You got lucky on your first try. it can take years to conceive. for the average healthy couple, it can take as long as a year, but usually 6-9 mos. If you are over 30, your chances of conceiving decreases by 20%.
Your uterus can change after every pregnancy. If you had a c-section or difficult birth, it can create abnormalities in the uterus.
You also may have developed a fibroid or polyp in your uterus that is working like an IUD and preventing you from conceiving. If you don't have success in 6-9 mos, talk to your doctor.
If you are still breastfeeding, the hormone that makes you lactate interferes with the hormones that make you ovulate. You may have to wean your baby or go half bottle half breast in order to start ovulation.
2007-07-06 08:14:40
answer #1
answered by Malina 7
i don't know if the frequency is really it. there should still be more than enough sperm to get you pregnant. most likely it is just your body adjusting. you change after you have a baby. a friend of mine always had the worst periods to the point where she would vomit and now they aren't near as bad. with my first pregnancy we went for nearly a year without getting pregnant. we stopped trying and started using protection. one broke and i got pregnant. then the second time i got pregnant it only took 2 months. sadly i had a miscarriage. we are now waiting to be able to try again and hope we get that lucky again. it might just take longer this time. i don't know that it is to soon i know several ppl who got pregnant when they had 6 month olds accidentally. it will happen just give it time. and i know just because it takes some ppl years to get pregnant doesn't make 3 months of disappointment any easier.
2007-07-06 08:38:05
answer #2
answered by fairy 5
That is pretty close together after just giving birth 6 months ago. Each one is not going to be the same. It will change continuously. 3 months is not long to be trying at all. Give it time. On average, it takes about 2 years of trying for a couple to actually conceive. Just consider yourself lucky that it only took you two weeks the first time.
2007-07-06 08:14:18
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You should wait a bit longer before trying again.You've still got a baby on your hands&it would make it more stressful to have another child when your son is so young.You might want to wait until he's like 1 or 2 and then have another child.
2007-07-06 08:25:44
answer #4
answered by ♥Cloud Dancer♥ 3
Relax! 3 months is hardly anything compared to what it takes most people. I know it can be stressful but maybe it just isn't the right time. You'll get pregnant, if you didn't have a problem last time what would make you think conceiving will be a problem for you now?
2007-07-06 08:14:43
answer #5
answered by Busy Mommy of 3 6
Breast feeding - if you are lactating or BF'ing that is a form of birth control...not reliable but it helps the woman from not ovulating.
Stress of TTC just after delivery.
Apprehension to get pregnant again so soon!
I have a pdf file on thinking of another just after delivery if you are interested in reading it...come to the group
2007-07-06 08:14:02
answer #6
answered by ChelYox 4
The conventional wisdom is that a woman's body needs 9 months to recover from pregnancy. So your body may just not be up for it quite yet. I suggest you have as much "fun" as you want to and don't actually TRY for a few more months. That might work.
2007-07-06 09:00:54
answer #7
answered by sparki777 7
tell your father in regulation it is you and your husband's employer no longer his. nicely i will see you're demanding approximately having yet another one however the single you have now's barely 4 months old and that i in my view do no longer think of having them so close at the same time is this sort of sturdy concept you're no longer giving your physique sufficient time to heal exceptionally after the subject concerns you had once you have been pregnant. in case you quite can no longer wait then sturdy success, yet i might wait awhile if it have been me. you're saying that quickly it is going to likely be too previous due yet human beings as old as 50 have babies and it is basically that the older you get maybe the extra stable it is to get pregnant
2016-12-10 04:03:54
answer #8
answered by ? 4
Are you breastfeeding? Your body may have just not started ovulating yet after the pregnancy. Are you having regular periods yet? I know for me I pumped for 4 months and then stopped and got my period within a month or two.
2007-07-06 08:12:46
answer #9
answered by TwinMoonRising 2
Are you breastfeeding? Usually breastfeeding suppresses ovulation.
If not, then you got lucky with your first one and you're gong to have to try harder with this one.
Good luck!
2007-07-06 08:13:15
answer #10
answered by rebecca d 4