We are superior in every way - amongst men and in nature.
We invented everything from cars to light bulbs to space travel to the Internet to democracy. Nothing was invented by non-Americans.
We single-handedly freed the hapless world from the Nazis and the communists.
We make all of the world's music, books, TV, and movies.
We are the only country with major professional sports - football, basketball, baseball.
America is the only country that has all of the world's climates from the tropics to the Arctic.
We have more thunderstorms and tornadoes than all other countries combined.
We hold all of the world's weather records - heaviest snow, rain, strongest wind, hottest and coldest temperatures.
We have the world's largest military and economy. Any other big militaries in the world are completely dependent on America for their technology and leadership. Any other big economies (Japan, Europe) in the world were single-handedly built by Americans from scratch.
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Independence Day