for a week w/o gas & power. The social worker @ my dialysis clinc acts like hes stupid & doesnt know anything. So what do I do? Who would pay for these?

2007-07-10 03:30:20 · 3 answers · asked by lovey 1 in Renting & Real Estate

Is it normal for a college to refuse to give information out to a prospective employer regarding degree obtained, dates of attend, etc... My college is refusing to do this despite the fact that I signed a release through the company. They are saying me record is closed. I offered them a copy of my diploma and transcripts, so we should be fine...just curious about the situation.

2007-07-10 03:24:47 · 4 answers · asked by question33 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

You pay tax all your life and when you die, they tax you again!

2007-07-10 03:24:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in United Kingdom

I lost my job some time ago and I tried to call the Mortgage company if they could help me to reconsider my interest rates and lower down monthly repayment amount.

Surprisingly, they were so rude on the phone and it seemed as if they are waiting for customer to give them a reason for foreclosure !!!

This company is GE MONEY (HONG KONG)....How can they be so unsupportive to their customers??

2007-07-10 03:22:13 · 5 answers · asked by barbarabullock86 1 in Renting & Real Estate

We are told to go to IndyStar.com/property
to use the Star's property tax tool kit in how
to read our tax bill.

2007-07-10 03:21:35 · 2 answers · asked by lettelleir52@sbcglobal.net 1 in United States

like the gold certificate in the internet, woodrow wilson in front and orange color at the back , this certificates are dug together with the $100,000,000 bond and a diamond as big as a saucer

2007-07-10 03:21:27 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Business & Finance

I've been talking to a property owner who is willing to do a rent-to-own deal with us.
Our credit is poor, so this will help us get into a house right away.

My question is, if they decide to do this, how much should I be paying?
My understanding is that we pay a set rent price, and then a percentage that will add up to be our 5% down at the end of the term.

Right now they are asking $1350 for rent, how much more than that would you estimate I'd end up paying with the rent-to-own deal?

Thinking of a 1 - 2 year term, but that has yet to be determined...

Would this be a good deal for me to do? It's a great house, if the owner goes for it, I would love to have that house.

2007-07-10 03:15:04 · 3 answers · asked by Mom2Boyzz 3 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-10 03:13:28 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Taxes

I have been unemployed for three years. I am running out of money and are just plain desparate. I have decided I am going to lie to get a job. I have set up an virtual receptionist to act as my telephone contact for a "fake employer" I have friends who will act as professional references and boss. I have worked with them for hours in role playing excercises and feel like it may work.
I have nothing to lose. If they find out it is all a fraud and do not hire me or fire me after finding out, I will be in the same position as I am today.
Have you ever lied to get a job? What do you think?

2007-07-10 03:06:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Careers & Employment

The red letters are coming more often, think we are gonna have to rent again but would like to move fast! Any tips for a quick turnaround would be great!

2007-07-10 03:01:41 · 14 answers · asked by Dylan K 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-07-10 02:56:40 · 10 answers · asked by dontpassdontcome 1 in United States

my hb and i are currently "cleaning up" our credit reports and expect them to go up (from poor) int the next few months, but we have found a house we would like to buy now. we know that we can afford it, but cannot get a mortgage right now. can we make a rent to buy offer to the seller? how would that work?

2007-07-10 02:54:28 · 6 answers · asked by hokeymama2 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I want my own home-based internet business. Any ideas would be appreciated. I don't want any MLM or pyramid scams, nor do I want anything that requires me to "become a member", etc. I want to create my website, sell a product/service, make money (legit money).

2007-07-10 02:53:45 · 7 answers · asked by redhead524 1 in Small Business

Anyone know how I can find the webbsites for estate agents in Leipzig? Any tips on how to buy a house in east germany?

2007-07-10 02:49:41 · 2 answers · asked by Heather S 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I am on the committee and we often run out of things to do. These need to be things we can do at work and dont cost a whole lot of money. Any ideas?

