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All categories - 27 November 2006

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if you dont believe that jesus is the son of God,do you celebrate christmas? and if yes, how do you justfiy that.please be mature with your response,im just curious

2006-11-27 05:52:42 · 10 answers · asked by san_ann68 6 in Religion & Spirituality

We thought we'd live here forever, so we buried our beloved dog on the property, behind the garage. Now we are moving. How do I respect the grave now that we will not live here anymore? All I can think of is what if the new owner's dig her up on accident, like, doing renovations or something? I told my husband I wanted to exhume her, and he said it was wierd and disrespectful and I couldn't, so then I said that I wanted some dirt off her grave to put in an urn in the new house, and he thinks that's wierd too, so what do I do? How do I deal with this? She's only been gone 2 years adn it still hurts too bad, I can't stand that her grave is going to be here where we can't even visit. What should I do? Do you think it's wierd to have dirt from her grave in an urn? what about exhuming her? My husband said that that is disrespectful to her, but how can she 'rest in peace' if she may be dug up during renovations by strangers? I don't know what to do, and I am so sad, please help!

2006-11-27 05:52:42 · 7 answers · asked by Ziggy 1 in Dogs

2006-11-27 05:52:36 · 16 answers · asked by davidreed1973 3 in Monitors

i have naturally curly hair and i am tired if wearing my hair in a pony tail every single day do u know any hairstyles i can do im DESPRATE!PLEASE HELP!

2006-11-27 05:52:30 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Hair


my mot runs out on the 14th dec i am going to tax my car next week, someone has told me that i will not be able to tax it as the mot runs out soon, is this right. i thought an mot is valid up until the renewal date, can someone shed some light on this.

2006-11-27 05:52:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Insurance & Registration

Okay, people like Michael Richards are obviously racist. But people who just state the truth about a certain race don't have to be. Just because I say that many blacks speak in that ebonic accent or whatever you want to call it doesn't mean I'm a racist. Just because I say many Hispanics whether they be Mexican or not ride in cars packed together doesn't mean I'm racist. Just because I say many whites have a superior complex about their own race and don’t view minorities as equals doesn't mean I'm racist. I guess saying that most white people have light skin is racist too huh?

Sometimes the truth is simply that, whether people want to acknowledge it or not. Being defensive by throwing around the racist word doesn't make you right, it only shows your ignorance inability to accept the truth and deal with it properly. Until we acknowledge the truth, the source, and its actual meaning, only then will we be able to end racism.

2006-11-27 05:52:24 · 4 answers · asked by Erica B 2 in Other - Society & Culture

I talk, dress, and act like i have some sense but most women want a so-called "THUG" because he has more money that i have that makes him better than me, i read, and buy my own clothes he's got nothing he' lives with him mom but he get's more ladies than me what in the blue F*** is this Happy Horse**** this doesn't work in the world plz tell me what's wrong

2006-11-27 05:52:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

What would you think if your significant other showed you that he loved you in everything that he did, but he doesn't often say the words? He's said them before, but it's just not his "style" to say them very often. Would you be fine with this?

2006-11-27 05:52:15 · 8 answers · asked by kja63 7 in Polls & Surveys

2006-11-27 05:52:13 · 5 answers · asked by curious 1 in Trivia

My wife and I have had a strained marriage for over 14 years. We have agreed to stay together for our chidrens sake but we are mostly friends and NOT lovers. We rarely have sex or do anything together.

The past two years I have been in contact with my true love via email and phone. We split 20 years ago because she moved and she and I both have feelings for each other. She recently has asked to see me. We have not seen each other for over 20 years.
Am I being unfaithful if I meet with her? Should I take the chance seeing her again would make my feelings for her stronger? Looking for any opinions.

2006-11-27 05:52:04 · 41 answers · asked by tmcumis 1 in Marriage & Divorce

I've always been a little different. For as long as I can remember I see beauty in nearly everything I come into contact with. Most people I've spoken to do not seem to see what I see and feel. As an example I passed a farm house today into work, I saw the clothes hanging, childrens toys all about the yard with a swing...I could feel the love of that family on a very deep level, I was moved beyond words could describe. This saturday I met a man with two children in the mall, I knew and could feel his hurt on a very deep level...we spoke for a few minutes and he shared he was divorced just 2 Months ago and was really hurting...I knew this before I even talked to him...but I felt a strong disire to tell him that it would be all right, that you will get through this horrible time.

