Realizing full well that it is a natural law and process you can no more invoke or preclude. Realizing also that if you were able to invoke it, your role or the role of the people involved would come into play in a way you might not be able to control?
For instance, you might not be able to protect a beloved friend if their role in a certain situation were much more negative than you believed. Or if trouble (karmic payback) were to befall someone who deserved it, then might others in their family suffer? So, unless someone is bothering you a lot, isn't it better to ignore them (like brushing off a fly), rather than allowing yourself to get all worked up - creating a much bigger stress for yourself? Is it possible you didn't really unserstand the situation to begin with?
I am often thinking about this with respect to my husband's ex-wife, who caused a lot of damage to many of us.
9 answers
asked by
Zelda Hunter
Religion & Spirituality