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Business & Finance - 29 January 2007

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Advertising & Marketing · Careers & Employment · Corporations · Credit · Insurance · Investing · Other - Business & Finance · Personal Finance · Renting & Real Estate · Small Business · Taxes

I live in Texas and Have Blue Cross and Blue Sheild.
I am wanting to go get on Birth control, But i need to know if it will show up as Birth Control on anything my dad will get from the insurance company??? I am almost 18 But I do not want another Fight With my Father,I am trying to be responsable, Please help!!!

2007-01-29 11:18:05 · 13 answers · asked by Gizoku 3 in Insurance

I received $200 in hobby income (I created t-shirts using Cafepress.com and sold them), and I turned around and gave the $200 to charity. I take the standard deduction, so I won't be claiming the charity. But does the $200 income I received need to be reported on my 1040?

2007-01-29 11:16:56 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

We are 6 months behind on our morgage, which is $1,100 a month. I am a single parent who is a full time student, my dad lives with me and we live off his $3,000 a month. I recently got divorsed and the house was left to me. I tried to get my morgage company to work with me when I was behind 2 months, but they wouldn't. I was willing to pay off what we owed in payments, but they would only accept the full amount, which I just couldnt do and thats how I got into this whole mess. We cannot afford the house anymore and I really don't want to mess up my credit with a foreclosure. I have looked into some places who will buy your house from you with the offer they make to you, but I don't know if I should do that. Should I try to sell my house by myself? I cannot afford a agent to sell it for me and I also need to sell it fast. My ex-husband had kept the letters from the morgage company from me and I didn't know that we had until the end of febuary until my house goes up for auction. Help!

2007-01-29 11:16:28 · 6 answers · asked by Ash 1 in Renting & Real Estate

2007-01-29 11:14:21 · 2 answers · asked by Megan B 1 in Other - Taxes

I worked for a company from June 05 to June 06. I did a lot of car repairs, becuz my car kept breaking down. How can I use this vehicle expenses on my tax. Or can I not.

2007-01-29 11:13:09 · 3 answers · asked by Tso 1 in United States

If my credit history is poor(trying to rebuild it slowly now!), I will probably need a cosigner for my car I would think. Would a co-sgner with a 6 month credit history which is short but they been oustanding with there payments be of any help in getting approved for this loan?

2007-01-29 11:13:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Credit

i have been told im the next benefactor to alot of money i want to know if there is such a place as alpha trust group in amsterdam and gregory and associates in london please help????thank you.

2007-01-29 11:03:24 · 7 answers · asked by teresa b 1 in Personal Finance

There is a website where you type your address, town and zip code and it tells you the value of your home. Do you know what I'm talking about?!

2007-01-29 11:03:05 · 7 answers · asked by snak3s2001 3 in Renting & Real Estate

Do we 1) include her $6000 income and withholdings on our return?, or 2) have her do her own separate return for her $6000 income and withholdings? Is option-2 correct?


2007-01-29 11:01:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in United States

Assume I helped someone prior to forclosure and gave 30K to them and added my name to title so they coud get out of forclosure status. In the contract agreement I state if they do not make payments I have right to take over currrent mtg. and sell the property. What are my taxes based on in this situation? They owe 900,000 in mtg combined plus my 30K and assuming I sell this house for 1.2mil after a few changes and upgrades to the property. Will I be taxed on the difference of 300K? or am I wrong in this tax consequence. I never intended on owning this property, but I do now. please advise. property is in ca.

2007-01-29 10:59:01 · 1 answers · asked by ptrip6 1 in United States

I pay my health care premiums out of my own pay check. In other words I get paid then my employer subtracts my premium from my paycheck. can I deduct these premiums from my taxes?

2007-01-29 10:58:54 · 3 answers · asked by I drive fire trucks 3 in United States

ok, so january 15th, 2005 i turned 18. my grandfather had died a few years back but had left me some money when i turned 18. thats all i knew, up till now. my grandfather had a friend named elaine that was supposed to manage/maintain and give to me the money when i turned 18. so a few weeks after my birthday i recieved a note from her along with a $10,000 check. the note said happy birthday here is the money ur grandfather left you. so i gratefully deposited it and thought nothing more of it.

now in 2006 when i filed my 2005 taxes, i didnt claim the 10,000, because, well i didnt think i needed too, i though i just claimed what i earned and hr & block didnt ask me about it. i simply didnt think anything about it.

now a few weeks ago i recieved a letter form the IRS saying i owed $1,600 because my filed taxes didnt match what was reported. it reported that i had $10,000 in stock cashed. iv never had stock and didnt click that it might be the same 10,000 my grandfather left me.

