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Arts & Humanities - 8 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

2007-08-08 14:21:17 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

The start of life.
It's bright and in full swing.
Grass is green, birds chirping
It's the beginning of spring.

The adolescence of nature.
There is no other.
The freedom and warmth
Of the middle of summer.

Adulthood begins
With cool crisp air.
Green leaves turn brown
Autumn is here.

Death is getting closer
As the snow and ice pile.
Not a leaf on a tree.
Winter will be here for awhile.

2007-08-08 14:18:26 · 3 answers · asked by kidfisher420 1 in Poetry

For an assignment i have to write a mock interview between a journalist and one of the historical figures( Washington, jefferson, Franklin, Madison, etc) in "Founding Brothers:The Revolutionary Generation by Joseph Ellis. The interview has to be about the formation of the political parties, and has to be about 1-2 pgs long. And i dont know where to start so can someone help me out please it would be much appreciated.

2007-08-08 14:14:30 · 2 answers · asked by Help101 1 in Books & Authors

Should The Hobbit be read before Lord of the Rings or after it?

2007-08-08 14:07:57 · 11 answers · asked by Love4Hockey 4 in Books & Authors

I Am A film maker and upcoming director and to long ago i went to a film making convention and spoke to robert himself and he told me to contact him, but i lost his number :(

2007-08-08 14:00:35 · 5 answers · asked by Chris C 1 in Theater & Acting

I can't seem to find it on the web or my library. It was the first book I had read and am positive that is the right title.

2007-08-08 13:53:28 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

The phenomenon of music is given to us with the sole purpose of establishing
an order in things, including, and particularly, the coordination between man and
time. To be put into practice, its indispensable and single requirement is
construction. Construction once completed, this order has been attained, and
there is nothing more to be said. It would be futile to look for, or expect anything
else from it. It is precisely this construction, this achieved order, which produces
in us a unique emotion having nothing in common with our ordinary sensations
and our responses to the impressions of daily life. One could not better define the
sensation produced by music than by saying that it is identical with that evoked by
contemplation of the interplay of architectural forms. Goethe thoroughly
understood that when he called architecture petrified music.

2007-08-08 13:50:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

what are innate notions according to leibniz?

2007-08-08 13:50:11 · 2 answers · asked by Edgar Martin N 1 in Philosophy

I'm part of the Clans Rose and Anderson

2007-08-08 13:48:10 · 7 answers · asked by The Forgotten 6 in Genealogy

Okay, I'm not the typical teenager. I prefer reading than watching television and/or playing on the computer. In fact, at times, I neglect to do my homework or chores to read a book. I'm not saying that's a good thing but that's just the way I am. In result of my obsesive reading, my vocabluary and outlook on the world are wider than most people my like age--in some cases, at any age! =D

Anywho, that's not why I'm posting this. All the other questions seem to be all serious, which isn't bad, but I was thinking; why not spice it up a bit and talk about your opinion on the Best Book Ever! Besides, I'm looking for some new reading material, someone else might be too!

My favorite book: "Twilight" By: Stephanie Meyer

2007-08-08 13:41:01 · 19 answers · asked by Yesak 1 in Books & Authors

save paper save the world

2007-08-08 13:39:22 · 7 answers · asked by Choas 1 in Books & Authors

And I know this isn't really a question but it's for those who really appreciate acting techniques. I've written it all out in my previous question so if you're interested please have a look and tell me if you've had a similar experience!

2007-08-08 13:33:40 · 2 answers · asked by b.girl 1 in Theater & Acting

This puzzles me, like the case where a French teenager was arrested over publishing his own version of a translated Harry Potter book in French before the official French Harry Potter release date. He published it on a website only and wasn't selling it or anything, but I don't know if he lied that it was official or not.

Here's the bottom line, for example, If I translated Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows into French and uploaded it onto my website before the official release date of the French version, but I also mention to all readers that it is not an official version, let them view it for free, and write disclaimers that my 'version' of HP is unofficial, can I still be arrested even though I do not get money from letting people view my French Harry Potter?

2007-08-08 13:31:35 · 5 answers · asked by Marty 2 in Books & Authors

You, Where Does It All Go?
Dig into skin with
Dog howls at night
Candles burn low, all
Stare at the sputtering wick

More than a day without sleep and tired
to the bones, but my mind’s caught a streak.
Putting off my drink to empty out my head.
Getting just a bit closer to the tracks
I claim
I tread.

But trying is a *****;
and best of all,

Though, it pleases just the same to talk and dream,
and so I tend to do instead,
educated and fairly well-read,
And lazy (or uninspired),
Heart sedated by a faint desire,
more ego
Than I like to admit. Half a cliché,
Still, half a cliché. Plain to see
What ties me down the most
is me.

Just fix it boy, it’s not so hard.
Sober up and get serious--
I am only energy in motion--
a white
The bearded man,
has not called on me

2007-08-08 13:28:50 · 4 answers · asked by BodaciousWiseManOfBhutan 1 in Poetry

these are all true or false. i have been stuck on these last few for about an hour! if anyone can help i'd be greatful!

1.Britain placed new taxes on the colonies to pay for the French and Indian War and maintain an army in the Americas.

2.The First Continental Congress met at Carpenters' Hall in Philadelphia to discuss the worsening situaion with Great Britain.

3.The first time the colonists united and went against the King of England was the First Continental Congress.

thank you.

