"He's so real." "He tells it like it is." "He rips on everyone." "He doesn't lie. He calls 'em like he sees 'em." "He doesn't care what people think."
Somehow, somewhere, street logic has filtered itself into the US mainstream. People see lairs as heroes of honesty and, yes, integrity because they have the ability to say ANYTHING without tack or class. Jerks and verbal bullies are the most candid with other people’s fault, even though they hide and deflect from their faults like their lives depended on it. This isn’t just high school anymore. People of all ages are fooled by this fake integrity while the jerks are laughing their heads off. I'm sick of it. "No, your honor, he didn't treat me like this when we met... Although he did treat other people like this, but never me."
My question details have a lot of emotions in it, but don't let that distract you from answering the question WITHOUT a solution, instead of just correcting the way I asked it. You know what I’m talking about.
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Singles & Dating