Please could people turn thier thermostats down 3 or more degrees if the have one. this may sound silly, but it isnt. 3 degrees of central heating releases1 ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year. turn it down to help combat global warming. You may be thinking that this will only work if everybody does this, so there's no point in doing this yourself, but there is, because the only reason people think that is because everyboy thinks that. if you dont think that, there is 1 ton less carbon dioxide in the atmasphere each year, or more if you take it down even more. go to to see some of the effets of global warning, if that doesnt encourage you, type it in any search engine, because global warming could happen in 30 years if nobody tries to stop it, so most of you will still be alive by then, so you cant say you're not going to do it because you'll be dead by then. please answer this if you have turned it down by 3 or more degrees.
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