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All categories - 22 August 2007

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2007-08-22 11:40:58 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I asked this question in the past but the answer didn't help. I have had this 'crush' for about 2 years now! I am dating other girls and I enjoy their company but I keep thinking about I wish I was with her instead. I treat the other girls like I would treat her and they think I am a gentlemen. I like the other girls. I know this girl has flaws because I am still friends with her. Yes I always flirt with her. She's giving me mixed signals though.

2007-08-22 11:40:36 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

Looking for something close to the field (walking distance would be great) that is quick (but not a chain or fast food) under $12 per person. I will be going to the Aug 30th game. Someplace that the locals and die hard Bronco fans eat.


2007-08-22 11:40:22 · 6 answers · asked by j. W 2 in Denver

The movie is about two teenagers that are dating. They are in a gas station and a man comes in and robs it. The man goes to shoot the girl but the boy jumps in the way and is shot dead. The rest of the movie the teenage boy keeps poppin up as a ghost and in the end he goes to prom with her as a ghost. Does anyone know what movie this is? I think it's from the early 90s or 80s

2007-08-22 11:40:21 · 5 answers · asked by sm2k9 1 in Movies

i've wrote many scripts, but when i get a group of friends together to actually film it, it always goes unfinished. i don't know what to do. everyone bails out on me. i really want a professional to look at this movie script. what do i do??? i really want to play the main part, i feel like i write these scripts for me since i love in a small town where stardom is hard!

2007-08-22 11:40:04 · 2 answers · asked by Ashe 2 in Theater & Acting

I have lived my entire life in this same small town in South Carolina, which has just recently grown out of our textile roots due to a population boom (200% in the past 2-3 years). With this growth came a new high school and administration.

The problem is that with all these "outsiders" now controlling the area, they have begun to change the way we are allowed to live. The school administration has made a rule for this school which to put simply: No student is allowed to wear any clothing with a rebel flag on it, if you do you will be subject to punishment.

I personally do not wear the flag but my problem is that people from other countries are allowed to be proud about where they're from and wear their flags on their clothing, while people in this very region aren't allowed to be proud of their heritage?

I asked one of my teachers and was told "As long as it isn't the rebel flag, you are allowed to wear it." I assume this includes the Iraq Flag or Afghan flag?

2007-08-22 11:39:57 · 4 answers · asked by justgohome523 2 in Other - Society & Culture

I have heard that many Chinese clothing manufacturers lace the material in Formaldehyde (Formalin) so the clothes are less likely to crease. Formalin is a poison and the amounts that are being used in the clothing is many times above the safe limit (is there a safe limit?). 5 parts per million causes skin irritation, 20 ppm can lead to cancer and in one New Zealand study, it was found that the levels in some clothing was between 8000ppm and 18000ppm. What other manufacturers use formalin and are there brands that we can feel sure that formalin has not been added? I have also heard that some shampoo companies have formalin in their ingredient list. Is this true? What other poisons do we consume or wear without knowing?

2007-08-22 11:39:43 · 1 answers · asked by Lofty M 3 in Other - Beauty & Style

I have a good job now, and can afford a house payment, but i want to move away to a different state and buy property there, can you obtain financing for a home in a different state using your current income?

2007-08-22 11:39:28 · 8 answers · asked by divajr 1 in Personal Finance

A friend of mine is 18 years old, and her boyfriend is 17, almost 18 (in December), and we all live in Ohio. They have been together for about 6 months now. They both talked to the boyfriend's mother about having sex, and she is apparently OK with it. Since this guy is so close to being 18 (in December), if they have sex, and his mother is ok with it, can my friend get in trouble for it?

2007-08-22 11:38:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

President Bush has kept his promise that he would appoint justices in the mold of Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas, two of the most ardently anti-choice and anti-women's rights justices on the Supreme Court. With Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito on the court, the balance of the Supreme Court has been shifted.

Eleanor Smeal said, "Instead of reaching out to women and/or people of color to make the Supreme Court more diverse and representative, Bush has slammed the door in the face of women and minorities. He has appointed a man who would turn back the clock on women's rights and civil rights."

2007-08-22 11:38:53 · 13 answers · asked by Deirdre O 7 in Gender Studies

To say he's a bad driver is just not stupid. It's a shame because unlike Tony fat butt, Kevin winer and chicken Gordon; he seems like a very nice down to earth guy who happens to be blessed or cursed with the top name in racing.

