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All categories - 20 September 2007

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I saw a film a few months ago on Sky movies where this woman is a writer and her son had died. She moved to a house by the sea by a small village she used to travel to a island she could see from her house with a lighthouse and there was a guy that lived there and when she asked the people that lived in the village, they all said he was dead.. so she was seeing a ghost. I think her son was haunting her too. At the end there's killings n such, and the guy that's meant to be a ghost jumps off the lighthouse, and then she jumps or something, I can't remember it exactly.

I doubt it from that description.. but I was wondering if anyone know what the film was? And if it's available as a book?

Also if you know, who is the actor who plays the ghost in the film?

2007-09-20 10:50:02 · 11 answers · asked by leannz0r 2 in Movies

By Dr. Aisha Hamdan

“Immunizations the best thing to protect your child from a variety of diseases.”

You hear this from your doctor from the media, from the brochures in the clinic, from your friends. But, did you ever stop to think twice about what it all means?

Did you ever look deeper into the issue and the other side of the story?

Well let’s read on…..

Your child is just born and one of the first things you do is call the clinic to schedule an appointment for your first “well-baby” visit. During the visit, after about 1 or 2 months, you can expect your baby to be weighed, measured, and put through excruciating pain from several shots in the leg. Your baby has just received his first immunization (or vaccination) shots and you allow it to happen without even questioning. It is just assumed that your pediatrician has your best interests in mind and that immunizations are the best thing to protect your child from a variety of diseases. You hear this from your doctor, from the media, from the brochures in the clinic, from your friends. You figure that the pain your baby has just gone through is worth the protection that he receives.

But, did you ever stop to think twice about what it all means? Did you ever look deeper into the issue and read the other side of the story? (The one that is not provided by your doctor). Did you know, for example, that immunizations may cause serious side effects in children, even as serious as death? Did you know that immunizations actually weaken the immune system and make it work less effectively and efficiently? Were you aware that immunizations contain harmful chemicals that are not indigenous to the body? Did you know that your child might still contract a disease even if he or she has been immunized against?

If you have a new baby, a young child or are considering having children in the future, these are concerns that you want to investigate and learn more about. Many parents have, and they have decided NOT to immunise their children. Let us look into this matter more closely and also consider it form an Islamic perspective. The health and well being of your child may be at stake.

Myths and Realities

Myth 1. “Vaccines are effective at protecting people from diseases”

Reality: Many studies in the medical literature have documented vaccine failure. Measles, mumps, small pox, polio and Hib outbreaks have all occurred in vaccinated populations. In 1989, for example measles outbreaks occurred in schools with vaccination levels greater than 98% (Centres for Disease Control). The World Health Organization has actually found that a person who is vaccinated for measles has a 15 times greater likelihood of contracting the disease than a person who is not. The effectiveness of the whooping cough (pertussis) vaccine has been reported to be around 50%. In an incident in Kansas in 1986, 90% of pertussis cases were found to have been vaccinated. In another study of rubella, 36% of adolescent females who had been vaccinated against the disease lacked evidence of immunity by blood tests. Following the introduction of the diphtheria vaccine in various countries, incidents of the disease actually increased phenomenally. In France, there was a 30% increase; in Hungary, a 55% increase; and in Geneva, Switzerland, there was a tripling of the disease. All of this occurring after the introduction of mass compulsory vaccinations in those countries. In Australia, where vaccinations are not mandatory and only about ½ of the population receives them, the rates of illness are the same for both the vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups.

What all of these facts point to (and there are many more related to this) is that vaccinations are not as effective as people are made to believe. A person who has been vaccinated has no guarantee that he will not contract the disease and chances are that if he does, it will be at a later age when the consequences are much more serious. The truth of the matter is that when immunity to disease is acquired naturally (such as through breastfeeding or through contact at a young age), the possibility of re-infection is only 3.2%. If the “immunity” comes from the artificial means of vaccinations, the chance of re-infection is 80%. In any epidemic, only a small percentage of the population actually contracts the disease, many of them being naturally immune. If a person who has been vaccinated does not contract the disease, this proves nothing. Chances are that even without the vaccination, he or she would not have gotten the disease any way.

Myth 2: “Vaccines are the main reason for declines in disease rates”

Reality: Most declines in diseases occurred before the introduction of mass immunizations. Infectious disease deaths in the United States and England declined an average of 80% prior to vaccinations. The British Association for the Advancement of Science found that childhood diseases decreased by 90% between 1850 and 1940, long before mandatory vaccination programs. European countries that refused immunizations for small pox and polio saw these epidemics end along with countries that had mandated them. Other infectious diseases continued to decline even in the absence of vaccines for them. This included declines in tuberculosis, chicken pox, scarlet fever, typhus, typhoid and plague.

