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we have medicine social security and etc. he is so weak that doctors donot want to start chemotherapy. we need miracle food and nutritional material that make my father gain weight and empower his immune system. do you have any information about this kind of nutritients?

2007-03-14 19:33:20 · 27 answers · asked by foliathymi 1 in Health Diseases & Conditions Cancer

27 answers

There are over 200 different kinds of cancer. Some things work for some types of cancer, and other things work for other types.

You might have heard of the studies in which cancer cells were injected into very healthy prison inmate volunteers (to reduce their sentence, if the cancer didn't kill them), and the prisoner's bodies--without exception--killed the cancer cells, not the other way around. Not one prisoner developed cancer. Not one. The body can totally cure itself of cancer, and it absolutely can, as these findings demonstrate.

For a diseased body to regain its ability to heal itself, all of these 12 things are important--

ANTIOXIDANTS--Vitamin C and E, silenium, germanium, many others.

ENZYMES--pancreatic, CoQ-10, and papaya--are necessary in many cases, until the body starts working right.

MINERALS--zeolites, and take magnesium, chromium, selenium, potassium iodide, zinc and germanium.

STOP METASTASIS--Vitamen B-17 keeps cancer from spreading to new locations. Apricot kernels, peach kernels, apple seeds, etc.

DETOXIFICATION--the bowels and bladder MUST be working properly to heal! Appropriate colon/parasite cleanses are absolute musts, and systemic candidiasis cleanse if necessary. This step, and food addiction, are the hardest things for most people to handle.

DENTAL METAL--Nickel, mercury, lead and cadmium turn off the immune system and cause cancer. They are used extensively in dental work. Many alternative healers won't work with a patient till these metals are removed from the mouth. This is so significant that many people heal by doing this and nothing else. EDTA, zeolites, bentonite clay or garlic, can temporarily help with heavy metals, but as soon as you stop, they start building up again.

DIET--'pulse', as the Bible calls it--veggies and beans, the fruit of the earth--and whole grains. Cut out soda, sugar, trans fats and fast food; address your sodium/potassium balance (very low sodium during healing); and adjust your pH as necessary.

HERBS AND SPICES--burdock, garlic, ginger, cayenne, chaparral, licorice root, sheep sorrell, cat's claw, cleavers, red clover, pau d'arco, stillingia root, barberry, poke root, prickly ash bark, buckthorne bark, turmeric, and others. Highly recommend a good herbalist.

PURE WATER--at least charcoal filtered, best if steam distilled; tap water and some bottled waters contain things that turn off the body's ability to heal.

STRESS--lower it. Also, do any necessary grieving for losses in your life, and heal emotionally. Constant negative emotions depress the immune system.

EXERCISE (and oxygen)--absolutely indispensible--you will not get well just sitting around. Period. No exceptions. Get on your feet and get active, and get the lymph system working and get oxygen to the tissues--or die.

EDUCATION--get a working knowledge of the above areas. Convince yourself that living and thriving again is possible. Dr. Hulda Clark, a contributor mentioned above, has legally proven her approach cures cancer, and she claims a 95% success rate. She publishes the pictures, x-rays and lab reports to prove it, as did Harry Hoxey and Max Gerson.. It is tragic that they are blacklisted.

If alternative medicine is to provide a way for the body to heal itself of cancer, we must be willing to unlearn much that we take for granted in Western civilization, and change our life. It is sad that we are a nation of sheeple--uninformed, fearful, and easily distracted by our pastimes. Bet you didn't know that the very first use of flouride was in the Russian penal system to keep prisoners calm and manageable. Well, it was. And today, it's in many municipal water systems in our country, even though it has serious documented side effects. But that's another story.

Healing our bodies is absolutely possible! Some do not have the courage, motivation and self-discipline to change and heal, but many people do. If you have cancer, just take the area mentioned above that you are most interested in, and learn about that. Make it part of your life, and go on to the next area. You'll be glad you did. Best of luck.

