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All categories - 9 May 2007

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someone said: " Yah, there is a cosmetic dental procedure that can fix this. They use a special laser to raise the gum line, so less gum shows when you smile. It's relatively inexpensive and safe, ask your dentist about it. HTH : ) "

Okay. I hate my smile so much. Its so annoying. And I have superr small teeth. not my baby ones either. My mom has ir and so does my cousin, but I have it worse. I've always been self-consious about it and when I found out someone was making fun of my small teeth, and calling me "gumbo", I knew I had enough. There HAS to be a way to fix this!
I need to know if anyone has gone through this "procedure", or if there is even one and about how much it costs.

And there are 'teeth caps' or something... not sure, but Hilary Duff has them,
And if anyone knows exactly what they are called and about how much they cost,
I'd be so grateful it wouldn't be funny.

2007-05-09 16:26:25 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dental

a. have patience and attention to detail
b. keep a dictionary handy
c. write down words and always research them if you dont know them
d. all of the aboce are steps to follow

2007-05-09 16:26:24 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

2007-05-09 16:26:16 · 32 answers · asked by G=ME 5 in Polls & Surveys

I've worked with this guy for 10+ months, some days he seems very interested, others, not so much. I realize Aqua's do the aloof thing but should I wait for him to make a move or move on?

2007-05-09 16:26:12 · 8 answers · asked by NeverSatisfied 1 in Horoscopes

I already have a pretty good straightener but I just would like some options from when it breaks and you'll get two points out of it!
so no compaints please just opions and I think the person who talk about all the features will probably get best answer so good luck and please no complaints!

2007-05-09 16:26:00 · 13 answers · asked by Pyro 2 in Hair

The Earth is billions and billions of years old. Humans evolved from lower life forms over time. Genesis contains divine truth and revelations from God, but it is not necessarily to be taken literally. Jesus was the son of God, He was God incarnate. His resurrection was a physical one and He is the way the truth and the light.

I just don't see why there is such a big issue over creationism. Isn't it possible that what we know about the evolution of the universe, the galaxy, and the Earth is simply the mechanics by which God created us?

2007-05-09 16:25:48 · 20 answers · asked by Zezo Zeze Zadfrack 1 in Religion & Spirituality


2007-05-09 16:25:38 · 33 answers · asked by George R 1 in Rock and Pop

heres my scenario: i just walked outside to get the mail, its 10pm here so i look up and see a star. it occurs to me that the light from that star has traveled however many millions of miles just to end up in my eye. its a cool thought to look into the past like that but heres what i don't understand. i was thinking that the light was coming from a direct line from the star to my eye. then i looked out the window to find the star again, wanting to see the past again. it then occurred to me that if i stood outside and looked at it, and my friend stood at the window and looked at it, we would both have the same scenario: light traveling across the universe into our eyes. do all stars (or all light and light sources for that matter) project light in all possible directions? is light from a source omitted everywhere and it travels until its absorbed? why don't stars that we can see but are far away illuminate our skies?

2007-05-09 16:25:31 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Physics

The new "healthy" McDonalds...what a crock...

2007-05-09 16:25:31 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-09 16:25:27 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Beer, Wine & Spirits

would that be worth it to you? No matter how much you had to take to help the children of our world find some real safety and peace in their lives?

2007-05-09 16:25:19 · 9 answers · asked by Friend 6 in Philosophy

I have court order not to pay child support, but my ex-wife ask for money all the time, so I still give her money because she says its for the kids. Now she says she is going to the child support office to get "what she deserves" According to her, she filed it already, but she still asks for money. Should i give her money still???????

2007-05-09 16:25:11 · 20 answers · asked by Mikey B. 1 in Family

2007-05-09 16:25:05 · 32 answers · asked by BRENDA S M 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

2007-05-09 16:25:03 · 14 answers · asked by bird 67 2 in Philosophy

2007-05-09 16:25:01 · 19 answers · asked by rosey 7 in Polls & Surveys

Because 98% of you are rude and I just thought it would be nice to show that not ALL evolutionist are mean and nasty.

So here are my quesitons.

When did that wonderful feeling we when we love, evolve?

When did our emotions, evolve?

When did the ability to think, reason and plan, evolve?

How is that it takes many more muscles to frown then it does to smile?

For those who are convinced that we evolved from fish, where did our hair come from?

How is it that we have two eyes,ears,legs,arms,hands, why not 3 or 4?

Why is that we do not have one piece of writen history that shows the evolution of man?
(nothing to show that once upon a time we only had one leg or 7 toes or 4 fingers,etc)

PLEASE, honest, polite, serious answers only. If you can't be nice, please don't bother us with your rudeness.

2007-05-09 16:24:56 · 40 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

What did the sign on the door of the whorehouse say?

Are you ready for this???

Beat it! We're closed.

2007-05-09 16:24:47 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

2007-05-09 16:24:23 · 12 answers · asked by jamal_richards_iii 1 in Elections

I am planning on taking a trip to Atlanta this summer to watch baseball games and other things so I look up things to do in Atlanta. On the Atlanta GA web page there is a tab to click on that list all the groovy things for Gays and Lesbians to do. Is this the way the world is going? Why do we have to single out Gays and Lesbians? What about having a special list of things for MEN AND WOMEN couples to do? Well that would be silly right? We have to have our special Gays and Lesbians category to make them feel special and not like freaks and so it makes us look tolerant. Friends this is not the way the founding fathers of the United States of America invisioned our great nation to be. Is this catering to homosexuals just gonna get bigger or is America gonna wake up one day?

2007-05-09 16:24:22 · 32 answers · asked by mxcardinal 3 in Religion & Spirituality

hmm got no idea... grasping at straws here.

2007-05-09 16:24:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Drama

I want to tell my mom but I don't know how to tell her. If I do tell her she'll freak out, she'll say it's a faze I'm going though. But it's not i really am. But I want to tell her but how. How do I face her and the rest of my family.

2007-05-09 16:24:09 · 24 answers · asked by Kenzie K 1 in Family

I think the regulars on here enjoy the fact that there are regulars here. We all have our favorites for whatever reason, usually the way they either post or answer questions.
So you get to know the regs and at some point they either ask or answer a question and it makes you stop and think "Whoa...maybe this person isnt like who I thought"
What are your thoughts?

2007-05-09 16:23:58 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

When John F. Kennedy said we would put a man on the moon, we were in a race with Russia to lead space exploration. Scientific advancement in this area was a metaphor for which nations idea of civilization was most beneficial to the human race. In my eyes, it would have been more than possible to fake a moon landing at that time. Since then, I have heard nothing about lunar exploration until Bush's state of the union where he stated we would be back on the moon in 10 years, and on mars in 25. I bring up none of the conspiracy theories, only ask why in the age we are in cannot obtain a goal any faster than the 60's.

2007-05-09 16:23:52 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Astronomy & Space

what are some family values that you know that you will pass on, or have already passed on to your children that have been practiced in your famiy or is happening right now?

2007-05-09 16:23:35 · 6 answers · asked by toastycrumbs 3 in Other - Family & Relationships

2007-05-09 16:23:13 · 8 answers · asked by Matt M 1 in Volvo


2007-05-09 16:23:06 · 42 answers · asked by SidBridge 6 in Polls & Surveys

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