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All categories - 5 November 2006

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we are inthe power cable protection manufacturing bussiness and we need a long term manufacturer to supply us with reasonable price and support.

2006-11-05 02:43:27 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Engineering

Hey i am about to start a clothing business and need a name to trade under any suggestions will be appreciated

2006-11-05 02:43:24 · 4 answers · asked by DJ-Lioneye 1 in Small Business

i'd like to see an acutual document of what harold ford jr. and bob corker have voted for and against. there have been so many comercials and i dont know what to belive!

2006-11-05 02:42:53 · 2 answers · asked by ♥♥♥ 3 in Elections

I baught her at wal-mart for $4.00 she was the most healthy.
She was sitting by a male in a plastic cup. she blew bubbles at him should I get him?

2006-11-05 02:42:48 · 9 answers · asked by brandi t 1 in Fish

It says on the label you should but restaurants often dont. It tastes better at room temp I think.

2006-11-05 02:42:44 · 17 answers · asked by burbank 2 in Cooking & Recipes

I was walking down a corridor with a few other people. When we got to the end of it, a man who looked like a commander was giving us a speech. He was saying something about "go in there and do your best. we've only got one shot". Suddenly, me and two others developed wings, and we looked like angels. Everyone else got different powers. We walked to the end of the next corridor, and I was the second one in line, right behind the leader. While we stood there, the commander was the only one in the doorway, looking intensely at the path ahead of him. Suddenly, we heard rumbling, and the ground shook. The commander yelled "CHARGE!", and all the soldiers ran in the doorway wildly. Myself, instead, flew to the top of the wall and was looking at something that looked like a maze. Creatures of many powers ran into each other and fought. I looked to the right, and realized the other people with wings were at my side, awaiting my next move. The commander looked at me and nodded, and I looked ahead and spread my wings. I flew on atop all of the drama, and headed for the big door that looked heavily guarded. I flew daringly past all of the guards who were throwing ropes at me. When I got outside, I flew as high as I could, but it was hard, I felt weighed down. An alarm sounded, and I finally saw my troops, caught and tied up by the other side. I looked with dismay, and realized the other winged people were caught too. I tried my best to stay in the air, and all the creatures on the ground looked up at me. All the attention was on me. I heard the enemy saying "Get the flier!". I flew for my life..I was the only free one. I ducked and dodged ropes left and right. I came close the the ground and flew up high. I looked for the commander and thought, maybe he's still in the building. I flew into the doorway, where I finally got caught and was taken down. They put a rope around my neck, like a leash. I looked with shame to my fellow soldiers, and all of us were taken to another place. I tried to fly away, but I wasn't strong enough. When we got to this cramped room, I took off my robe and unrolled my wings, took care for them and hung them up. They looked so beautiful. One of the enemies smiled at me and treated me as if he liked me. Whenever the enemy tried to beat me for being so rambunctious, he stopped them. I thought he was going to rape me instead, but I woke up before anything else could happen.

2006-11-05 02:42:43 · 10 answers · asked by Déjà Vu 5 in Philosophy

Mine was horoscpe sign, date of birth, etc
Never random

2006-11-05 02:42:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

Could anyone please help me with this?
OK, each time a guy starts talking to me, first everything is just great, but then I stop, 'cause I don't find anything to talk about and I don't know how to hold a good and interesting conversation.
Would you please suggest me some interesting conversation topics?

2006-11-05 02:42:37 · 18 answers · asked by Rubi 2 in Singles & Dating

I'm trying to remember the title and author of a novel where a man wakes from a coma, and believes that he has been implanted with false memories, and that it's all part of a plot against him.

2006-11-05 02:42:33 · 8 answers · asked by White_Clothes_Scare_Me 2 in Books & Authors

For me, it's when I put a can of soda in the refrigerator and leave it for a long time until it gets REALLY cold, and drink it, and then that gets me lol.

2006-11-05 02:42:32 · 22 answers · asked by ♥#1 Miley Cyrus Fan♥ 5 in Polls & Surveys

revenge is a dish best served cold ! wot's the worst thing u've in revenge

2006-11-05 02:42:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Singles & Dating

2006-11-05 02:42:05 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Motorcycles

How can i get her to meet more people her own age and make her less shy? she says shes happy, but i dont really thing she is, but dont know what to do do help. thanks

2006-11-05 02:42:05 · 15 answers · asked by hers1357 1 in Other - Family & Relationships

I'm just really concerned because I has a really bad self concious problem with my weight and I'm on Risperdal and I don't want to gain weight at all so please someone tell me does this happen to everyone or what and if it does how soon after you started taking it did it make you gain weight. Please help.

2006-11-05 02:42:01 · 2 answers · asked by Sally C 2 in Mental Health

neighbor&my bedroom window is 20 ft. from this noise of a power tool that is on a timer to come on every hour during the night.May be a generator or something of that sort.The noise is like an alarm clock going off every hour or less.In their garage this moter noise just started to be consistant,where before only for day use & at most 2 or 3 hours at a time. What should I do about? --can't sleep reg.hours.Who should I report this to or confront them & what if they say will continue? HELP Please !

2006-11-05 02:41:57 · 3 answers · asked by 2b4.fun 3 in Maintenance & Repairs

Please help me. My girlfriend of almost 6 years is finally pregnant! The problem is that she had unprotected sex with someone besides me. She had sex with the other guy on August 18th, she had a heavy bleeding and clotting period that started on August 22nd. We had unprotected sex 3 times between August 27th and on Septmeber 6th. What are the possibilites that I am this baby's father. I really want the baby to be mine. For the record the other man in question only has 1 testicle, not sure if that plays in to it at all. Thanks so much ahead of time for any help.

2006-11-05 02:41:44 · 17 answers · asked by big geeezy21 2 in Pregnancy

2006-11-05 02:41:36 · 22 answers · asked by No*Nick 2 in Marriage & Divorce

2006-11-05 02:41:34 · 9 answers · asked by melanie o 1 in Celebrities

What is acutally the difference between an Librian and a research assistant ??

2006-11-05 02:41:24 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Books & Authors

I even watched the alternate ending hoping it would cheer me up but it was pretty much the same word for word except they had dates with them. I thought this was a good movie and i was so sure that love would prevail in the end, it was so depressing to me that she decided in the end she didnt want him.

2006-11-05 02:41:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Movies

Come on why did america have to make a dume movie like this???

2006-11-05 02:41:16 · 10 answers · asked by frank4jesus89 2 in Movies

Which is best to buy?

2006-11-05 02:41:14 · 24 answers · asked by DEZ 2 in Buying & Selling

I need your help for me to build up the courage to tell my mom about my brother doing stuff to me last night.
I'm not exactly sure of what to say. I am so embarrassed.
But last night my brother was in the living room and I came in from going out with my friends to the movies it was probably about 9pm.
My brother was there on the couch like he was waiting for me. And it was really dark. I asked him what was he doing in the dark and where mom was. He came up to and said she left to go and pick my sister up from grandma's.
So I kind of freaked out knowing of what might be in his mind [from past expiriences]
He then started telling me stuff about how I know that I want him, and that I'm denying it when I say it's sick.
He then confessed to me that he did indeed suck my on breasts the other night. And says that he also tried fondling my clitorus. And that I'm a real heavy sleeper.


2006-11-05 02:41:13 · 16 answers · asked by ♥Londoners♥ 1 in Family

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