Why do I feel this way?? Why am I this way?
Have you known this "condition" with anyone else?

thanks for any answers!

2006-11-27 05:52:03 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Psychology

i've been having extremely bad headaches for the past few weeks. i just wanna know what could be the causes of these headaches.

2006-11-27 05:51:59 · 10 answers · asked by pinky_99 1 in Pain & Pain Management

my croch is always wet. i have become ichy down there, and very sensitive. is this normal when i am 5 months pregnant? and how do i make the iching stop?

2006-11-27 05:51:59 · 11 answers · asked by March Mommie 07 3 in Pregnancy

what r your ratingings on the ps3,xbox360 and wii plz if u can a 1-10 rating and a small summery if u want on why u chose it ty

(i will give ten points to whom comes closest to what i rated it or the best explinantions)

2006-11-27 05:51:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Video & Online Games

2006-11-27 05:51:56 · 3 answers · asked by akbar a 1 in Mental Health

I am 5 months pregnant and worried for our future. I know that he loves me, but I found "searches" and evidence of his browsing gay porn sites when I have been sleeping. (Being 5 months pregnant I need more sleep, so I go to bed at 9-10pm and he stays up until perhaps 3am.) Is this just curiosity? "Measuring up" against other males, or what? Is he secretly on the "down low"? We are still being "intimate" but not as much due to my condition. It is alright if he turns up being gay or bi, but I do not want to pursue a relationship with him if he is bisexual, because I am not interested in the possibility of him cheating or "getting ideas" because I won't "bounce back" to my former glory right after the baby comes. I have told him that I am willing to discuss this with him when he is ready and I want him to be honest with me, but I had caught him before and talked to him about this... so he knows it bothers me but he continues. Is this his curiosity or a real problem?

2006-11-27 05:51:54 · 15 answers · asked by nehuntress 1 in Other - Family & Relationships


how do i impress a girl(who im not going out with and she knows i fancy her)like nothing like write her name on ur forhead a thousand times i mean like stuf i can say to her

2006-11-27 05:51:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

My baby refuses to take formula but keeps sucking her fingers. What should I do? I am afraid she will lose weight. Any suggestions will help.

2006-11-27 05:51:43 · 8 answers · asked by Moody 1 in Newborn & Baby

What I mean is it safe, I know to much of anything is bad for you. But could you eat a girraffe, mountain lion, bear, porcupine, ect. I Could imagine some of this may not be to tasteful, but otherwise is it ok. If not what isnt safe to eat.

2006-11-27 05:51:41 · 13 answers · asked by Timmy the WNY rockstar 2 in Trivia

I received a coupon in the mail that is worth 15% off from my next
purchase at a store. The coupon encourages me to give it to a friend
or family member. Is it legal for me to sell this coupon on Ebay? The
coupon only says that it has no cash value.

2006-11-27 05:51:33 · 9 answers · asked by curious shopper 1 in Other - Business & Finance

I got my period last month on the 25th, and I don't have any signs of it coming anytime soon. I took three test to see and they all say I am not, i am so confuse. I do not have morning sickness or any signs of beeing pregnant either so, I don't know what to thinking. I am stressed out because of it , and maybe that could be the reson why it is not here

2006-11-27 05:51:29 · 8 answers · asked by Ashley L 1 in Women's Health

'Cause a man has two heads and a woman has four lips!!

2006-11-27 05:51:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Jokes & Riddles

I got married October 19th and my periods started changing from every 2 weeks to every other week. By that I mean I have my period, have a week of no bleeding, than it starts up again. It only started doing this after I got married and it's driving me insane. Lol. But seriously did you ever have this problem and how long did it last for you? By the way my husband and I are trying to have kids. And I'm really upset that I'm going through this and that I'm not pregnant.

2006-11-27 05:51:07 · 10 answers · asked by baddrose268 5 in Women's Health

I just want to know what are the restrictions afterwards and how the pain was and Im waiting until my 9 month old stops nursing (no longer than 15 months)

2006-11-27 05:50:57 · 5 answers · asked by ♥ to ...... 5 in Women's Health

Can his judgement be trusted after yesterday's meltdown ?

2006-11-27 05:50:57 · 8 answers · asked by goodriddance 1 in Football (American)

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