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All categories - 5 November 2006

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My boyfriend went out last night to celebrate his birthday. He wouldnt let me go with him (which is nothing new, im never aloud!!) he refused to take his phone when i asked him to as we have 2 young children and i would like to know i can get hold of him if i need to. He come home 4 o'clock this morning and when he got up he has got bruises on his head and has told me he got punched but is getting mad at me when i ask why. I think he was coming on to a girl with a boyfriend or something like that, it wouldnt be the first time!

What do u think?

2006-11-05 02:35:10 · 20 answers · asked by sarah_652468 2 in Singles & Dating

he is on loan at newcastle at present

2006-11-05 02:35:04 · 1 answers · asked by rottenfork 1 in English Football

2006-11-05 02:35:02 · 18 answers · asked by Steve G 1 in English Football

The chimera is an animal made of several different animals - the body of a goat, the tail of a snake and the head of a lion. With advances in genetics and cloning, is it possible to create a creature made of sets of cells containing different DNA? If so has any such creature or person ever been recorded?

2006-11-05 02:35:00 · 4 answers · asked by Chris C 2 in Biology

Can you please give me a list of any male gay celebrities. They can be singers mostly. Thankyou very much. I really appreciate it.

2006-11-05 02:34:43 · 26 answers · asked by Gay Love 1 in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

My computer is getting pop-up that I was infected and requires VirusBurster to remove it. I never installed this software. Also, My existing AV detected that VideoCompressionCodec file such as pmsnger.exe is infected. How can I remove those nasty things?

2006-11-05 02:34:41 · 10 answers · asked by bongkph 2 in Security

My dog has a runny nose and is sneezing, does this mean he has a cold?

2006-11-05 02:34:39 · 10 answers · asked by mathrocks28 1 in Dogs

Does anyone know how to obtain a hard copy of this year's big book? I know you can view on line, but am looking for an actual copy that my kids can look through and circle what they want.

2006-11-05 02:34:26 · 7 answers · asked by Cheeky_Chunky_monky 2 in Toys

2006-11-05 02:34:23 · 3 answers · asked by kennethblatchford 1 in Chemistry

I am Muslim and all of the Christians and Muslims I know are sweet, kind-hearted, caring and very loving. FYI, both religious are very similiar and don't teach any sort of violence towards other religions, so I don't know where the heck that came from.

2006-11-05 02:34:15 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Religion & Spirituality

Genarals is it possible that you feel that the honor of our country and
its military to Protect, Honor and Defend has been disgraced by the military police state setup againist the american people for the benefit of the corporate eltie to control all actions of citizens. Including there movements, there private papers, there freedom, the hope and beleive in America being stole for the greed of such a small group of thieves.

2006-11-05 02:34:10 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I expect answers in the form of “Excellent, Very Good, OK or Bad”---No other Comments please! Of course Good Answer will be awarded TEN good points!!!!!!!

Major Transit Of Planets

As per our Vedic Astrology-with in a span of twenty days that is between October 13, 2006 and November 01, 2006 four major planets, Rahu, Ketu, Jupiter (Guru) and Saturn (Shani) have changed its position, which is a very rare occurrence. Rahu has moved from Pieces (Meen) to Aquarius (Kumbh) and Ketu has moved from Virgo (Kanya) to Leo (Simha) on October 13, 2006. Jupiter (Guru) has transited from Libra (Tula) to Scorpio (Vrischik) on October 28,2006 and Saturn (Shani) has moved in to Leo (Simha) on November 01, 2006 from Cancer (Kark).

These changes are not quite common but very rare phenomenon especially when they occur at such short periods. Similarly these major transits could bring about sudden changes in the fortunes of those born in certain Zodiac signs (Raashis) like very good position for some people and for some people bad to worst situation or vice versa.

Saturn’s (Shani) transit is a temporary one, because Saturn will go back to Cancer (Kark) in January 2007; however even the short journey of Shani in to Leo (Simha) must be counted heavily. Saturn will leave Cancer (once for all) in July 2007, thus releasing the Geminians (Mithun) from its seven and a half year clutches.

For Virgo (Kanya Raashi) it is the beginning of Sade-Sathi and for Capricorn (Makar Raashi) it is the beginning of Ashtam Shani.

“Brihaspathisya Vishakhanuradha, Jyeshta Vaasa Maanushasya Sarvajanma Papamooksha” –means that when Jupiter (Guru) transits to Scorpio (Vrischik Raashi) it cleanses all our previous birth sins. Therefore this transit of Jupiter is also very important according to Vedic Astrology.

Aquarius (Kumbha Raashi) is an excellent place for Rahu, because it is the house of Saturn (Shani); and Rahu is considered as the “clone” of Saturn (Shani)-“Shani Vat Rahu-- is a slokam.”

Therefore in general, as far as Rahu is positioned in Kumbha Raashi, it will produce only good results, particularly in the field of speculations.