I've said this before, but look at the facts. He took a car to third last year with no back end and most of the front missing. Drove a car with no power steering and still finished. He dosen't make excuses and really seems to understand how lucky he is to be were he is.

Now I don't no the man. Maybe he's a world class jerk. But he can drive. It's sad but in this "Sport", the best driver doesn't always win. And unlike the above mentioned snapperheads; junior has class... so let the hate mail begin

2007-08-22 11:38:50 · 20 answers · asked by Gordon H 2 in NASCAR

I actually cooked this evening...

2007-08-22 11:38:49 · 14 answers · asked by Angel 4 in Polls & Surveys

Does anyone else out there believe thet our earth is a living organism?

2007-08-22 11:38:49 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

hate hate hate housework etc

Love being a Mum don't get me wrong - just hate all the maintenance that comes with it - lol

Any other Mum's (or Dad's for that matter) ever on the odd occasion feel the same?

p.s Don't get wrong, I will/have done the best for my daughter - just mean the feeling inside I sometimes get.

2007-08-22 11:38:45 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Parenting

I don't understand imperalism

2007-08-22 11:38:43 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in History

born-again, will he still be a drunk? If one is a Hindu and becomes born-again, will he still be a Hindu? If one is a Buddhist and becomes born-again, will he still be a Buddhist? If one is a Catholic, Baptist, or Mormon and becomes born-again, will he still be Catholic or Baptist or Mormon?

If one is a Muslim and becomes born-again, will he still be a Muslim?

I ask this question because the Bible says in 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God."

**Thank you for your answers.

2007-08-22 11:38:40 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

can you be forgiven for not forgiving someone

2007-08-22 11:38:32 · 13 answers · asked by nethnee 5 in Religion & Spirituality

Something is wrong with the pulley in my car, it needs to be replaced and the part is not readily available. It's squealing really bad and it makes me nervous driving it like this. Basically, I want to know if it's safe to drive this thing while I'm waiting on the part, and what can go wrong, and what I should look out for.

2007-08-22 11:38:30 · 6 answers · asked by amandalkr 1 in Maintenance & Repairs

thank you!

-I have blond hair and blue eyes.
~Tengo rubia el pelo y los ojos azules.

*So...in the sentence above, is it worded right? Or in the right order.*
If not please explain to me.

2007-08-22 11:38:18 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Languages

on this website! What should I do! I really want to do my homework-it's just that I can't get off..and when I do, I just come back on ;__;

2007-08-22 11:38:11 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I know it's kinda early for me to ask this, but if so, what are you dressing up as? Thanks :P

2007-08-22 11:38:09 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

SuperHero Hype reports that the JLA movie will probably be CGI / motion capture, in the lines of The Polar Express and the upcoming movies Beowulf and Avatar. I think this is Great!! after seeing the cutscenes from the Marvel Ultimate Allience video game, hell!! even before then, I've always felt that some of these comicbook movies would come across much better as animated features, It would eliminate so many headaches, trying to find the right actors, negotiating w/ salaries etc... Doing it this way just seems so natural in it's simplicity, think about what they could do, REALLY do, that they couldn't w/ the Spiderman & X-Men movies, not knocking them mind you ( I love those movies ) But they can't use the excuse," We can't do that because of the believability factor or production costs." There are no limitations w/ animation. Any thoughts?

2007-08-22 11:38:04 · 5 answers · asked by John N 5 in Comics & Animation

i eat 1250 calories a day and burn 300 - 400 calories 6 days a week in exercise .... i do monitor what i eat and I WILL NOT GO OVER becuse i dont want to gain any weight my BMI right now is 17.2 but i want to get it to 16.0 .... this doesnt mean i have an eating disorder right because im eating almost 1300 calories a day right???

2007-08-22 11:37:35 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Diet & Fitness

2007-08-22 11:37:28 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

I would like to find out more about some WWII military badges used in a necklace and bracelet set my great uncle gave to my grandmother when he came home from the war. My grandmother was too young at the time to remember anything he may have told her about the gift and he has since passed away.

The badges are brass with enameling. The roundish badges have the motto of the Order of the Bath enscribed on them (Tria Juncta in Uno).

I've done several internet searches but haven't found much information.

Any information on who wore these types of badges, what they signified, or anything about jewelry made from military badges would be great.

If anyone knows of a good forum where I might ask, that would also be appreciated.

I posted a picture of the set here:

2007-08-22 11:37:26 · 4 answers · asked by Offkilter 2 in Military

Something true, but funny?

2007-08-22 11:37:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

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