He has always been overweight, but after 8 years of marrige and his recent 30th birthdday, he is at least 50 pounds heavier than when we married, maybe more. I htink he weighs at least 310 pounds and is 5'11'' he gets tired all the time now, when he comes home from work he just crashes. the only things he does anymore with enthusiasm is cook and play video games. He seems like he is just fading away.
Now I can't explain this: on his elbow he keeps developing these little bumps of skin, size of a pencil eraser or slightly larger, they are raised and open sores that bleed, he picks at them as though they itch, they have left scars that look like chicken pox in the past, but I know the one he has now has been there at least a month. Not only are they kinda gross, but I am afraid it is a sign of diabetes. His mom is non insulin dependant diabetic, as well as his oldest bro: 45 and now his dad recently diagnosed. He does not care for his body and I do not want to lose him! he neverseesdocs
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