After doing all the arithmetic works keeping the plus point or benefic parts and minus points or malefic affects of each planets for each Zodiac signs in the mind according to Vedic System, I worked out briefly on all the twelve Zodiac signs (Raashi). I here by write my calculated-forecast for Yahoo Viewers- that- which signs will be highly blessed and which Zodiac signs will have to suffer a lot due to these four major transit as per our Old-Gold Vedic Astrology method.

Libra (Tula) and Pieces (Meen Raashi) will be highly benefited form these transits; in fact they stand first in the row after these transits which they really deserve. I will give them full 75% to 80% over all success.

Taurus (Vrishabh) and Gemini (Mithun) born people will some how manage the show, they can be rated about 65% success.

Late-success or success after some initial struggle will be experienced by Cancer (Kark) and Capricorn (Makar)-say 45% to 50% success.

However it will be somewhat tough time for Virgo Scorpio, Sagittarius and Aquarius (Kanya, Vrischik, Dahnu and Kumbha), I estimate their success to be mere 35% to 40 % after these four major transits.

Nevertheless, these transits will put Leo (Simha) and Aries (Mesha) in to a deep trouble unless the strength of horoscope is good for them, they will face just 25% to 30 % success.

Once again I wish to clarify that all the above stated forecasts are strictly based on Moon Sign. [NOT SUN SIGN]. According to Moon sign and Vedic System--there are 27 constellations (Nakshatra) and each constellation is dived in to four parts so that there will be total 108 parts of constellations. We get 9 parts by dividing the 108 parts of constellation by 12 Zodiac signs (Raashis) according to Vedic System.

In order to understand the correct Zodiac Signs (Raashis) and accurate predictions as per Vedic System, a person need not only to submit the exact date, month and year of birth but also the exact time and place of birth for calculating according to Vedic Astrological System.

According to our Vedic Calculations we give important to three aspects while calculating one’s future.
1)The strength or degree of one’s horoscope while at birth.
2) The ruling major period (Maha Dasha) and
3) Favor from the transit of planets.

Assuming if the horoscope has great strength due to the virtue done in previous birth then even the unfavorable transit of planets will not make any different.

A great world-renowned Western palmist once described the Indian Maha Dasha System to be “…a gift to the astrological world”. Therefore our Dasha Systems are very unique and it counts heavily while predicting a person’s future. If the ruling major period (Maha Dasha) is quite powerful then there is no need to worry about the ill transit of planets!

I hope my –this- service will be helpful for those who believe in Vedic Astrology!!!!

My sincere request to all the Yahoo members (who view this page)- is that, if you don’t want to appreciate my hard work then there is no problem at all for me …but if you comments negatively then it will definitely hurt me.

2006-11-05 02:33:54 · 13 answers · asked by NUPAKRY 6 in Horoscopes

Big kudos to people of moderate faith everywhere. There are moderate believers working everywhere to make life better for all kinds of people. These people are amazing, and as a non-believer, I wanted to give out a hallelujah for them. My question really is whether moderation - as shown by the flower of helpfulness to other human beings - is an evolved form of religion, compared to religion that sticks rigidly to an extreme reading of its texts, which appears to only ever make the news in a fairly negative way.

All thoughts welcome.

2006-11-05 02:33:49 · 13 answers · asked by mdfalco71 6 in Religion & Spirituality

An "evil" will be leaving the Earth.

2006-11-05 02:33:38 · 34 answers · asked by Siu02rk 3 in Religion & Spirituality

is it true that when there are to many people in hell the dead walk the day?

2006-11-05 02:33:23 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Mythology & Folklore

can i pass 230v dc through saturated saltwater, by two copper plates placed 3cm apart? Will there be any explosion??

2006-11-05 02:33:18 · 3 answers · asked by Jabelu Firoz 2 in Engineering

2006-11-05 02:33:13 · 24 answers · asked by arnold j rimmer 3 in Politics

Nights are so lonely, and the days are so dull
Even with this blanket on, I still feel the cold
What is one to do when they have no one to call their own? someone they can hold
Share their feelings with and forever grow old
This is what I desire, this is what I hope for
My heart is ready with the love that i am about to pour
If only I was in the right place, the right time, the right floor
Why must I wait, while others explore?
Never knowing what love is like before
Doing all the things I do, always seems to be ignored
I wish I could have one that will love me forever
Trust me, be there for me, and so much more
I write this poem, as it comes from the heart
My feelings pour out right from the start
The questions is why is it taking so long?
why does my feelings have to suffer when i listen to love songs?
How come what i do always seems to be wrong?
Nothing ever works, nothing even belongs
Why does my life have to be this way
Sometimes i give up hope sometimes I pray

2006-11-05 02:33:06 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Polls & Surveys

I want a new pet urgently.Tough no reason but i love animals

2006-11-05 02:33:04 · 18 answers · asked by rhlbala4 1 in Other - Pets

does anybody know what the qualifications there are for these two braches, what do i need to do to be prepared for them and will having bad vision not allow me to join?

2006-11-05 02:32:59 · 7 answers · asked by snowman 1 in Military

Well i have thin hair with layers. I don't want it to just LOOK thicker i actually want it to BE thicker. any ideas?

2006-11-05 02:32:54 · 9 answers · asked by :) 2 in Hair

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