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All categories - 27 August 2007

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I came out to Las Vegas from Los Angeles on a shoe string budget of $20000 . I had no job lined up, I rented a room in a house for $600 per month. I have an old car thats hitting 100000 miles and the clothes on my back. Basically to make a long story short, in 5 trips to the different casinos on the strip, Ive managed to come up $8000 pure profit including show tickets, 4 compt dinners at the Bellagio, Ceasars, MGM, and The Mirage. I also got compt a junior suite at the Ballegio that was going for $489 per night for FREE. I am counting cards and its working just like I had practiced for the last 2 years with the +1 and -1 system and its been working like a charm. I feel like Mr. Las Vegas and Im ready to bring the house down. Im having dreams of making millions and become the next blackjack mastermind of the new milleniium. Ive actually been treated with alot of respect from the pit bosses, the shift managers, the dealers, and have been offered alot of extras. Is this talent or luck ?

2007-08-27 19:58:37 · 8 answers · asked by Black Jack 1 in Las Vegas

I have Renault Megane 1.5dci 4 years old. Just recently i have injector fault message displayed along with the service light being on. I have read that this may be a software problem. Has anyone had experience of this and does anybody know how much this is likley to cost me to fix?

2007-08-27 19:57:50 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Renault

Did it work out in the end? For how long?

2007-08-27 19:57:46 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

.... An old lady dies and goes to Heaven.

She's chatting it up with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates when all of a sudden she hears the most awful, blood curdling screams.

"Don't worry about that" says St. Peter "It's only someone having the holes put into her shoulder blades for wings."

The old lady looks a little uncomfortable but carries on with the conversation. Ten minutes later, there are more blood curdling screams.

"Oh my God" says the old lady "now what is happening?"

"Not to worry" says St. Peter, "She's just having her head drilled to fit the halo."

"I can't do this" says the old lady, "I'm going to Hell."

"You can't go there" says St. Peter. "You'll be raped and taken advantage of".

"Maybe so" says the old lady, but I've already got the holes for that!"

2007-08-27 19:57:19 · 16 answers · asked by ♥Honesty ♥.•´ `*.¸ ♥ 7 in Jokes & Riddles

macaroni and cheese

2007-08-27 19:56:30 · 8 answers · asked by nameless 2 in Other - Food & Drink

Old george is probably pissing on his bank book.. And all his star players (overpaid) are hurting big time. When is everyone going to figure it out that big money and big ego's do not make a team? When is george gonna figure it out that he's a loser?

2007-08-27 19:55:35 · 23 answers · asked by lag_time2 5 in Baseball

there will be my ex-girlfriend..and i dun wana hurt my friends feelings but i dun wana meet my ex....what should i do..??

2007-08-27 19:55:18 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Friends

Or does it only work with a DC motor?

2007-08-27 19:55:06 · 4 answers · asked by jetengine767 3 in Do It Yourself (DIY)

I know that the answer is = 3p but how do you get the answer!?!?

2007-08-27 19:55:03 · 5 answers · asked by Zaq1 2 in Mathematics

My mother & I are very close, or so I thought. We also both struggle with depression & always knew if we ever were having problems to just call the other day or night & talk it through. I tell my mother everything b/c she's my best friend. Well lately she's been "hinting" about thinking of suicide & I got worried & although I know its wrong I went into her email knowing her journal is there & read it to see if she was planning it. Instead I found out that everything I told her in private she was telling her friends online & even making up things about me that weren't true! Saying I was a bad mother to my kids & then in her journal wrote that I'm the reason for her depression in the first place & that me calling her to talk to her about my problems triggers her depression & makes her "not look forward to life". She's never said anything like this to my face & I feel so betrayed. I never had a father & felt my mother was all I had & now this. Why would a mother do and say those things?

2007-08-27 19:54:39 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

hi... i was remembering a movie that i saw years ago... and it has been killing me b-cuz i cant remember the name..
well its about a family that lives here in the US..
the wife is Caucasian and her husband is middle eastern... and they have a girl... well the fact of the matter is that they move to his home country and he starts turning very controlling... and at the end the wife and her little girl run away and just make it to the us embassy... can anyone help... plze :)

2007-08-27 19:54:30 · 4 answers · asked by LoLiE 2 in Movies

I wana buy a sports car, but the guy told me that the steering was changed from right to left... So, just wana be sure if performance would make much of a difference with this change and what are the other possibilities ?

