we were hoping to have a spirit week at school with the theme "all around the world". each day would be a different country and/or part of the world. unfortunatelly, administration has told us to change the theme due to "controversial issues". the days were:
mexico monday - dress with spanish pride (flags/sombreros)
this was denied beacuse of border control issues and illegal immigration
timbuk tuesday - safari/jungle - wear camo and khaki colors
this was ok but we were told not to use the term camoflauge because of the war in iraq and opposing sides of the issue
west coast wed - dress in california fashion(beach/hip hop)
again, no because it would result in "gang related issues"
is it just me, or are they being more stereotypical by denying these days then it would be to have them? because everybody knows that people who listen to hip hop are gang related right? this is INSANE! its prejudice and infringes on our ammendment rights. am i wrong? please share your opinions!!
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Other - Society & Culture