2007-01-29 10:58:48 · 5 answers · asked by Calli S 2 in Investing

My live-in fiance claimed head of household on his taxes and claimed me as a dependent. I am actually head of household and pay all the bills and rent without assistance from him. I believe I should be able to claim him as a dependent and claim head of household myself. I do not want to get either of us in trouble, but he is getting a large tax return because he filed this claim instead of me. Does anyone know a solution to this situation. Can I claim head of household too and see what happens? Please help, as I think this situation is unfair. Should he get to reap all the benefits because he beat me to the punch?

2007-01-29 10:55:59 · 4 answers · asked by Britt I 1 in United States

for a promotion, or a raise or for whatever reason?

2007-01-29 10:55:53 · 2 answers · asked by Annie 5 in Careers & Employment

Saying to mail $1.00 to six people and then request to to be added to the mailing list, is suppose to be a legal mail orders business that's supposed to give you a fortune. Has anyone tried this is it worh it?

2007-01-29 10:51:08 · 5 answers · asked by Breezy 1 in Other - Business & Finance

how should treasury stock be presented on the balance sheet

2007-01-29 10:49:19 · 2 answers · asked by kyla99 1 in Other - Business & Finance

All the research is done. I just want practical advice on how to get started. I want to open a shop.

2007-01-29 10:47:37 · 4 answers · asked by kim c 3 in Small Business

Ok, so long story short, I have a bill collector that I need to pay. I was recently sent to this bill collector by an attorney's agency that would not accept my debate of "it was covered by my insurance, call them" (as you can see it's a medical bill for some anesthesia) and sent my file to a collections agency. Trouble is, they've never sent me anything, and when they called at the beginning of this month, I told the guy to email me with the info so I could call when I had the money to pay, and they never emailed me. Where can I find this information online for free? Please help. Thanks for all the answers.

2007-01-29 10:45:35 · 7 answers · asked by Tracey 4 in Credit

My boyfriend and i have lived together for the last 3years and he has supported my daughter and me for the last 3 years i cannnot work due to being disabled can he claim my daughter for anything on his taxes since he supported her and she has lived here for the year and no one else can claim her?

2007-01-29 10:43:24 · 4 answers · asked by Dawn K 1 in Other - Taxes

my mom said that i have to go to a four year college to be an actress is it true?

2007-01-29 10:42:46 · 8 answers · asked by ? 1 in Careers & Employment

We've got 1766.30 in dental bills that were paid with a credit card in 2006. Can they be counted as a medical expense for itemizing taxes?
Also, have $115 for a life insurance premium payment, does that count too??

2007-01-29 10:41:38 · 5 answers · asked by Corinne 2 in Other - Taxes

If my girlfriend and I purchased a home together in 2006 then who claims the interest on the mortgage on their income taxes since we file seperately not being married yet? I assume that we both dont claim it since it can only be claimed once and I assume by only one person?! please let me know

2007-01-29 10:41:29 · 1 answers · asked by Steve K 2 in United States

I have found a school to go to. I was wondering what the life of a cosmetologist is like. I have 3 kids and I need to be there for them also, but I also need to make a better life for them. So if I could get some answers from a cosmetologist that has kids also it would be very helpful. I just want to make sure that this is a carrer that I will be happy with. So what is your lifestyle like? Is there good money in it? Do you stay to busy to do things with your family?

2007-01-29 10:32:10 · 2 answers · asked by Holly H 1 in Careers & Employment

I'm 14 is it ok if i start working?

2007-01-29 10:31:28 · 7 answers · asked by Brenna 1 in Careers & Employment

We sell the gift cards as an all day spa package. How do I divide the money when the client redeems them? Does anyone have policys for this?

2007-01-29 10:30:12 · 2 answers · asked by baj1954@sbcglobal.net 1 in Small Business

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