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Arts & Humanities - 8 August 2007

[Selected]: All categories Arts & Humanities

Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

a library where i can read anything..........FREE!

2007-08-08 12:44:43 · 2 answers · asked by gregory mcdaemon 1 in Books & Authors

I want someone who is trustworthy and knows what they are doing.... I need an agent because i have learned it is a whole lot easier to get an acting job on t.v. with an agent....
*also who doesnt charge!! LOL

2007-08-08 12:41:09 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

summary of the Story Karma by Khushant Singh

2007-08-08 12:39:31 · 2 answers · asked by chill 1 in Books & Authors

Is there a documented record for the farthest back in time, anyone has been able to trace back their ancestry ?

2007-08-08 12:38:10 · 9 answers · asked by gemini6187 2 in Genealogy

When you reach out to someone, you take the risk of having your hand slapped.... If it happens often enough, do you stop reaching out, or put on gloves????
Opinions?? .... Explain your answer...........
use examples if you wish.........
Thanks, for answering in advance! :-)

*Have a nice day/night*

Take care!

2007-08-08 12:35:21 · 12 answers · asked by Kimberly 6 in Philosophy

Did any of you know that the Catholic French Canadians that moved into Waterville, ME from Quebec Canada were mistreated & persecuted by those ignorant Ku Klux Klan back in the early 1900's?? These are my ancestors. My man's African American, and I always felt for what his ancestors went through. But actually knowing my Great-Great Grandparents went through some of the same persecutions as African Americans did, truely saddened me. (And I know that the African Americans went through a little more extreme situations)
I feel even closer to my man knowing this.

What I want to tell all you bigots out there that are ignorant and racist. You never know what your ancestry hides!!
If you get a chance here is a article and a movie re: my ancestry. Hope that you find it as interesting as I.


God Bless!

2007-08-08 12:34:55 · 11 answers · asked by FrancoAmerican! 3 in Genealogy

I've always wanted to find out my family history, but I never knew where to begin . Where do I start, and what do I do to begin ?

2007-08-08 12:27:54 · 6 answers · asked by I_hate_being_single 3 in Genealogy

i read "the marching season" when it came out an loved it.alas,i lent it to a friend and never saw it again.i got a new copy last week and came across another of his in a cheap bookstore.i never thought i'd like stuff in this genre but i reckon he's the biz.
any fans ? any info about him or new books ?

2007-08-08 12:18:20 · 4 answers · asked by david d 3 in Books & Authors

I just want to learn more about it.

2007-08-08 12:17:59 · 10 answers · asked by Paige J 2 in History

2007-08-08 12:12:48 · 21 answers · asked by Anarchist Skywalker 7 in Philosophy

2007-08-08 12:10:33 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

A mom and daughters relashonship. Me and my mom are not very close at all and i would just like a poem about a bad relashonship between a mom and daughter. please anyone have any??

2007-08-08 12:06:17 · 3 answers · asked by chelc 1 in Poetry

in one's INput and OUTlook in Life?

2007-08-08 12:02:06 · 23 answers · asked by enki 4 in Philosophy

Well, its been a few months since this question was asked. According to the ask page.

Telling me the Bible says nobody does not even come close to an answer.

God exists. Where did God come from? Out of nothing is not a proper responce. How about actually thinking about it before throwing out some dogma in responce?

2007-08-08 11:52:16 · 17 answers · asked by bahbdorje 6 in Philosophy

Do these look like swasticas?

c o m p e t i t i v e e d g e c o n t r a c t i n g.com

2007-08-08 11:43:30 · 3 answers · asked by jilbolba 1 in Other - Arts & Humanities

besides the following:
watch tv
go on the computer
answer other people questions

2007-08-08 11:42:49 · 9 answers · asked by Nicole 3 in Other - Arts & Humanities

Read Entertainment Weekly Special Collectors Issue Goodbye,Harry.
In the Final Cut Editorial by Mark Harris He gives his thoughts on how J. K. Rowling ended Harry Potter's saga. It is insightful and informative.
Spoiler Alert Of course.

2007-08-08 11:40:50 · 8 answers · asked by mothermayhem 4 in Books & Authors

2007-08-08 11:40:33 · 10 answers · asked by poetic_lettuce 1 in Philosophy

Where is the line drawn between bravery and studpidity? When is an action considered brave and when is an action considered stupid?

2007-08-08 11:35:41 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

2007-08-08 11:32:56 · 11 answers · asked by ? 5 in Philosophy

like more rain, stranger weather, that never happen before, wat if 2012 is really real, they did say weird thing will happen slowly till that day

2007-08-08 11:32:40 · 6 answers · asked by crazyLove 2 in Philosophy

If you have no higher power to make you account for anything you've done?

....I mean, if I'm just gonna be a dead pile of skin when I die and my spirit won't live on and I have nobody to really punish me....why would I care if I went out and killed someone?? Maybe the law would send me to jail but....jail is the worst punishment I could ever face besides the possible (but unlikeyl) death sentence.

Why should a man even feel bad for going out and raping your children? If he gets away with it whats wrong with that? There's nothing that makes it wrong becides laws that human beings have created.

Where do you think out emotions come from?? How can humans be such complicated beings with deep emotion and thought without being designed by a creator?

Deep inside you, you know when something is wrong. But who's to say it is?

What's the point of us even being here?

What you're saying means we were an accident, you and I are just pointess beings...

I just don't understand.

2007-08-08 11:28:43 · 16 answers · asked by Chicoaa20 3 in Philosophy

i took these two pictures on my vacation in wisconson and i want some peoples opinions. i was thinking about selling them at a garage sale im having soon. these are the links for the two pictures.

1.) http://i146.photobucket.com/albums/r262/freakazoid037/Pic2-14.jpg


2007-08-08 11:27:12 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Photography

Explain your answer.....Use examples if you wish........
Thanks, for answering in advance! :-)

*Have a nice day/night*

Take care!

2007-08-08 11:24:31 · 11 answers · asked by Kimberly 6 in Philosophy

2007-08-08 11:18:53 · 6 answers · asked by cupcake 3 in History

2007-08-08 11:17:16 · 7 answers · asked by cupcake 3 in History

2007-08-08 11:16:14 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

If there is no God, how did the earth come to be? The earth, the galaxy surely did not poof out of no where, you do not get something from nothing. Since a higher power only seems to be the answer; wouldn't that mean that we were created from a higher power as well. If the Earth did pop out of no where, how did it form organisms to create complex creatures. And if thats the case, how do we know if God intended us to be evolved or not anyway?
What I'm saying is, isn't a God the only way we could be in existence. I mean I understand people thinking we evolved, but the galaxy and Earth forming did not come out of no where.

2007-08-08 11:09:13 · 15 answers · asked by arwww x p 1 in Philosophy

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