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Arts & Humanities - 8 August 2007

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Books & Authors · Dancing · Genealogy · History · Other - Arts & Humanities · Performing Arts · Philosophy · Poetry · Theater & Acting · Visual Arts

What were the causes of discontent between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland and what happened? What were the dates that this happened? Thanks in advance to anyone know answered.

2007-08-08 04:03:39 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

the germans set up 2 defencive lines the gustav line & the ? what was the name of the othere defence line

2007-08-08 04:02:49 · 5 answers · asked by bigpaul253 1 in History


2007-08-08 03:58:54 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous in Performing Arts

I'm thinking about starting to act a little bit, and I also would like to have some interaction with the community, but I don't know where are the local theatre in my community. Do you know any website that can help me to find local theatre?

2007-08-08 03:52:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

2007-08-08 03:51:49 · 6 answers · asked by Bala K 1 in History

When cleary Stalin was worse then him

2007-08-08 03:50:47 · 32 answers · asked by ♣Kermit the Frog♣ 4 in History

What are some good information sources that are free to learn the basics?

2007-08-08 03:50:04 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Photography


I went out and bought a hammer, a drill and a camera (really expensive one!!).

I can be a dentist a builder or a PRO photographer.

I have no skill or training which one should i make as a job?

Can i build your house, photo your wedding and do your dental work?

2007-08-08 03:44:14 · 6 answers · asked by Antoni 7 in Photography

2007-08-08 03:42:41 · 71 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

hello every1 ....v have to do an advertisement on a radio station in my coll...it shud b sum crazy idea...v have to perform it in a form of skit...puhlese suggest sum ideas....wich wud b funny as well as wich wud do the publicity of d radio station...

2007-08-08 03:38:37 · 5 answers · asked by amber 1 in Theater & Acting

2007-08-08 03:30:07 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Thank You Mom
Growing up mom i can remember
How much we struggled
I saw the Tears from your eyes
I never understood why

All I see is us diffrent
and i understand the crule world
thats hard to survive
but mom i love you
cause you did everything right

we might of had little food to eat
but you kept us stronger each day
I hope somehow i can pay you
back someday!!

2007-08-08 03:27:19 · 4 answers · asked by NESHA 2 in Poetry

Im doing a small homework assignment but i left my book at school, can you help? We were suppose to write a short paper and it's a dialouge between an ancient greek and a roman both saying ... "well our government is better because...." and each explaining facts about their government. I know a few facts about each but would really appreciate some more.

2007-08-08 03:21:43 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

2007-08-08 03:16:27 · 28 answers · asked by LUCKY3 6 in Philosophy

Just finished it. Great book.

What did you think?

2007-08-08 03:09:38 · 5 answers · asked by abluebobcat 4 in Books & Authors

I've written a couple of short stories and poems and stuff, and my head is full of ideas for more stories and novels and charecters. But I find it impossible to actually get it all out of me, onto paper and into a form that makes sence, and is enjoyable to read. My writing style is good, and I think that my content will be good, I just need to get it down. And I have the perfect oppertunity now as I have a job where i have time to write, and I finish at 4, so plenty of time to brainstorm etc. I just need some tips etc.

2007-08-08 03:08:50 · 13 answers · asked by Dunk 3 in Books & Authors

i'm watching the movie "Valient" nd it's about carrier pigeons...did WW2 actually use carrier pigeons? if so...did they use them for just sending secret messages or wat? just curious thanks.

2007-08-08 02:56:10 · 6 answers · asked by ? 6 in History

i'm confused.

philosophy seems to be the unemotional explanation of ..whatever we're explaining.

but.. isn't that what logic is?

and i think they are reffered to as two completely different things...

if i'm going to take philosophy, i think i really need to know the difference between logic and philosophy..

plase someone explain??

2007-08-08 02:55:58 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

I will be participating in my first Social Dance Competition and would like to provide a Boutonniere for my instructor to wear during the event. I'm just not sure if this is proper grooming for this type of event. Would this be a good idea?

2007-08-08 02:54:48 · 5 answers · asked by virtual_receptionist 1 in Dancing

What do you think is the purpose of not just your life but all life and simply existance of anything. Think about it.... what if there was NOTHING... no planets no people no life. Why did this all begin? I have my opinions but what are yours?

2007-08-08 02:53:20 · 14 answers · asked by tmac5445 1 in Philosophy

Their kids? James, Albus, Lilly, Rose, Hugo, Scorpio, etc.
I want to see if they really are like their parents and I want to see their parents all grown up too, like it would show them in a few scenes of the book. That would be sooo cool! =)

2007-08-08 02:50:17 · 19 answers · asked by Miss New Jersey =] 5 in Books & Authors

I just wanted to let you who are interested know in this amazing experience I've just had and would liek to hear from those out tehre who'd had the same.

I am part of an out of school drama/film group and we have been working on different techniques. One I had learnt about was when you start with teh emotions from the past (memory recall or something) and they build into physical actions. But there is also a way where you can start with the physical and they start feeling so real that they become real, and you actually start feeling these emotions.
This is what happened to me.

We'd developed characters from doing a quick improv where you are on a train with invisible people and I chose to be someone who is really afraid of trains. This included breathing heavily, gripping onto my chair, tapping my feet in order to distract myself among otehr things.

Then we had to combine every character from my classes imrpovs into one train journey with people coming and going at differe

2007-08-08 01:54:19 · 4 answers · asked by b.girl 1 in Theater & Acting

I have looked online but am not sure how i find a reputable agency.

2007-08-08 01:01:38 · 6 answers · asked by sharon you 1 in Theater & Acting

Ive always been into acting but there seems to be so many talented young people missing out on a chance to pursue there dreams. I am 16 and i was wondering if anyone new of acengys/agents who represent young actors(not extra work).I understand i need further training but i want to get started when im young and have already been at amauteur dramatics and similar gropus in the past. Thanks.

2007-08-08 00:57:36 · 3 answers · asked by Lucy K 1 in Theater & Acting

you look around and you see people making a differance in the world. some for the good and some for the worst. What bothers me the most is that some of these people have so much money and influence. Some have so much talent. Its as though God has blessed them with these things. I look at my self and say wat is my purpose. why am i here. I sometimes feel like a statistic or a pawn or just somebody in the audience watching others perform. I try so much to achieve, look for opportunity but all i get is emptness. I used to think that 1 day i would change the world or become a big time, influential business man but i'm stuk in a dead end job which doesnt even have security. I pray but get no answers. I ask for gudence but still dont know where im going. I feel trapped but dont know how to get out. is there any1 out there who has ever felt like this at some point in their life.

2007-08-08 00:54:37 · 12 answers · asked by thugpoetry69 2 in Philosophy

karl marx is against what? who'//?

2007-08-08 00:52:05 · 1 answers · asked by John Paul Hipolito 2 in Books & Authors

2007-08-08 00:40:38 · 9 answers · asked by hermione 1 in Philosophy

hey guyz plzzzzzz help me!!!
m having a T-shirt painting competetion after 2 days and i want some help!
i want some designs and ways to decorate my T-shirt.......
plz sugget some sites and send me funky designs and quotations to draw on the Tshirt!

2007-08-08 00:10:25 · 1 answers · asked by cute girl........ 1 in Drawing & Illustration

fedest.com, questions and answers