If conservatives had total control here is what I envision:
A strong military.
Government getting out of our business - for example, cutting out all the wasteful spending on people who do not work. I do not advocate stopping benefits for the truly disabled or other people who REALLY need help, just the sponges. That would save lots of money that could be refunded to the hardworking people of America.
Next, patriotic moviemakers would abound. None of this crap that puts America down. I am not talking about constructive criticism. We should always strive to be better, and that includes recognizing our weaknesses and fixing them. Also, Hollywood would stop making movies that have excessive profanity and violence toward women.
Children and the elderly will be respected. Child molesters would automatically get long jail sentences. NAMBLA would be outlawed.
The ACLU would stop defending child molesters and monsters and stick to REAL issues.
I could think of lots more.
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