here is a fun little quiz for you, so dont cheat :)
1 your dog goes for a check up with the vet _ times a year.
2 true or false- michael vick sucks. please answer true.
3 your dog is a(n)
a. desighner mutt.. i mean hybrid :P
b. pure breed
c. shelter pup
d. i really dont know...
4 your dog is 'bleeding' or blood is spewing out of their butt, so what do you do???
5 do you know what #4 means???
6 so your male saint just ' nocked up' your female beagle, what do you do?
a give it an awsome name like st begle
b go get your dog fixed
c impossible. i had my dogs fixed already
7 please on a scale of 1 to 10 rate how this test was, i wouldnt mind doing this once or twice a week
11 answers
asked by
RIP pepper