Is he Flirting?
Well.I went to sign up with a gym, and the trainer was kinda cute, I mean he was decent, and we talked for along time about health, and he made an appointment, and at the end of the conversation, he gave me his cell phone number in case I wanted to reschedule and told me that if I needed help with anything let him know....okay as an update, he called me liek a few days later, to remind me to come in, So I showed up, and we went through some exercises,and I told him that I couldn't really afford a trainer, and he's says he's going to give me sessions until I can, so then he asks me when can I come in and see him again, I said sometime the beggining of January, and he's like well, I'll give you free sessions, can you come in next week, and I was like okay, if it's free, and then he was like well you have me cell phone number..just in do you think he was flirting or doing his job?Honestly? And is it against the law
11 answers
asked by
Jenn B