So what, you may ask, were the reasons for the decrease in diseases at this point in time. Research has found that improved sanitation and hygienic practices; along with improvements in diet and other health factors were the main contributing factors in eradication many diseases. A recent report by the World Health Organization supported this fact. The report found that “disease and mortality rates in third world countries have no direct correlation with immunization procedures or medical treatment, but are closely related to the standard of diet and hygiene.” What this means is that it is not as important to be immunized as it is to eat healthily and maintain personal hygiene and environmental cleanliness.

Myth 3: “Vaccines are completely safe for children.”

Reality: Vaccines are much more dangerous than we are even aware of. This is information that you will probably not receive from your doctor and if you child does have a reaction, it is unlikely that your doctor will report it. In 1986, the United States Congress created The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, which acknowledges the reality of vaccine-caused injuries and death. This law requires doctors to provide parents with information about the benefits and risks of childhood vaccines prior to vaccination and also requires doctors to report vaccine reactions to federal health officials. The Food and Drug Administration, which monitors this (along with the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention), acknowledged that 90% of doctors do not report vaccine reactions as required by law.

More than 12,000 adverse reactions to vaccines are reported each year. If the rate of under-reporting is considered, this number should be closer to 120,000. Vaccine-related deaths occurring each year may be over 1000. The compensation portion of the Vaccine Injury Act awards up to $250,000 if a child dies from a vaccination or millions in dollars to cover lifelong medical bills, pain and suffering in the case of a brain-damaged child. By 1997, more than $802 million had been awarded for hundreds of injuries and deaths (5000 cases, 700 of which were deaths). Thousands of cases are still pending and the estimated future liability for the government exceeds $1.7 billion. A portion of the money that parents pay for vaccinations goes to this congressional fund, which basically means that you are paying insurance each time your child is vaccinated.

In many cases, vaccinations are more serious than the diseases they are meant to protect a person from. The pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine is probably the most dangerous. The chances of suffering a serious adverse reaction to DPT vaccines are 1 in 1750, while the chances of dying from pertussis each year are 1 in several million. A study at UCLA found that 1 in 13 children had persistent high pitched crying after the DPT shot. One in 700 had convulsions or shock, which may cause learning disabilities or brain damage. Vaccinations, in general, have been linked to disorders of the blood, brain, skin, and nervous system. This includes encephalitis (central nervous system disorder, brain damage), paralysis, nerve inflammation, diseases of the lymph glands, skin disorders, allergies, arthritis, cancer.

National and International studies have shown a link between vaccinations and SIDS (sudden Infant Death Syndrome). One study found that the peak incidence of SIDS occurred at the ages of 2 and 4 months, the time when the first routine vaccinations are given. Another study concluded that ½ of SIDS cases (2500 of 5000) are related to vaccinations. In the mid-70’s, when Japan raised their vaccinations age from 2 months to 2 years, the incidence of SIDS dropped dramatically. The disturbing fact in the United State is that coroners refuse to check the vaccination state of SIDS victims, which makes it difficult to prove many cases.

Other important truths to consider include the fact that vaccinations actually weaken the immune system rather than strengthen it. They only focus on one aspect of the immune system, which interferes with the body’s ability to initiate a “generalized response”. Only that one particular aspect of the system will function. What this means is that the vaccinations produce immune suppression which contributes to an increased susceptibility to other diseases and infections. This may explain why the rate of childhood illness has actually increased rather than decreased in this society. Vaccinations also contain additional chemicals such as formaldehyde, mercury (thimerosal), and aluminum phosphate, which are extremely toxic substances that can lead to hazardous effects. Microscopic doses may lead to cancer, neurological damage, and even death. Several of these may accumulate in the body such that the lethality increases as the number of vaccine increase.

And the story continues. This is only the tip of the iceberg and there is a larger amount of information available for those who wish to learn more (see websites listed below). It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment.

It is important that parents become educated and knowledgeable about immunizations so that they can make an informed choice rather than be manipulated by the medical establishment

2007-09-20 10:50:02 · 8 answers · asked by 712 MOBB 1 in Other - Diseases

Did they micro evolve from humans or from monkeys or did god create them as they are?

2007-09-20 10:49:58 · 8 answers · asked by capekicks 3 in Religion & Spirituality

Does anyone know the definition of Profit, or where i can find it... I need like a "drawing" or example along with it.. Best answer to whoevers answer i like the best.

2007-09-20 10:49:54 · 5 answers · asked by Paige Nicole 2 in Homework Help

We are required to have a pre-sixth grade physical. This was completed, and the required form completed by the MD. However, I submitted the form without the blood pressure, pulse, ht and wt, since that is personal medical information. (It was normal). The MD checked the box that says "no restrictions."
The school has just told my son today he cannot attend school tomorrow because the form was incomplete. The principle quoted "FERPA" but would not provide written documentation of the law stating we MUST comply with providing the PMI. I have phone calls into numerous departments trying to find an answer to this. No response from any. The HIPAA office does not answer, either. The people in the school "nurse's" office are not nurses. They are not bound by HIPAA. What happened to our right to privacy?

