This idea just popped into my head in social studies class and I dont really know if I believe in it but I thnk its kind of interesting. My theory is that man has accepted certain abstract concepts simply because they are necessary in our daily lives. For example, is it possible to prove time? Numbers? Scientists can prove theories based on these concepts by using complicated math, etc. But is it reallly possible to go to the source of all this and say that this is true. 2 plus 2 is 4, but why? What makes this true? It seems that these concepts are the foundation of our daily lives. For example, how would New York City run for a day without the idea of time? But does that make time a reality? No, in my opinion it just means that it is a theory that we accept because it is a necessity. Im not saying we should forget them, because we do need them. I am just saying that we need to question reality and abstract, because what we see as real may just be theory. Sry this was so long.
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