I was sitting alone in a park the other night in a city centre, I was all alone except for a couple walking a good 50 yards away. I was just sitting, thinking when I heard the voice of what sounded like an old woman laughing at me, like a really evil giggling. I stood up instantly, expecting to see some old homeless lady behind me or something, but noone was anywhere near. I checked behind the trees and even in the drains, THATS how close the voice sounded to my ear. So I went and sat on another bench, really freaked out by this evil invisible troll woman. I asked a lady walking past to do a giggle when she got to the same point of the park as this couple were, to see if there was any chance it was them, although she probably thought i was nuts, she did, and no, I could barely hear her and what I could hear souned echoed and far away. My bf says it could just be part of a daydream. (I never usually daydream, not sure how!) Has anyone else had this who ISNT mad? Thanks.
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Mental Health