2007-09-20 10:49:51 · 13 answers · asked by smartblnde 2 in Law & Ethics

i wanted 2 tell every1 in my class how Jesus saved my soul.
i talked 2 this paigin but she slapped me in the face and told me 2 f* off.
why are you paigins so mean?

2007-09-20 10:49:44 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Hey everyone im 16 and i just got my g.e.d and i want to goto college in Jan.. But i only made it to 10th grade and this may sound stupid but i suck at math.. Can someone explain to me how to do this problem please! I dont know why im stuck on this one.
Ive done alot today..

1.) 1/2 + (2/3 / 3/4) - ( 4/5 * 5/6)

If any one any pre-tests for any college math that would be great.

2007-09-20 10:49:41 · 8 answers · asked by riialicious 2 in Mathematics

Dominoes, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, Elizabeths, Little Italy...a place in your town, or do you make your own?

2007-09-20 10:49:26 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

and before you miss your period

signs like

-frequent urination
-swollen breasts
-"morning" sickness

2007-09-20 10:49:22 · 13 answers · asked by Jamie 4 in Trying to Conceive

2007-09-20 10:49:20 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Philosophy

Lmfao, yes, I'm locked in a closet.
I'm on a laptop btw.
Got an Idea of what I should do. xD

2007-09-20 10:49:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Brush your nose teeth every day, and keep your adenoids at bay?

2007-09-20 10:49:14 · 11 answers · asked by : 6 in Mythology & Folklore

2007-09-20 10:49:13 · 3 answers · asked by KatsLoveBug 3 in Singles & Dating

can anyone give me any links to any French radio stations that i can listen to online?

2007-09-20 10:49:11 · 4 answers · asked by Shaza 4 in Languages

2007-09-20 10:49:03 · 19 answers · asked by tigerleeaussie 5 in Polls & Surveys

I'm about to write you a ticket for leaving the scene of an accident. What will you say to get out it?

2007-09-20 10:49:02 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

My priest, a monseniour (sp?) taught me that the Catholic religion has faults because it is a man made institution. This I was taught for many years, and is how they explained the priest scandels, the crusades, etc etc

My question is...Isn't this an argument AGAINST organized religion?

I'm not being insultive or anything, i really just want to know your thoughts.

2007-09-20 10:49:01 · 16 answers · asked by pab 7 in Religion & Spirituality



2007-09-20 10:49:00 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Why is it that when I pay down my debts(ie pay off credit cards) my credit score drops and when I make big purchases(ie $1,000 or more) my FICO score goes up? Shouldn't it be the opposite? One month I paid off most of my debts and my score went from 789 to 704 the next month. Then last month I charged $1,500 on my credit card and this month my score jumped back up 40 points. Keep in mind I have montiored my credit and I don't have any negative feedback from creditors. Any ideas??

2007-09-20 10:48:57 · 4 answers · asked by Mike 2 in Credit

I have a cable wire coming up through the floor about 1 foot from the wall in my Living Room from the Basement. I am getting ready to put down laminate hardwoods, and cannot have a wire coming through the floor. What do I need to do in order to be able to relocate the wire to the wall and place a cable co-axle plate on it?

2007-09-20 10:48:54 · 6 answers · asked by Richard 1 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

Not that they wouldn't be thankful to get it. But should we also donate new or good clothing? Like new jackets and gloves?

2007-09-20 10:48:35 · 17 answers · asked by Prof Fruitcake 6 in Religion & Spirituality

I live in jersey and i barley see any pet stores that carry salamanders and newts other than firebellys. So anyone know?

2007-09-20 10:48:32 · 3 answers · asked by Chris M 2 in Reptiles

He keeps trying to swim down but he swims head down and vertical. then he floats back up to the top. It's like he's got an air bubble in him or somthing! What should I do????? I love him and don't want him to die!

2007-09-20 10:48:24 · 5 answers · asked by C N 1 in Fish

Has any of the women here ever been turned on while getting an exam from the OB/GYN?????

2007-09-20 10:48:17 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Gender Studies


what 2 horoscope signs are the most compatible out of all of them?

2007-09-20 10:48:04 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Horoscopes

now that Chelsea have sacked their best ever manager and replaced him with a person who did alright in Israel do you think we will start to see the decline of chelsea from one of the best teams in the world?

2007-09-20 10:48:02 · 23 answers · asked by Stephen M 6 in English Football

2007-09-20 10:48:00 · 8 answers · asked by this guy rox! 1 in Astronomy & Space

2007-09-20 10:47:56 · 52 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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