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Arts & Humanities - 8 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities

Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

If you've never been off the planet,
do you really have a clue as to what the universe might contain?

2007-08-08 19:50:36 · 12 answers · asked by Phoenix Quill 7 in Philosophy

im doing a ballet dance (solo) to bon jovi's youo give love a bad name. do you think thats a good idea??!! its really good cheorgraphy!! but what do you think??

2007-08-08 19:41:22 · 9 answers · asked by missnickjonas♥ 1 in Dancing

I see heaven behind your eyes
but I know you heaven's a lie
looking into the eyes of the devil
the very essence of pure evil
as you inject demons into my vien's
the needle that is the devil's blade
crawling like parasites
the only thing keeping me alive
tearing into my brain
in my head, exploding voices with pain
now I hear your voice
and severed of my chioce
fo love or hate you
and hate you I do
as my eyes shadder to black
the devil's reject is back
my breath now fueled by fire
now inside burns the desire
to decapitate and slit your throat
and watch you helplessly squirm like a legless roach

When I named this poem I was listening to Marilyn Manson's "Wrapped in plastic".Very good song.One of many by him.

2007-08-08 19:31:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

I have always wondered if the the number 0 actually exists. I mean, how can it? Sure what might appear to be 0 is actually 0.000000000000000000012 or something like that. I don't see how NOTHING could actually exist.

By this I mean, how could any action have no effect on something that is apparently "too far away" to be affected?

E.g. by waving my hand, would the air displaced cause a tiny reaction to something a thousand kilometres away, even if by the tinies amount? Surely if you recurse 0 enough, you will actually find a positive or negative value!

E.g. if I breathed on a solid rock for a billion billion years, would the rock eventually be worn down from the very slight friction caused by my breath?

2007-08-08 19:11:59 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

this is my only option!!!
my life is pointless and being an emo, loving it!
emo haters, what is it you hate?!?!

2007-08-08 19:05:17 · 8 answers · asked by crystal and clover 4 in Philosophy

i really need an overdose, help me please,. i cant help myself anylonger.. i want to die. just tell me where can i get anti deppresants, what brand can bring you to peace?

2007-08-08 18:56:42 · 5 answers · asked by crystal and clover 4 in Philosophy

My daughter wants to know what Dumbledore's wand core is? I feel like it was said in a book, i don't have time to go through 7 books to find the answer. Does anybody know????

2007-08-08 18:32:35 · 12 answers · asked by LORI E 1 in Books & Authors

Can you explain your reasons

If I knew the how to solve this question I would not request help
YAHOO ANSWERS is a great place because I always get different prospectives from different people that are very
supportive .

Thank you

2007-08-08 18:20:49 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

not to offend, but it seems like every musical is made for white people and there are not many parts for black people. does anybody know a list of musicals or plays where there are a lot of black people, besides the wiz?

2007-08-08 18:19:30 · 14 answers · asked by jzzybme 4 in Theater & Acting

Just Wondering. i'm sorry if you read the title and you haven't read the book. You have my sympathy.

2007-08-08 18:17:05 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

My mom doesnt support me with my choice of acting being my career so i have to do all agent searching on my own. i'm 15 years old and i dont know where to start, i live in L.A and i've been scammed twice by agencies so i don't want to be caught in another scam. where can i find a REAL agent?Also i was thinking about joining The Acting Corps. does anyone know if that will help me get into the industry? im willing to give up all my free time

2007-08-08 18:09:44 · 9 answers · asked by mary 1 in Theater & Acting

I learned in my early days of middle school that vvhites vvere once slaves. I didn't get to learn about it though; I vvas only told of this.
Here is a link I'm novv reading.
I vvant to knovv vvhat you knovv about this and hovv do you feel about it? VVere you ever taught this? Did you search it on your ovvn?

Please no racial remarks. Thanks in advance for the ansvvers. I hope to find some interesting ones vvith this.

