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All categories - 25 February 2007

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I love spending time with him, he makes me laugh, he is very attrative, very caring, genuine, trustworthy, hot, great job, would make a wonderful father so why dont I know if I want to marry him or not?

Is this my gut trying to tell me something or can I make possibly the best thing that ever happened to me last forever?

2007-02-25 05:36:30 · 7 answers · asked by dawson190154 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I had a credit card with a $200 maximum balence allowed. In 2 week's time, the company (this was years ago) tried to say my balence was $1200, then $1500, then $1800, then $2100. I argued with thier customer service that it was not me, and how could a $200 balence go so high in 2 or 3 weeks? Then after a few years after thinking I paid off the over $200 balence, I was working at a place, and someone started taking $73 per paycheck out of my wages. I was never notified by the credit card company, nor my employer's payroll department. This caused me financial ruins. I hardly can pay my bills now, but I hope maybe I'll get a descent tax refund. Do garnishment people steal our identities? It's funny how the W-2 form doesn't list over $1000 that I paid out in garnishments. Will I owe because about $1000 was garnished, but not taxed or anything? It's still $1000 I made.

2007-02-25 05:36:30 · 3 answers · asked by wallaroo w 2 in United States

I love to see the design of several old and new cars and I just want to know how and to become designer of one of them?
What field you have to study and what are the colleges they off these courses.
Are they mechanical Engineers, architects, fashion designers, graphic designers? Who they are??

2007-02-25 05:36:28 · 1 answers · asked by gorebet 1 in Other - Visual Arts

Can a true christian use birth control? You are interfering with god's plan.

2007-02-25 05:36:27 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

My husband is a joke. I married a man who was a widower with 3 children. His children, especially his 16 yr. old daughter has a problem with telling the truth. She tells my mother in law and her biological mothers parents everything we do and I feel its none of their business. I feel our life is a open book. We know the info. comes from the daughter because she is the only one that would know some of the info. that has been relayed back to us. I like our privacy, we have nothing to hide but I don't feel like my husband former in-laws or his mother always have to pass judgement or make comments about things we do. I feel my husband should put his foot down with his daughter but like usual he does nothing. I am really upset and feel I take a backseat to is daughter. Should a husband get to the bottem of a problem if it is upsetting to his wife. I've been crying half the morning and of course he doesn't seemed overly concerned about that either and I don't reall care anymore.

2007-02-25 05:36:25 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Marriage & Divorce

2007-02-25 05:36:23 · 29 answers · asked by jericho sland 4 in Music

2007-02-25 05:36:18 · 14 answers · asked by iain b 1 in Cooking & Recipes

The symbol [x] means the greatest integer not greater than x. If f(x)=2[x]-3x find each value.

9. f(0)

10. f(.5)

I am so confused.

2007-02-25 05:36:17 · 1 answers · asked by Rosa 1 in Mathematics

Guys i have some shocking news little *******'s name was changed to Hornswoggle dose aneyone know y just check his profile on wwe.com if you want proof?

2007-02-25 05:36:15 · 3 answers · asked by Undertaker12345678 1 in Wrestling

I work VERY hard, at a low-paying job that is mostly physical labor. I have several "disabilities", including a torn rotator cuff with a bicep that is only connected in one place, and pins in my ankle and a metal plate in my leg.

I don't "qualify" for any sort of assistance from the government, but wouldn't take it if I did. I believe in taking care of myself and my family!

Everytime I turn around, there is some writer on Y!A telling me that "Liberals don't believe in work." or that I am trying to give their hard-earned money away. Look at it from my point of view for once:

A) I have worked hard all my life (I am 60), and paid my taxes and Social Security like every other legal worker! If I or any member of my family ever needs to take a "hand up" from the government, it is only MY money that they're getting anyway!!

B) I have never said that people should sit on their hands and wait for a government hand-out. But, I also believe that everyone COULD need a helping

2007-02-25 05:36:10 · 17 answers · asked by Joey's Back 6 in Politics

One number is 2 times another. If the sum of their reciprocals is , find the two numbers.

2007-02-25 05:36:08 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mathematics

Apparently my asthma inhaler has caused me to develop thrush and, yuck, I want to get rid of it! Is seeing the doctor for a prescription of something the only route? He didn't take it seriously when I told him that I was having troubles and just said to rinse my mouth thoroughly or brush my teeth after using the inhaler!

