One of my friends ashley is really annoying and i am afraid that if i try to tell her shes annoying she will get upset with me. the last time i tried to tell her she sucked at badminton in gym class she got upset and told the teacher on me and i dont know what to do!! i just might need a way to tell her that shes annoying . she will probally go to the guidance counciller on me and tell him that i told her that shes annoying but i cant help it, and also she lies alot. like today she told me and my friends that she had a horse and then my friend cavelle who knows alot about horses asked her all these questions and then she didnt know what anything meant and she looked really bad like it was so obvious that she was lieng, you could just see from her actions ! She also said before that she got her drivers license in korea !! what should i do its really getting on my nerves!
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asked by
Allie ツ