Darwin did NOT recant on his deathbed.
There are PLENTY of transitional forms around.
There are PLENTY of verified prehuman fossils.
Numerous dating methods have ALL aged the earth as many billions of years old.
There is NO evidence which conclusively proves that there must have been a global flood.
Experiments with a mixture of chemicals have led to the formation of semi-organic molecules, which, with a long enough timeframe, could go on to form LIFE.
An experiment with two groups of fruit flies caused a NEWS SPECIES to be formed, which was unable to breed with the old species.
There are NO serious biologists who support ID.
There is NO evidence which proved ID exclusively.
There is PLENTY of evidence which proves evolution exclusively.
It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, evolution is still FACT.
All of this is true.
You can continue to believe in Creationism if you want, but please don't continue repeating the same old lies.
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Religion & Spirituality