2007-02-25 05:36:08 · 5 answers · asked by Red Wolf Queen 2 in Women's Health

Anyone have a Nintendo DS Lite? If you do plz tell me

2007-02-25 05:36:05 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Games & Gear

Those who have replyed so far to Chronic Back pain,etc...being a home owner is a constant work out for me.I am physically disabled,I am just now getting the
attention that I should of had in 2003 when I pushed a hand pallet jack with a load weighing 1,228 lbs and a group of idiots who were to back me up as we had no access to a forklift nor a electric jack to place on weigh scale.I settled out of court as I wanted to continue to work once I was able to move half ok.That took me 2 months.I have had orthoscopic surgery 3 times on my shoulder,once on the knee(that is on the verge of giving out again)I am 45,I do have osteoarthrits and now that I have medicare I am getting to the right doctors.I do have my main doctor but there was not much that could be done.In 2004 I went 5 days of horrible pain in my right leg,didn't do anything to it.Finally went to E.R I
was 18 hrs. away from dying to 4 Deep Vein Trambosis and they were in my hip
finally.My right foot swells for no reason now.etc.

2007-02-25 05:36:03 · 3 answers · asked by Gail T 1 in Pain & Pain Management

well when i woke up this morning my nose ring had sunk. So i got up and pushed it out and then it fell back down again. it had a lil bit of pus and it was red around the whole. also i got it done with the gun is that bad also. please help me

2007-02-25 05:36:01 · 5 answers · asked by Pie~Pie Jones 1 in Other - Health

2007-02-25 05:36:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cooking & Recipes


where can i find cute comfortors that are qood quality (price doesn't matter) I'm doing a city theme and its purple. Thanks in advance! bye.

2007-02-25 05:36:00 · 2 answers · asked by ♥BrunetteSweetie♥ 3 in Friends

My boyfriend likes to take his male and female friends out to lunch for their birthdays. I was telling him that taking out to lunch his male friends is kind weird because it might make him look gay. And when he takes out to lunch his female friends for their b-days I told him that is weird because they have their boyfriends that can take them out to lunch. But he keeps saying that he does it because that's what friends should do.
What do you guys say? Am I the weird one thinking that way? or is he being weird?

2007-02-25 05:36:00 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Family & Relationships

AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL?ilove that show

2007-02-25 05:35:54 · 8 answers · asked by *l*y!0r 2 in Television

Don't you drink bathroom water when you brush your teeth? Or if you get up in the middle of the night? Why do so many people object to drinking water from the bathroom tap? There's NO difference!

2007-02-25 05:35:53 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Society & Culture

I ordered a very simple order with a coke and large coffee... the girl comes with large coke and what? So, I had to repeat this TWO more times before she 'got it'......what is the deal with fast food workers? oh and she was rude when I pulled up to the window, acting like it was my fault.

2007-02-25 05:35:48 · 21 answers · asked by Dick Richards 3 in Fast Food

In the history books we all know that Australia, New Zealand and America was discovered. I have never been able to find out when
Japan first became known to the rest of the world. Who were the first inhabitantans?

2007-02-25 05:35:48 · 8 answers · asked by JoJo 4 in Trivia


2007-02-25 05:35:43 · 12 answers · asked by pgiggles34 2 in Grade-Schooler

I am visiting my grandma, she just got her leg amputated, i already got a gift but i need to cheer her up.

2007-02-25 05:35:35 · 19 answers · asked by Mrs.Geiger 2 in Other - Family & Relationships

My hair is so curly, but not like unbrushable. How can I straghten my hair quickly? Any poducts? Ive tried the shampoo with the Dots, I forgot what its called, but it hasn't really helped. Any suggestions?

2007-02-25 05:35:35 · 12 answers · asked by Project Runway Lover 2 in Hair

who , with any piece of a brain would vote for her ? no experience , no morals , she hasnt done anything since elected senator , and who is doing her job while she is campaigning , is she still getting paid ? if so for what ? making a fool out of herself ? what a joke !

2007-02-25 05:35:33 · 10 answers · asked by kramer 1 in Elections

Can you tie the two together? Best answer gets 10 points.

2007-02-25 05:35:29 · 5 answers · asked by Yafooey! 5 in Hair

2007-02-25 05:35:29 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Music

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