2007-08-08 17:50:47 · 15 answers · asked by WWJD: What Would Joker Do? 4 in History

What impacts have Vikings had on todays lifestyle?
What do we have in common?
Answers greatly appreciated.

2007-08-08 17:49:49 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

I have found 7 levels of exposure understanding:
1. Full auto, using either auto exposure or match-needle with older film cameras.
2. Auto exposure, knows to use auto-exposure lock and reframe for scenes such as sunsets.
3. Uses exposure compensation for non-average scenes such as snow. Sets exposure using a gray card (or their hand) or a handheld ambient meter. Believes in 'perfect exposure'
4. Spot meter readings of important tones. Incident meter with compensation. This is the start of creative exposure expression.
5. Uses the Zone System shadow placement technique.
6. Uses the Zone System for shadow placement and development for contrast range expansion or compression, or actually understands digital HDR. Full creative expression
7. Understands the physics and math of exposure theory.

1-3 is a beginner, 4-5 is intermediate, 6-7 is advanced or expert.

Photogs must SHOW they are in 5 or 6 before I will accept them into advanced workshops.

Most of mine are beginner workshops...

2007-08-08 17:47:21 · 8 answers · asked by PBIPhotoArtist 5 in Photography

Why not your top dollar?

2007-08-08 17:46:57 · 7 answers · asked by Ann Sir Well 2 in Philosophy

i'm 26 and never had anything to do with acting... just i'm bored with offices' working and need a change.
is it too late to enter an acting school and get started now?
(i look younger...if that makes a difference)

2007-08-08 17:45:04 · 14 answers · asked by sup 4 in Theater & Acting

2007-08-08 17:41:50 · 10 answers · asked by Ann Sir Well 2 in Philosophy

i love vampire books that are young adult books with romance... any suggestionsss?

2007-08-08 17:33:36 · 11 answers · asked by llivellovellaugh2 1 in Books & Authors

My teacher is making us write a poem about us, I usually good at writing poetry, just not when its about myself; so I was wondering if anyone could help, if they had any examples or just something that might spark some inspiration.
Basicly it just has to be about people, places, phrases, traditions, smells/sounds, tastes/food, sights, activities, and/or clothing/trends.

2007-08-08 17:29:22 · 5 answers · asked by Retro Craze 3 in Poetry

What are a few good reasons to exist?

2007-08-08 17:22:43 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

i used alot of alcohol so it wouldnt get infected but can its still get infected?
what can i do to prevent it frome getting infected.

2007-08-08 17:22:33 · 13 answers · asked by Manuel R 2 in Drawing & Illustration

Where they Italian or something else. Mixtures. What did they look like. I Mean did they have dark features or light. Where were they originaly from.

2007-08-08 17:21:54 · 9 answers · asked by Isabelle 5 in History

If a man walks out of his house, with the knowledge that, in is path is certain death, is this man commiting suicide?

Or is this possibly something more than just suicide.
Are the facts for his motivation; for leaving his house, more the subject to debate? Than that of the path he willingly took, knowing that it would lead to his certian death?

Suicide is defined as: Intentionally taking ones own life

Has the man commited suicide under this definition?

IF there were CONDITIONS and man "A", ( lets call him joe) left his home with the knowledge that later that day he would die. and by knowing this he still commences his routine, has he intentionally taken his own life?

Or is it man B ( lets call him Bob) who leaves his inhabitance knowing that he will soon face death ( for he is a soldier in a war) but goes about his daily routine with knowledge of his inevitable death?

Wats the diff between Joe and Bob? and is it that, the concept of suicide is in the details?

2007-08-08 17:21:37 · 7 answers · asked by stereophite 2 in Philosophy

all ive got is:
- am taking a course in Drama & Theatre bronze award for Duke of Edinburgh
-danced for a large 100+ audience
-played Mr Pottiphers dancer in Joseph

how can i make it look better?

2007-08-08 17:08:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

any reference from the mahabharata or similar books or the current global scenario ?

2007-08-08 17:08:22 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Poetry

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