most people think it will be the war in iraq, but
do you know that it will really be the upcoming nominations to the supream court
Chief Justice
John Roberts January 27, 1955 (1955-01-27) (age 52)George W. Bush con
Associate Justices
John Paul Stevens April 20, 1920 (1920-04-20) (age 87) Gerald_Ford lib
Ruth Bader Ginsburg March 15, 1933 (1933-03-15) (age 74)Bill Clinton lib
Antonin Scalia March 11, 1936 (1936-03-11) (age 71)Ronald Reagan con
Anthony Kennedy July 23, 1936 (1936-07-23) (age 71)Ronald Reagan mod
Stephen Breyer August 15, 1938 (1938-08-15) (age 69)Bill Clinton lib
David Souter September 17, 1939 (1939-09-17) (age 67)George H. W. Bush lib
Clarence Thomas June 23, 1948 (1948-06-23) (age 59) George H. W. Bush con
Samuel Alito April 1, 1950 (1950-04-01) (age 57) George W. Bush con
2 liberal justices and the moderate swing vote are all in there 70 and one is in his late 80,
just fyi 4all
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