I am left on the political spectrum, radical left. But this quesion is open to all. I feel like supportes of the war may not have a clear, rational understanding of the objectives of the war. Is it just military domination and suppression/ How will the hatred of the west, and its policies be alleviated.. just by crushing force? Because it seems that this will just breed more animosity.
Conservatives and liberals alike... what does an end to this war look like?
And if you say "to bring democracy" i challenge you with the historical record which clearly indicates that US policy is not concerned with real democracy. We support regimes which are undemocratic, but serve our interests. We overthrow democratically elected governments if they dont open up their resources to our crporations dominating their economy. The record on this is clear, and if you want to challenge this historic reality, come with evidence, homies........ Peace.
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