Many people dislike Barry Bonds for supposedly using steroids, however nobody has proven anything. According to a poll:
"...However, race plays a unique role. Black fans in the survey are more than twice as likely to want Bonds to break Aaron's record (74 percent to 28 percent), and 37 percent of black fans think Bonds used steroids, compared to 76 percent of white fans."
This is what I see. Whites used to lead the MLB, because there where not Blacks of Latins at the beginning playing on the MLB. Now, 2 blacks are leading the 700 mark, while 2 Latinos, are already on the the way there, Alex Rodriguez, and last but not least Alberto Pujols. Alex Rodriguez is the youngest to be in his Home Runs number, and Pujols too. This means that at least 2 blacks and one Latino will lead the MLB home run. Hank, Barry, Alex and probably Pujols.
Mark McGwire has not been attacked by the media as have been Bonds and Sosa.
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