My boyfriend and I are disagreeing on weather or not to buy a gift for a couple whose wedding we are not attending. Let me give you both sides of the argument, and please give us your opinion.
Situation: We are not good friends with the couple. In fact, the girl was with a friend of ours a few years ago, and cheated on him with another friend. Since then, we became involved in a social group w/ them, and became aquantances. The dinner group doesn't meet anymore and we just got an invitation to the wedding. If we never would have been in this group, we wouldn't have been invited. We're not going because we don't really know them.
My argument: we need to buy them a gift because it's proper etiquite. We got an invitation, and are not attending, and they should still get a gift, even if small, from us
His argument: "not only do we not know them, I don't like the bride. She cheated on my friend and who cares about etiquite. They don't deserve a gift just because they sent us an invitation
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