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All categories - 8 November 2007

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Okay. We are doing lit circles in English and I have this guy in my group. i didn't really think of him as anything. So he and this other girl go off in a corner and start whispering for like 3 minutes. Then the girl goes "Ooo Ooo Can I Ask Her?!?!" then she rushes over to me and sits down across from me and starts to say something. Then the gut comes over and they start, like, wrestling because he didnt want her to ask me whatever she was going to ask me. He was going "no no please dont say anything!!". then she was like "please!!?!" he goes "no". So they go back into their little corner. i was just like whatever. So then a little later they come back and sit down. 5 mins. later she askes me, "hey are you going to the dance on saturday?" i was just like, "no i cant make it" she's like "okay". I turn back around and I hear her say, "she not going to the dance. i just asked her." And thats when I stopped listening. So wtf is going on? Or is it nothing and I'm just crazy? :]

2007-11-08 09:16:30 · 9 answers · asked by Baton Twirler 3 in Singles & Dating

I was just wondering what age a girl should be allowed to have a boyfriend?

2007-11-08 09:16:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Got a Land Rover Discovery 2,5 TDi 1992

Just yesterday when I turned off my car's engine the no-charge warning light (the red accu) remained on. When I turn the car on the light goes off. I assume alternator is charging the battery as lights, wipers, heater/blower has no problem even on parking, no lights blink when turning more aplances. But when I left my car for the night, next morning battery was totally drained...

2007-11-08 09:16:24 · 4 answers · asked by Bartolini 1 in Maintenance & Repairs


What do you prefer?

2007-11-08 09:16:15 · 25 answers · asked by tulip 4 in Polls & Surveys

Every surface is frictionless in this problem.
A block of mass M is rolling on a frictionless plane (it is on wheels that have no mass). A horizontal force (F) is acting on it. On the top of block of mass M is a smaller block with mass M1. There another block with mass M2 (same as M1) is hanging off the front of block with mass M. It is being held up with a string that goes over a pully and is attached to block with mass M1.
What horizontal force, F, would be needed be applied to block of mass M to have the system of block M1 and M2 have an acceleration of 0?

2007-11-08 09:16:03 · 1 answers · asked by IAmClifford 2 in Physics

a friend of mine is opening up a food franchise and he is insisting that he will make $10,000+ weekly upon opening his business next month... I told him that he will eventually make that money but not at the beginning... he thinks he is going to roll in the dough within weeks of opening his first business. what do u think?

2007-11-08 09:15:59 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Small Business

2007-11-08 09:15:53 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

But in reality, they don't give a DAMN about you? My Spanish professor pretends to understand my disability but then goes behind my back & complains that I'm lazy & come to class when I want. Not true. I have medical documents to prove it & she doesn't wanna see it. & then the other students tried to butt in my business & throw my absences in my face & use it against me. I don't owe another student an answer for my absences-I was in the hospital because of a mental health issue & my professor is making my issues worse by being fake & evil.

2007-11-08 09:15:50 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Etiquette

2007-11-08 09:15:44 · 14 answers · asked by Sushi M 1 in Other - Food & Drink

if me and this other guy like eachother, but we have dated before , should we go for it again... if so should i wait for him to ask me or just ask him... or shuold i just move on?

2007-11-08 09:15:29 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating


i'm trying to figure out, if i can't run because i can't breathe,

or if i can't breathe because i'm out of shape,

or if it's a mixture of the two.

because i don't know why,
but evertime i try to run,
i feel like a fish with no water,
or like i'm breathing in but it doesn't make a difference.

but i don't really know.
i've never had it checked out,
but it could just be that i'm out of shape.
but yea,
i donno.
i guess what i'm asking is if there's ne way to know if i do or not. or do i pretty much just need to go get it checked out. it's getting embarassing at school. especially being a senior and having every single freshman beat you. i mean come on. it shouldn't be like that. lol


2007-11-08 09:15:27 · 5 answers · asked by Cristine C 1 in Respiratory Diseases

Stand up and tell us why.

2007-11-08 09:15:22 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

there's a few thing i'd like to know...

one-i've been throwing hints at this one girl for a LONG time and she hasn't even aknowleged that i like her...

two-there's a girl who i can't find time to talk to, but we get along really well...and she's got a boyfriend...

three-random cute girl i keep seeing in the hallway, she said hi to me, but i forgot her name...

four-a girl i like a lot who said "I've known you for too long."

