I am 23 weeks pregnant. Throughout my pregnancy i*ve had so many complications. The father left me for an ex, im always sick, always having to get hooked up to iv's, couldn't keep my job cause im at the doctors so much, Lets just say it has been the most stressful time ever for me. A week ago i broke doown about my ex. I couldn't stop crying probably a good 5 hours. Hormones, i know. crazyness. Well a couple nights i wake up with horrible pains in my tummy, from above my belly button, to my lower belly. Not round ligament pains, something way different. They usually go away, well yesterday i had them all day and night. No sleep. Today i had them for about 2 hours, i thought i was going to pass out and get sick. It hurts to walk mainly. Now im perfectly fine, but in another hour or 2 they will come back. Any clue why?
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asked by
Jessica D