2007-03-17 18:20:16 · answer #1 · answered by Dorothy and Toto 5 · 0 0

I cannot tell by your description what is going on, but if your father is truly in a terminal phase of cancer . . than why can't he eat what he wants to? I would think that at this point meals should be all about calories and how many he can eat. In other words, whatever he enjoys if it makes him want to eat, than that is what he should have. Forcing a cancer patient who is already ill to try and change their diet, eat foods that are unfamiliar to them . . seems unnecessary at this point in time. Make him comfortable and let him enjoy whatever meals he can manage to eat.

Good luck to you both.

2007-03-15 00:26:59 · answer #2 · answered by Panda 7 · 0 0

First of all I am profoundly sorry to hear this! My father is 75 and is beginning to display concerning signs himself. Your question caught my attention because my father is now beginning to regurtate his food, or his throat will close up while he tries to swallow his food and often he just vomits it back up. Though they are giving him pills to help with the acid, they're not doing much else. I'm afraid it may lead to something worse.

At any rate, my father tends to eat a poor diet. He is a sugar addict and often consumes a lot of junk. I myself am in poor health, but am following a diet that has allowed for me to build up some health and gain some weight for the first time in a long time.

I will share it with you. It may help, it is the only thing that has helped my health one bit. Here it is:

No sugar, no gluten containing grain like wheat/rye/barley/oats, little milk or fruit, but go easy due to natural sugars still in them. And concentrating on healthy proteins and fats and vegetables mainly. Like chicken, liver, meats, healthy fats such as butter, extra virgin olive oil, extra virgin coconut oil, and even eating fat on meat with meat, eggs. Plain sugar free acidophilus yoghurt. Some raw nuts daily like brazil/almonds. These things have built me up a lot. Those fats by the way often help tissue repair, bile flow and do all sorts of things in the body and skin. The problem today is that we are told to go no fat or low fat or eating the wrong fats and this can cause far more harm than good. The old fashioned way of eating with the fats they used to eat are proving once again to be the best!

Vegetables of all sorts, broccoli, tomatoe, onions, alfalfa, etc. Plenty of green vegetables especially. Raw, stir fried or steamed, or combination. Doesn't matter, so long as your Father gets enough of this and enough fats and protein.

Again, a lot of this is to not just improve health, but reduce toxins and any possible overgrowth of candida yeast in the body which is extremely common in anybody with immune deficiency, whether that is from cancer, aids, or some toxicity condition.

I found once I did this diet and stuck to it, my helath began to turn around after a few weeks. It also enabled my body to begin absorbing nutrients again and of course finally some weight began to go on.

some basic, but good supplements, are vitamin C powder, cod liver oil, selenium, undenatured whey powder and possibly a green food supplement. They will aid in building a person up. But to me, diet is the main foundation, the rest is supplementary.

2007-03-14 20:10:55 · answer #3 · answered by Gus 3 · 0 0

Try Essiac, Comitris and Zell Oxigen. I have seen people recovering and stable with that. Try green food like chlorella and/or green magma to help the body.
This are only suggestions.

2007-03-17 08:53:48 · answer #4 · answered by ironenzyme 2 · 0 0

read capotes breakfast at tiffanys from start to finish

2017-04-06 14:05:14 · answer #5 · answered by Shannon 3 · 0 0

Try DCA dichloroacetic acid, take less than 25mg/kg of body weight per day, this can be aquired over the counter at the local pharmacy...it's inexpensive, and don't tell them you're using it to cure your fathers cancer, they'll probably not believe you anyways.

*I am not responsible for anything that this product does or does not do, use at your own discretion

2007-03-14 19:43:01 · answer #6 · answered by dlancelot 2 · 0 1

Consume low calorie food

2015-12-18 04:18:32 · answer #7 · answered by Vicky 3 · 0 0

eat chili for a couple of days research shows that chili peppers boost your metabolic rate burning 50 more cals a day

2015-06-15 05:22:24 · answer #8 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Use calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you re consuming daily

2016-02-04 16:32:22 · answer #9 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

40 minutes of martial arts

2016-01-17 20:45:53 · answer #10 · answered by Lou 3 · 0 0

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