1. We could have been born either sex.
2. We could have been born a Jew, Christian, Muslim.
3. We could have been born where food is plentiful or to a life of starvation.
4. For all the control we had over our birth, we just as well might have been born in Chad, Ethiopia, an Orphan, a Paraplegic, Black, White, Blind, Deaf, Deformed, Sick, Ugly, Beautiful or anyone of a million possibilitys.
5. I might have been born You and Youmight have been born Me.
6. You or I could have been born Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime.
7. Following that Logic (if it is logic) You or I could be the kid at school that other kids make fun of, a blind person that needs help with something but is ignored, an elderly woman/man in a nursing home that has no one to visit her/him, a cripple in a wheelchair. 8. Do you agree then. And this is my point- that we ought do unto others as we would like done unto ourselves? Because for all the control we had over are birth. We might just as well be the other person.
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