2007-11-08 09:15:21 · 10 answers · asked by God 4 in Singles & Dating

what do u do? let it go..? or zip it up and go answer it

2007-11-08 09:15:20 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

make up one, heres mine-

i lost it while fighting this kid who said you werent the best teacher, lol.

2007-11-08 09:15:19 · 14 answers · asked by count olaf 4 in Polls & Surveys

after having two girls, my partner and i decided to try again this time for a boy!! and finally after 2 years we have found out that we are 7 weeks prego (after 3 +ve tests was shocked after two years of trying!!)but am starting to get light lower tummy and back pains...with my last two i never had problems and went full term with both, but am worried what these pains are? (i have no bleeding but do need the loo all the time) what are the chances of a miscarriage for me after two normal healthy pregnancies?

2007-11-08 09:15:16 · 0 answers · asked by xAxEx 3 in Pregnancy

2007-11-08 09:15:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

can you tell me how do to this problem?

A square table has a top that has an area of 11 square feet. To the nearest hunderdth, what length of edging is needed to go around all edges of the table?

just to let you know, it has to do with eastamating square roots.thanks

2007-11-08 09:15:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Homework Help

Is this true ? I don't even watch TNA...I've tried to watch it and I think it's horrible. So everybody is saying that when the wrestlers get released, they just go to TNA. So is that why TNA is so horrible ? Because it has all leftovers from better wrestling shows ? What are your thoughts on this ?

2007-11-08 09:14:56 · 10 answers · asked by brittany 4 in Wrestling

Male vs. Female Athlete Debate

Men have a lot of strength we can all agree with that, and so do women. But this debate is about finding who has more athletic ability. Who can break world records and who can’t. In our opinion….and hopefully soon to be yours males are better athletes.

Males have more upper body strength:
Who holds the world record for most weights lifted in one hour. Males do. You won’t believe this but in one hour a male lifted a total of 305, 300 pounds in one hour. That is 152 tons. Also known as 152 adult walrus

Males have more lower body strength
Who holds the world record for longest run in 24 hours? A male does…. In one day Christopher Bergland ran 152 miles. That is the length from phoenix, Arizona(which is in the middle of Arizona) to California. Also proving stamina

Males compete in more sports professionally
Males compete in every professional sport that women do and more. Males compete in professional hockey which is a hard hitting sport. You also need to have speed and skill
All stuff that you need to be a good athlete.

Males are faster than females are:
There are a lot of sports were male beat female in world records. From the 100 meter, to the 30,000 meter run men win in all of them. Also proving that men have more lower body strength and stamina.

Male athletes have more concentration
For 19 and a half hour one man juggled a soccer ball. He used his feet, chest, and head for 19 and a half hours without letting it touch the ground.
I know you might be thinking well that is only one person who broke that record. It just happens to be a guy. Well it isn’t one person….it is all of the women and men who have raced that distance officially. That is all the womehn and men in the world you could also say that there might be a girl who hasn’t officially raced that is the fastest but there might also be a guy.

2007-11-08 09:14:53 · 1 answers · asked by chillax 3 in Homework Help

My great grandma makes these cookies ( I am guessing they are german from the name and the fact she is german) They are called Kepfla. I am not sure if I spelled that right. They are about as long as a pinky finger little fat around and are like harder I guess and they have like powdered sugar or something on them. Sorry I don't really know how to explain it but she calls them Kepfla like I said. (again not sure if that is spelled right) But if anyone knows how to make them or even spell it right so I can look it up please let me know. I would call her and ask but she is 93 and can not really hear that good and I don't think she would understand. Thanks.

2007-11-08 09:14:48 · 5 answers · asked by jennie 4 in Ethnic Cuisine

My kids are 3 and under and I still assist. Or should I say they assist me..:)

2007-11-08 09:14:46 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

An old friend of mine told me that when he was a child, he was visited by aliens in the jungles of Panama. He said they extracted something from the back of his head and to my horror showed me the indention. This is a man who is very honest and will tell you when he's joking... but he was dead serious. He's made a believer out of me, and I was wondering if anybody else has a similar story?

2007-11-08 09:14:37 · 14 answers · asked by ******* 5 in Religion & Spirituality

the one being used would be a tool, but what about the user?

2007-11-08 09:14:29 · 2 answers · asked by Bel 2 in Other - Cultures & Groups

What is her life story?

2007-11-08 09:14:28 · 4 answers · asked by Big Fig 1 in History

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