who else thinks this andrew meyer, the tasered student from the university of florida, got what he deserved? i'm sick of hearing people complain about how this is some sort of attack on the first amendment. this was not censorship. this was a police response to a moderator asking them to calm down an overzealous conspiracy nut who was being nothing more than a nuissance. depending on what video you watch you can see a moderator asking the police to step in and get the guy under control. he refused to calm down. then it looks as if the moderator asked to have him removed. again he refused. they were within their rights to arrest him after that on grounds of disorderly conduct. he resisted arrest and so they tased him. let's say someone was doing that at your church, or in a classroom. would we even give it a second thought?
12 answers
asked by
just curious (A.A.A.A.)
Law & Ethics