Africa is a pure example of how humans are disgusting, and on the same-level as cockroaches. Is "being human" all about survival, reproduction, and depleting all valuable resources which satisfy "utility equations" as defined by other humans.
If those starving populations were given a stable government with $3billion in oil revenue--would they not just deplete it optimally?
Why don't enough mad scientists who think the way I do, do something about the problem.
We need to get involved, join cancer-research, habitat for humanities. Big brother big sister. Ymca. D.A.R.E. (keeping children off drugs) and finally get together to stop global warming.
Why can't we just leave Iraq and appease the "powerhungry 1%" who want to rule, for the benefit of peace for the 99%.
Even when Sadam Husabin who lead Iraq, at least their was peace and no road-side-bombs or I.E.D.s
Why can't the 6 billion of us just agree to disagree but shed no blood. Let society quarrel but w/o violence
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Voltaire's book Candide