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All categories - 28 March 2007

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2007-03-28 03:30:40 · 2 answers · asked by existential ronin 1 in Languages

One of my friends ashley is really annoying and i am afraid that if i try to tell her shes annoying she will get upset with me. the last time i tried to tell her she sucked at badminton in gym class she got upset and told the teacher on me and i dont know what to do!! i just might need a way to tell her that shes annoying . she will probally go to the guidance counciller on me and tell him that i told her that shes annoying but i cant help it, and also she lies alot. like today she told me and my friends that she had a horse and then my friend cavelle who knows alot about horses asked her all these questions and then she didnt know what anything meant and she looked really bad like it was so obvious that she was lieng, you could just see from her actions ! She also said before that she got her drivers license in korea !! what should i do its really getting on my nerves!

2007-03-28 03:30:40 · 8 answers · asked by Allie ツ 2 in Friends

i was told it was a minature when i bought it,it wasn't. we try to trim it to keep it looking nice,but it still doesn't. i've tried straight round-up.my husband dug it out with his tractor a couple years ago,and it comes back as healthy as ever. help,please!

2007-03-28 03:30:37 · 3 answers · asked by stacy 4 in Garden & Landscape

as above. i will be touching down in HK on 31mar07 7pm. i would like to watch the liverpool arsenal match. can anyone help??? thanks!!!

2007-03-28 03:30:31 · 5 answers · asked by bingqi_bu 1 in China

Stupid assignment...extra credit

2007-03-28 03:30:31 · 4 answers · asked by coo c 1 in Mathematics

not that i know alot but i would like to.

2007-03-28 03:30:29 · 7 answers · asked by jimbo c 1 in Politics

2007-03-28 03:30:27 · 5 answers · asked by jgrzeika1953@sbcglobal.net 1 in Infectious Diseases

Happens to me EVERY time!

2007-03-28 03:30:26 · 8 answers · asked by MRS. EVIL GENIUS 5 in Polls & Surveys

I currently have (and like) my BlackBerry 7520.

2007-03-28 03:30:21 · 2 answers · asked by Wes W 1 in PDAs & Handhelds

Please no website links!

2007-03-28 03:30:20 · 3 answers · asked by hi!!! 2 in Hair

My current bf and myself and friendly with my ex, i am trying to set him up with someone, but part of me doesnt want him to have someone. is this normal?

2007-03-28 03:30:20 · 6 answers · asked by coco 2 in Singles & Dating

First the question:

Write a function expressing population in terms of the !number of years! that have elapsed since 1970;

The first part is done: P=203m(1.02)^t

Here is the whole question: The 1970 census showed that the population was about 203 million. The 1980 census showed that the population had grown to about 226 million.

So I think I have the function. I just dont know hoe to turn it around to reflent the number of years.

Please advise.

Thanx to all who have helped so far


2007-03-28 03:30:14 · 1 answers · asked by Michael b 6 in Mathematics

2007-03-28 03:30:13 · 10 answers · asked by b.random4ever 1 in Teaching

he really said it but he is my teacher...what am i supposed to do?

2007-03-28 03:30:09 · 37 answers · asked by starkey 1 in Singles & Dating

This cop flys by me the other day and then I catch up to him at the next light and he doesn't have his lights and sirens on and then he just drives off normal. If I report him can I make a citizens arrest ticket or get him suspended.

2007-03-28 03:30:08 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I seem to have misplaced it

2007-03-28 03:30:08 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Not to mention Yahoo Answers!

Feel more disorganized and distracted all day due to being interrupted all day (usually interrupt yourself)?

Too much info coming at you at once?

2007-03-28 03:30:05 · 4 answers · asked by Reserved 6 in Mental Health

Or do I date someone that I meet at a thing and then he found me on the internet and asked me out? SO do i take another chance wit my x or do I go for the friend who lives 5 hours away?

2007-03-28 03:30:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My husband was yacking away on the phone this morning and the nosy secretary at work was listening to his every word.. so halfway through telling me about the church easter egg hunt, he blurted out "No, it's swollen and starting to itch. I need to get in and see someone without my wife knowing."

2007-03-28 03:29:58 · 10 answers · asked by Jen F 5 in Polls & Surveys

How do you control these awful things? They are everywhere in the house .

2007-03-28 03:29:54 · 2 answers · asked by Diane G 6 in Other - Home & Garden

I had a friend who just died and his BAC was .62, I would like to know what peoples levels have been when arrested, hospitalized or anything of this sort.

2007-03-28 03:29:50 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I never told my ex. bf that he got me pregnant is now the father of my 5.5 yr old son because i wanted to avoid problems.He was really immature at the time .Anyway i graduated from college and got married to a nice guy .Everything was suburban paradise but we were trying to get pregnant for almost 2 yrs. This put a lot of strain on our relationship causing a lot of fights he wanted us to have a baby to complete our family.He started accusing me of trying to prevent pregnancy which was not the case.Results were alot of fights and seperation for a year. I had a fling by chance during the seperation with my ex.bf (son's bio-dad )who is married was going through what my hubby and i had with fertility problems stress his wife wanted a baby badly.I was lonley and wanted someone to talk too i ended it because i felt the affair was wrong.Damage was already done though i am now 7 months pregnant with his child again.

2007-03-28 03:29:47 · 12 answers · asked by Megan C 1 in Marriage & Divorce

If you had $1,000,000 dollars to invest over a five year period what would you invest in and why? The investment must also meet the following requierments.
1. It makes the most money.
2. It must be a low-medium risk investment.
3. It should benefit the community in some way.

2007-03-28 03:29:45 · 10 answers · asked by Jack B 1 in Investing

Ever gave it a thought that if somebody can in lenght discuss some mutual "friend" if it could be possible that the same person can talke about you behand your back. Why do people in general have to make the other small in order to apear bigger themself. Instead of say something ugly about somebody else, rather say " You know he/she is not hear to defend himself/herself" Try and see something good/nice in the other person and focus on that.

2007-03-28 03:29:41 · 10 answers · asked by INCOGNITO 3 in Etiquette

Its so confusing! Price was always the main factor for me when buying a computer. Now, however it is just a factor not THE factor. This is making my decision so confusing. Here is my situation...

Work at home using CAD software and lots of pictures.

4 kids and I store my pics on my computer. I would use a CD to store but I have no burner.

Lots of internet surfing - you know - in my spare time.

Dh likes to play poker on my puter sometimes.

I am running a wireless network from my computer and 4 other computers in the house are connected.

I don't feel like my situation is unusual at all but my computer is so slow. I use WinCleaner regularly to purge internet files and spyware and I defrag regularly.

I want to avoid the torture of a slow computer in the future. What do you think I should look for in a new puter?

2007-03-28 03:29:39 · 6 answers · asked by kandj 2 in Other - Computers

fedest.com, questions and answers