2007-08-08 13:28:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I had written an earlier poem about Howard Hughes, and I wasn't entirely happy with it. I reflected on the critiques and wanted to try again in free verse. It may need some knowledge of Hughes to get this. Comments?

Howard and the Details

They just never noticed
the details. How Jane Russell
had four nipples. How peas
were different sizes. How peaches were

dirty, dirty, dirty.
How germs crawled
all over your face,
hands. Touch
food with those?
Make the peaches dirtier

They didn’t know
what to do. Fix the blouse,
it’s the seam. Line them up
with a fork for
perspective. And if I’m going
to eat those things:
Scrub off the label!
Clean the bare metal
of the can. Be careful
with the fork, don’t touch
anything else. Did you remember
to cover your hands
with paper towels?

They didn’t notice. They didn’t listen
And the damn plane was birch
not spruce.

2007-08-08 13:24:06 · 11 answers · asked by Todd 7 in Poetry

Follow the sun.
I've always wanted to do.
Once I track it down.
Not sure what i'll do.

Follow the sun.
Bright yellow warmth, to it's low orange glow.
Where will it take me?
Does anyone know?

Follow the sun, faster I go.
As I try to track it down,
I wonder if it can be caught
Before it goes down.

Follow the sun.
I try to keep pace.
I'm getting tired
Of this never ending chase.

2007-08-08 13:21:12 · 6 answers · asked by kidfisher420 1 in Poetry

I thought the book was great! A disturbing story line, but it was a very good read, and I think the writer Vladimir Nabokov, is brilliant! I actually started to feel sorry for him! You feel so sad knowing that he loves Lolita so much, even though he corrupted her and ruined her childhood! It evokes so many emotions and makes you feel things you wouldn't think you could feel! In my case anyway.

What did ya'll think of the book?

2007-08-08 13:18:34 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

A person who kills thousands of those that are evil, those that repeatedly sin, those that kill the innocent,etc...

2007-08-08 13:17:27 · 12 answers · asked by weird...just a little... 2 in Philosophy

In pirates of the carribean, jack sparrow saw the seas as freedom. Many sailors do that, but that was before all the seas were charted, and there was nowhere to hide. Early americans saw the frontier as freedom, but then the US goverment caught up once it was all settled...People in the early 1900s saw the skies as freedom, but after ww1 and ww2 and cold war missle development, no matter where you are in the sky, they can find you. Physicists and those guys see space as freedom, an infinately large place, the final frontier, "Set full sail" "To the skys" "Warp engage"

Where do you expect to find freedom? My freedom is in the skies and forests. I think we all know why, for peace.

2007-08-08 13:11:28 · 16 answers · asked by JN 3 in Philosophy


2007-08-08 13:08:15 · 1 answers · asked by lizette c 1 in Other - Visual Arts

Is there any meaning to the evil we experience and any suffering that we have to endure? There must be a reason for all this. Probably to better ourselves as far as suffering is concerned. Evil helps us to realize there are better things in life that outweighs evil.

2007-08-08 13:07:13 · 12 answers · asked by ZORRO 3 in Philosophy

The way he treats those aound him? The way he struts around like a macho man. Or perhaps what he can provide for his family. His ability to stand up to hash condition in order to provide for those he loves. To continue carrying on for what he believes in even when those around him disagree. What makes a man disireable? Is it all based on looks? Tall, masculine, chisel looks, big package, etc.

2007-08-08 13:01:25 · 20 answers · asked by ruijei613 2 in Philosophy

"Faith is not equivalent to mere belief. Faith is the condition of ultimate confidence that we have the capacity to follow the path of doubt to its end." - Stephen Batchelor

2007-08-08 12:59:09 · 17 answers · asked by Linz ♥ VT 4 in Philosophy

Global Warming
Will God get tired of these thng, kill off what ahs happened at humans, then start over again?

2007-08-08 12:55:29 · 18 answers · asked by ~*~<3~*~ 3 in Philosophy

Where can i find free music sheets for a clarinet?
I'd like the whole song.
I'd also like "My heart will go on"...
But please for it to be kinda easy!
not so hard!
I only have a year playing and it sounds pretty good but not that professional!!
Thanks! for the help!

2007-08-08 12:55:14 · 2 answers · asked by .sevenchances. 1 in Performing Arts

He was half blood was it because Vloldymort (Voldemort) was half blood as well because I think I know some people who kinda angery (Malfoys) because they like purebloods not half or muggleborns!!!!!

2007-08-08 12:53:03 · 11 answers · asked by Celeste T 2 in Books & Authors

Jeez,this is ridiculous. Someone asked a question in another section about the camera used on a TV show called "Side Order of Life." Okay, at over 66,000 points, I don't care about 2 frickin' points, but the "Best Answer" so far says that the camera is a Nikon DSLR of some kind and it "might be a Nikon D2Xs."

All I'm sayin' is that the star of the show spends half of her time in the darkroom and her camera has a huge honkin' meter on the top with a large letter "F" on it. There is another answer that identifies the camera as a Nikon F Photomic. If you care about truth on Yahoo! and not leading an innocent asker down the wrong path, please go to http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070803221115AALkOO5&r=w&pa=AptqD2bwHTHf5ueBYaQxtv61wColovACn28uzjKOOFEwqgOURLMARx.RT.H4KL2XyasQR5LHR6QQAA--&paid=voted and vote for the answer that names a camera that would produce images on film, thus explaining all the time spent in the darkroom.

Not to mention... it's the correct answer.

2007-08-08 12:44:49 · 9 answers · asked by Picture Taker 7 in Photography

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