My daughter is a week off her 3rd birthday, but lately she's beginning to make me wonder...For about 6 months she's been seeing things that I can't, talking to 'someone', and her intelligence has soared (her day care providers say she needs more as they can't keep up - she's more on par with a 4-5 yer old). Over the last 6 weeks she's been having huge night terrors and has become extra loving (and me and her are really loving already). Yesterday I met her father at the train station as she is going for a week's visitation (regular thing). He called me from the train quite concerned as she stated (to me on the 'phone too) that now she is with her Daddy I am going to die on the rail tracks in the countryside. She doesn't understand yet hat railsways are dangerous, she hasn't learnt anything about this at daycare and she doesn't know about death either. I'm really worried! Any ideas?
13 answers
asked by
Jo H