2007-08-27 19:54:22 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Maintenance & Repairs

The word mistake has been over used and abused. It no longer carries any weight for me. To take the wrong keys, or select the wrong attire for a function. To me, that qualifies as mistakes. But, for some one to apologize using the word mistake - - it does not hold water for me. " I made a mistake in marring that person." I committed a mistake, I did not mean to kill that person." "I committed a mistake in slaughtering pit bulls for entertainment." Really, it was a mistake? In the process of making such mistakes...did you even had an inkling that it was wrong, a third grader would know better. Or are you using the word mistake as an excuse for what you did and hide behind it? Could you just admit - that you are pissed it did not work out or that you got caught. I would have a lot more respect for you then to boo - hoo after she left you, or got caught "it was a mistake."Perhaps, I am jaded, but I have a hard time believing in some one that says "I made a mistake." How about you?

2007-08-27 19:53:59 · 17 answers · asked by Hot Star 1 in Philosophy

My mother & I are very close, or so I thought. We also both struggle with depression & always knew if we ever were having problems to just call the other day or night & talk it through. I tell my mother everything b/c she's my best friend. Well lately she's been "hinting" about thinking of suicide & I got worried & although I know its wrong I went into her email knowing her journal is there & read it to see if she was planning it. Instead I found out that everything I told her in private she was telling her friends online & even making up things about me that weren't true! Saying I was a bad mother to my kids & then in her journal wrote that I'm the reason for her depression in the first place & that me calling her to talk to her about my problems triggers her depression & makes her "not look forward to life". She's never said anything like this to my face & I feel so betrayed. I never had a father & felt my mother was all I had & now this. Why would a mother do and say those things?

2007-08-27 19:53:30 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family

I'm having some slight yet annoying problems with my windows live messenger where my emoticons saved keep goin in a weird order instead of chronologically and my display picture isnt shown until after i sign in etc..
Now there must be a file somewhere for mmsn messenger outside of its folder in program files thats holding this info because no matter how many times i reinstall it keeps coming back. Does anyone know how i can locate this rogue setting holder cause i want a 'new' one?

2007-08-27 19:53:30 · 1 answers · asked by chig 7 in MSN

2007-08-27 19:53:22 · 15 answers · asked by rosey 7 in Polls & Surveys

how can u spread love and harmony beetween all cast ,creed, and humanbeing so that there no bombs or atom bombs,are required in this world.

2007-08-27 19:53:20 · 14 answers · asked by rajesh g 1 in Sociology

Both cars im looking at are low miles with under 100,000. Also there havnt been any major problems with them at all, the dealers claim. In your opinion are they reliable?

2007-08-27 19:53:02 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Buying & Selling

What do you believe Islam has to say about all human beings based on the following? Is it surprising to you? Had you heard anything good about Islam at all before?

"We have already seen that every man, whether he belongs to this country or that, whether he is a believer or unbeliever, whether he lives in a forest or in a desert, has certain basic human rights simply because he is a human being. We have seen, too, that it is the duty of every Muslim to recognize these rights."


2007-08-27 19:52:49 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

I am inviting my boyfriend and his kids over for tuna noodle casserole. The kids are picky so I decided to make something simple! I wanted to know what else I can make with this dish that would fit well with it or should I just have that as the dinner?

2007-08-27 19:52:47 · 6 answers · asked by Marianne k 2 in Cooking & Recipes

I love cats I just wish I could have more, but living in an apartment there isn't much territory for more than two full grown cats. Kittens are the perfect size to have more than two they just don't stay so small. I've never heard of such a breed but I'm optimistic on hearing about new species.

2007-08-27 19:52:42 · 11 answers · asked by Lola 3 in Cats

Ive just gotten my learners and really want to learn a manual.
Ive practiced steering and getting used to the brakes, speed etc with an auto. My dad reckons i should get used to and comfortable with an automatic for a month or so before i start on a manual.

Is what im doing good? or it best to completely start with a manual, so i dont get confused?

2007-08-27 19:52:42 · 8 answers · asked by heart_sunglasses 4 in Other - Cars & Transportation

he went to his house and started screaming and yelling at his sister and she called the police .but he had left already and they arrested him down the street from my house and he went to jail.his sister made up a lie saying that he hit her and put her baby in criticle conditions. but basically shes lieing and shes gonna go to court and press false charges on him.but my boyfriend has a witness .and the witness saw that he didnt touch her.so who do you think will win the case?

2007-08-27 19:52:25 · 12 answers · asked by hazeleyes 1 in Law & Ethics

i'm a adult and dating. how long should i wait till we have sex

2007-08-27 19:52:22 · 15 answers · asked by redbutterflyliz 2 in Singles & Dating

When a girl asks a guy if he wants a relationship with her- and he answers "Ok" and he says it's acceptable- how much does he like her?

2007-08-27 19:52:20 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2007-08-27 19:52:15 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

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