2007-07-10 02:48:25 · 7 answers · asked by oshunn1 1 in Corporations

In the last month, I've won several eBay items, which I thought were a great deal. Unfortunately, the seller(s) ended up backing out of the whole thing, and refunding my money (against my wishes). Why can't eBay or Paypal do anything about this? Why are they so wimpy? Aren't there any legal grounds I can use to force these idiots to settle up? One guy
delayed me for more than six weeks with lame excuses, before he finally gave in. I had to pester him about a dozen times, before he told me wasn't going to send my stuff, then he refunded my money.

2007-07-10 02:46:55 · 3 answers · asked by Road Trip 3 in Other - Business & Finance

2007-07-10 02:44:02 · 4 answers · asked by Eleanor F 1 in Renting & Real Estate

I have a total balance of 18,000.00 on my student loan and I am very concern about my credit score right now.

2007-07-10 02:32:09 · 1 answers · asked by mlustilopez 1 in Personal Finance

Bought a home about a year ago. 80% of the loan in a 30 yr fixed and 20% in a variable Helioc. The Helioc is at about 9% interest right now and we "think" we would like to refinance just that part of the loan- we don't need to borrow against the Helioc and can afford larger payments. Right now we just keep looking at the interets on the Helioc and it seems ridiculous!! Also- the home was a repo and a major fixer upper when we bought it and we have done a lot of upgrading- should we wait until we have all that finished and have the house re-appraised?

2007-07-10 02:28:39 · 2 answers · asked by mcdermottgarrett 1 in Renting & Real Estate


I have received a credit card from the ANZ bank stating I had been successful with my application. Only problem is, I didn't apply for it or for that matter even have an account with that bank. All I had to do is activate it by using the supplied number, it didn't tell me what my credit limit was either if I was to activate the card. This can't be legal, just imagine the amount of debt people could get themselves into this way.

2007-07-10 02:28:24 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit


I have 3 credit cards that have a combined total balance of about 2100. I am desperate to pay these off asap. I have been trying for 2 years now and have not gotten very far. Is consolidating all 3 credit balances to another card a good idea? Would I only pay one the credit card bill a month instead of 3 and would it be cheaper than paying on all 3 every month? I saw this website http://www.bestcreditrates.net/?cont=details/details_page_27565_275332_3510.php&page_no=275332&prd_id=3510&applic_id=1069&COOK_VIS_ID=7d0e635f7482f4f341cb474eeebea76d&COOK_VST_ID=%2003e5ff91ea002090164f1ef4febb1456&COOK_LINK_ID=deleted&COOK_SPEC_CLICK=deleted&COOK_CL_APN=not&cl= (wow that's long sorry). Do any of them look a good deal to take care of this? I would have to pay off the balance within 12 months or a higher interest rate would kick in right? I need advice so thank you! Holly

2007-07-10 02:12:38 · 6 answers · asked by thisgirl 1 in Credit

I left 3 months ago on good terms (ie: put in 2 wk notice, still talk to old co-workers, etc.) but for several reasons; they were eliminating my position and I wasn't interested in the one available, I also was not happy with the boss that was there (he's since been fired).
A new position has opened in another department and I was told by an old co-worker that they wanted me to send in my resume.
My question is how do I delicately say I left because I wasn't thrilled with the place?! LOL? Yes, I know there is a chance I won't be happy w/ the scenerio again but this is a temp. position that I am comfortable doing.
Again, my question is what can I say that isn't negative in my interview about why I quit last time?

2007-07-10 02:10:56 · 4 answers · asked by Question Asker 2 in Other - Careers & Employment

In the city where I live there is no pick-up service for recycling. Do you think it could make a viable business to provide this service for a fee?

2007-07-10 02:09:33 · 8 answers · asked by Matt3471 3 in Small Business

2007-07-10 02:09:28 · 10 answers · asked by nimishraithatha 1 in Small Business

im getting some back each month but less and less than oringianlly stated nothing was signed he promises he will pay it all back its just i need it all now and he says he doesnt have it is there anything i can do?

2007-07-10 02:07:10 · 3 answers · asked by wendy 1 in Personal Finance

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