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All categories - 27 August 2007

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I have have dsl through at&t. I have a linksys router that connects to my dsl westell router. And i also have windows vista. Every once in a while my internet will go out. Sometimes for a few seconds and sometimes for up to 5 to 10 minutes. It always happens during a storm and it also happens when it is not storming. When i do have an outage i check the westell router through the web browser and when i check it says that the dsl is down. I dont think the problem is between the linksys and the westell router. I was wondering if any one else has had this problem before or if anyone knows what might be the problem?

2007-08-27 03:47:50 · 3 answers · asked by fakk219 2 in Computer Networking

they got to get shot of 7 of them so i'm wondering will the show start at about six this week ?lmfoa

2007-08-27 03:47:42 · 8 answers · asked by ♥BEX♥ 7 in Reality Television

I read a reply from a NS employee and he mentioned the term "weed weasel" Just curious what this is.

2007-08-27 03:47:41 · 2 answers · asked by tamarack58 5 in Rail

Why did Bin Laudins get to be the only ones to fly in the 911 aftermath? Who owns controling interest in domniate multinational corporations (TV Networks, Media Corps, commercial trade)?
Who runs American shipping ports?
Who are tight buddies with Bush?
Dick, too- where is haliburton's Main Office?

What's wrong with this picture?

...Who hit us on 911?????

2007-08-27 03:47:37 · 3 answers · asked by omnimog 4 in Politics

For my Temari Cosplay, I found a PERFECT fan on Amazon.com. The thing is, it's so pretty that I want to be able to use it for decoration when the convention is over. Is there a way I can make a removable cover for the fan and paint on the cover?

2007-08-27 03:47:33 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hobbies & Crafts

guns coming from that are in Britain??
How did they get here??
Aren't customs doing their jobs right??

2007-08-27 03:47:13 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Current Events

Thats a real tough one isnt it?

2007-08-27 03:47:11 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

My ex and I broke up a few months ago. So apparently he has moved on when the new girl looks back at me and just stares in wonderment. This has happen several times before with me. Are these girls insecure with themselves that they are trying to find fault with you or wondering what is it with her and not me? I would have figured that the ex-girlfriend would be staring at the new girl not vice versa.

2007-08-27 03:47:07 · 23 answers · asked by blckmustng2002 1 in Singles & Dating

Or does your stuff end up all over the floor like mine? One day, I'm going to get this juggling thing down.

2007-08-27 03:47:06 · 47 answers · asked by ? 6 in Polls & Surveys

2007-08-27 03:46:41 · 14 answers · asked by saregamapachallenge 1 in Adolescent

it seems to me it makes more sense to go from smallest to largest, D/M/Y but you all do it kind of odd, what is the reason for this?
this is a genuine question not a dig so don't get all pissy about it, and non Americans don't slag em off sayin they are retarded or something, but if anyone knows how this came about i would like to know, thanks!!!

2007-08-27 03:46:38 · 33 answers · asked by Ste B 5 in Other - Cultures & Groups

...and it condemns the charging of interest. How many gay bashers own a credit card, or have a car loan, or a mortgage?

2007-08-27 03:46:25 · 31 answers · asked by wondermus 5 in Religion & Spirituality

ok i'm 13 but turning 14 in august, and ive had my period before, but not like every month like all of my friends. should i be worried?

2007-08-27 03:46:22 · 15 answers · asked by nycLAgirl604 2 in Women's Health

if the bible is truly the "word of God", then why oh why is it filled with so many inconsistencies? i'm only paraphrasing here, but in genesis, the first few lines talk about how the earth is flat, the water is in the sky and the earth is covered by a dome. science has PROVEN these false. if the bible were truly the word of God, then He would have "written" it correctly. And don't say "he told" whomever to write it that why. Why on Earth would God want to spread false words to have people believe them to be true?

2007-08-27 03:46:11 · 33 answers · asked by Brian S 5 in Religion & Spirituality

2007-08-27 03:45:51 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

"The United States should be a guiding hand, not a closed fist." Naturally, this concerns foreign relations.


2007-08-27 03:45:51 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

George Bush now accepts it:

"“In recent years, science has deepened our understanding of change and opened new possibilities for confronting it,” Bush said in announcing his proposal. “The United States takes this issue seriously.”"


China now accepts it:

"Implementing a climate change containment policy may cost a fortune, but the cost will be even higher if we delay. Early action is imperative," Ma said. Not the leader, but he wouldn't be saying that in Xinhua without top level approval.


US and China plans to address it may still be weak. But deniers here are still claiming that global warming is not man made.

What world leader supports that position?

Is it claimed that they are all "liberals"?

Isn't denial now a fringe belief, like saying we didn't go to the moon?

See also:


2007-08-27 03:45:43 · 11 answers · asked by Bob 7 in Global Warming

2007-08-27 03:45:43 · 28 answers · asked by kk loves richie sambora 6 in Polls & Surveys

"He's so real." "He tells it like it is." "He rips on everyone." "He doesn't lie. He calls 'em like he sees 'em." "He doesn't care what people think."
Somehow, somewhere, street logic has filtered itself into the US mainstream. People see lairs as heroes of honesty and, yes, integrity because they have the ability to say ANYTHING without tack or class. Jerks and verbal bullies are the most candid with other people’s fault, even though they hide and deflect from their faults like their lives depended on it. This isn’t just high school anymore. People of all ages are fooled by this fake integrity while the jerks are laughing their heads off. I'm sick of it. "No, your honor, he didn't treat me like this when we met... Although he did treat other people like this, but never me."
My question details have a lot of emotions in it, but don't let that distract you from answering the question WITHOUT a solution, instead of just correcting the way I asked it. You know what I’m talking about.

2007-08-27 03:45:28 · 4 answers · asked by TobeSoft 1 in Singles & Dating

When I lift my body weight to roll over in bed or if I stretch my stomach I get a sharp pain in my right groin area, is this normal? Will it stop?

2007-08-27 03:45:25 · 8 answers · asked by SunShine1 2 in Pregnancy

The reason I ask is because I am planning on walking with my co-workers in honor of one of their mothers, but I am overweight and wonder if there are other "larger" people walking. Now, I have two jobs (40-45 hours a week) where I stand on my feet, walk around a lot and carry heavy things, so I am pretty confidant that I can do the walk, I just worry about standing out and being the last person in, slowing down my co-workers and stuff. It's only 3.1 miles right?

2007-08-27 03:45:20 · 2 answers · asked by MissSeattle 2 in Women's Health

What have people "picked" on you for? You skin color, your religion, the country you came from, etc.........

I'm sure a few of you have more than one story. Feel free to tell as many as you want.

What did you do after you were subjected to this treatment.

2007-08-27 03:45:03 · 10 answers · asked by Brenda 4 in Other - Society & Culture

Every day i want to practice comedy (writing, speaking, etc) for one hour, practice singing for one hour, practice acting for one hour, and then using my dance DVD for a half an hour once a week. Do you think i need to make a consequence for myself so that i keep up with it?, or something else...?

2007-08-27 03:45:02 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Theater & Acting

What is your opinion of the resignation of the US Attorney General? Do you think he's being forced. Do you think there are more to follow within the administration to be forceds to resign?

2007-08-27 03:45:02 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Just curious, so I can get a better idea of who I have been conversing with and such...

Im 27 as stated in my profile

2007-08-27 03:44:52 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Cultures & Groups

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