Why is it in every islamic country, they claim to follow Islam yet don't? For example, forced arranged marriages. Islam says woman has the right to choose, and even propose, yet these "men" act like she's cattle. Islam says a man is supposed to emulate the Prophet (PBUH) who never once struck a woman, stood up for women, and didn't annoy or demand all housework and cooking from his wives. He helped, he did his own things. So why is it so hard for these "men" to shed culture and follow religion? Then the women wouldn't be oppressed, because the men would not be forcing how they feel onto them. Many children in a short amount of time wouldn't be born because the woman also has rights regarding that and can refuse for health reasons. Marriage is for tranquility, peace, and harmony for both parties involved. Why is it so hard for these "men", and actually most men the world over, to understand this?
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Religion & Spirituality