This question is really for everyone, but its targeted really towards our gay population.
I consider men to be men, not BOYS. It about time the gay community starts looking at this issue very seriously. The general population seems to feel us gay guys always prey upon youth and thats not true. But the gay community seems to reinforce that belief by not labeling men as men in everyday speech.
A boy to me is under 13, a teenager is 13 to 18, a young adult is between 18 and 21. Why do people constantly label people wrong in context of their age.
Its certainly not helping the gay community gain any respect from the rest of straight society. I am a gay male and I refuse to label good looking adult men as boys.
This is also a hot-button issue with the conservative right wing too who would love to see every gay or lesbian adult hung from the highest limb and left for feed for the crows. And they wouldn't hesitate to do it!
10 answers
asked by
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender