So I have heard mixed answers to this and no I haven't called the vet to find out, what the real answer is so.....
How long would 2grams of bute on a 1100lb mule take effect where you get the upmost advantage of it. How long does it last too in a one time only dose?
My guys NEVER get sick nor do they EVER do anything to hurt themselves. But Stretch *my main man* is bucking again with his 5th saddle, vet checked and approved, so now I'm trying to see if its mental vs actual pain issues.
So i buted him at 300pm and rode him at 630-830pm to see. He is bucky at a lope only. He doesn't test out sore anywhere and the chiro isn't sure what to think of it either. I can hook this mule to cart and hes brilliant, you saddle him and you have a humongo jerk on your hands.
So tonight, no bucking, but I did pull out the crop too (he has a huge respect for it) and seemed to ease up more in his lopes and not so bunched up and high headed.
Was that enough time for the bute to work?
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